LP and the TOP 89 of 2004~~~!!!


New member
the radio station that i listen to all the time is called 89X and they did a huge countdown called the top 89 of 2004. i listened and Phat Matt the radio guy said that LP is the only band in 89X history to have 3 songs in the countdown. 2 of which are in the top 20. numb was #31 i think, Breaking The Habit was #17 and Lying From You was #11 !!! Congrats LP. WE LOVE YOU!!! :thumbsup:
the radio station that i listen to all the time is called 89X and they did a huge countdown called the top 89 of 2004. i listened and Phat Matt the radio guy said that LP is the only band in 89X history to have 3 songs in the countdown. 2 of which are in the top 20. numb was #31 i think' date=' Breaking The Habit was #17 and Lying From You was #11 !!! Congrats LP. WE LOVE YOU!!! :thumbsup:[/quote']

awesome dude!!!


New member
a virtual party..

a virtual party would be awsome but a real party with the whole band would rock my world!!! especially if Mike was there alone!! lol just kidding :p



New member
i'll bring the corona! woohoo, my fridge is stocked with that **** :D hey i was just on the lpu forums, and i wanted to know if their is anyone here that is an lpu member that knows the usernames of the bands on there? i just joined so i dont. but there was a thread there saying that brad's on, and they were all saying how oh ya i see that too. so im just curious.... woohoo


New member
i dunno but i think i'll be joining LPU arounnd jan24

but anyway, like Rusu said, just another thing that proves LP rules! :D



New member
i finally joined. if you guys join, you think you could refer me? i would love you all so much! just in case, here's my username thingy: laurkenn07lprox

thanks if you do :thumbsup:



New member
GO LP!! On the rock stations here in Oregon I dont think there was any countdowns or anything like that. I am sure LP was on the mixed stations countdown but I didnt even bother to listen because I know they would put stupid Usher #1 and fill it with nothing but rap, R&B, Pop and all that. I would be suprised if LP was in the Top Ten on that stupid countdown.


New member
Wooooooo, GO LP!!!

In the Kerrang top 100 videos ever One Step Closer got to #84 (or something near there) and Crawling got to #24, there might have been others in there though cuz i didn't watch it all...

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