lp at pinkpop was so awesome


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2005
First of all i woke up
i checked my email: Congratulations on being selected for the LPU Meet & Greet for May 28 PINKPOP!
i was so insanely happy, first time for me to see lp live..and than a m&g also:)

so we went to the show, i was wearing my ht ep shirt, had 2 lpu wristbands and my LiT towel around my neck

we were supposed to be at a certain point around 3.15pm to be picked up for the m&g, than they told us they didn't know if they'd pick us up at 3.30pm or 4.30pm, turned out to be 4.30 pm, we were taken backstage etc, waited another hour till we could go towards the band, we were standing in line and some camera guy asked us, let us know what you came here for: LINKIIIIIIIN PAAAAAAAAARK, they were like 15 meter away from us talking to some people and they all looked our way:rofl:

they came towards us to sit at a table, and i was like: CHESTEEEEEEEEEER, than he waved, i just had to do it:thumbsup:

anyway than the m&g process finally begun, i was like 10th in line or so,
first rob: he was like hey how are you doing, COOL SHIRT!, i was like mumbling: and the LiT towel:D, damn i thought i'd never say anything
2nd was brad, just shook hands etc saying hey how r ya
3rd chester, he gave me a compliment about the cd, don't remember what though, it all went so fast
4th mike, i asked him are you ever gonna play apfmh again, he said never say never^^
5th phoenix, asked him to play part of me sometime, he: OEH OLD TIMES^^
and last but not least Joe, i didnt have time to ask anything so all i said was hey..

look what i got signed:

because the m&g was delayed we were still kinda upset we couldn't be in the front at the show so we asked if they could let us in at the front via backstage, they asked lp's management and they LET US..but still because it was a festival we werent front row, but like 4th, but still we were indeed in the front, like 1 meter away from the pit or so:)

the whole crowd was shooting etc even when they weren't on stage yet, the atmosphere was amazing, the setlist(hope i have them in the right order) was:
- one step closer
- lying from you
- somewhere i belong
- no more sorrow
- papercut
- given up
- points of authority
- from the inside
- leave out all the rest
- pushing me away
- breaking the habit
- numb
- what i've done
- in the end
- crawling
- the little things give you away
- bleed it out
- faint

when they played little things, they brought up a fan via backstage..i don't remember but he was very sick or so..every started clapping for the guy, because it was his dream to be on stage with them

i sang every word along, damn what an experience, i truly hope they come back soon:p
will upload all pics etc later, also tried to record some audio and video, but the sound is crappy, hope i can clean it up a bit

Wow, sounds like you had an awesome time! And it's cool that you got a Grey Daze CD signed lol...

Theres a pretty good vid of PMA on youtube... (http://youtube.com/watch?v=EXrObsusIUk) all the rest seem to have bad quality though...

yeh i really did:), they also let us take pics of the band at the m&g, if i knew that earlier i wouldve taken a better cam with me, only had my 3 megapixel phone cam lol, but it's better than nothing, and besides a friend of mine filmed his entire way through so i will post that also when i get it
Well..i was together with untitled on Pinkpop, so I also went to LP:D

My review :

Untitled went 2 the M&G, and I was together with my girl and his girl, so we were like, you go after the M&G with the LPU people, and we're going to try to be on the front row.
So we were pushing trough all people, and alot of people left the Main Stage to go see Korn on another stage, so when they all went, we were able to get in their place, we were on the right side on the 3rd row, so I was like YAY
Only i couldn't see Rob from were I was standing, bummer but i was able to see the rest so good!
The crowd went crazy even before LP came up, just all screamin LINKIN PARK LINKIN PARK LINKIN PARK, then you heard the gun shuts and I was like YEAH LP:D after that Joe came up, we all were screaming our lungs out, then rob came up(I didn't see that)
then Mike came up with a big smile, i was like WOW, then Brad and Phoenix came up from both sides, and then Chester came up with his fist in the air, and everybody was like WHOOOO, so amazing!!!
BOOM One step Closer, I thought oh my god LP live, after that all the songs were:
- one step closer - Amazing opener
- lying from you - i was still a little bit in shock but it was really good
- somewhere i belong - I never liked this song as much as i did yesterday lol
(Sorta Interlude)Mike was laughing of all the Pink hats people were wearing, and he asked to put them all up, amazing
- no more sorrow - When you're standing there and you hear that intro...just WOW
- papercut - Long intro, really gets you pumped
- given up - Just amazing live, his screaming was great yesterday, and then this song is even more amazing
- points of authority - Playing a little bit with the intro, really cool
- from the inside - IMO best performance of 2007 (from all that i've heard)
- leave out all the rest - Mike said something about a New song for this tour, nothing more said, and I was like : 'YES, leave out all the rest'
- pushing me away - Really beautiful, on the big screen i saw some girls crying, i had to laugh i'm sorry'
- breaking the habit - Awesome performance
- numb - All the girls were going crazy lol
- what i've done - Ofcourse everybody was screaming AAAAAAAAAAAAH
- in the end - Mike said we all had to sing with Chester lol
- crawling - They asked to sing every word along with them
- the little things give you away - Chester explained how the song was wrote and why, near the end were Phoenix sings along, phoenix's mic didn't work good (Or he sang very soft)But the accapella peace he didn't even sing along, so i asumed his mic didn't work or someting, great performance though, chester did it awesome!
- bleed it out - We had to party with them lol
- faint - Ah man last song already, great ending though, Mike and Brad were playing towards eachother, really cool
After the show ended everbody went crazy, my heart was bouncing like hell, the adrenaline was really awesome, i had seen LP live:eek: , i sang every word with them, i didn't miss one word:D
I almost catched Rob his drumstick, only one meter away DAMN lol
On the show every time a band member was walking towards us everybody screamed, it was so great!
I really hope they come back again, I had the time of my life, 1st time seen lp, on the 3rd row, and man it was all so crazy and it went by really fast, but it was amazing
I'm a lil jealous :0 but yea they were awesome!! i couldn't see **** so I climbed up my bro's shoulders..
haha yea, people behind me were nagging about it but **** them xD
in case someone was near, I was wearing a grey hooded sweater, linkin park shirt under it (soldier without wings), hair down, black jeans, converses. :p
haha yea, people behind me were nagging about it but **** them xD
in case someone was near, I was wearing a grey hooded sweater, linkin park shirt under it (soldier without wings), hair down, black jeans, converses. :p
ah you shouldve tried to be in the front lol:D, how was the energy at your place?
man with little things no-one sang the lyrics but the chorus except me..hehe, and i totally can't sing but oh man i did^^
wooooooooo i met them^^, still don't realise it..:lol:
Cool man...seems like a great time....

and congrats to the meet and greet....it's awesome to meet them, right? :D
Haha, year energy was great from my side too. about everyone was singing along, some pieces they didn't quite follow but oh well ^^
yea but I had my brother and a friend, they didn't really wanna get all the way to the front.
Cool man...seems like a great time....

and congrats to the meet and greet....it's awesome to meet them, right? :D
oh damn it was:D

Phranka said:
Haha, year energy was great from my side too. about everyone was singing along, some pieces they didn't quite follow but oh well ^^
yea but I had my brother and a friend, they didn't really wanna get all the way to the front.

hehe, were you in the m&g btw??
Cool man...seems like a great time....

and congrats to the meet and greet....it's awesome to meet them, right? :D

I was really pissed at untitled (nah i was happy for him) but now i'm thinking about joining the LPU also (for the package) but if they come again, i can be in the M&G also, i really want to meet them:D to be 5 meters away from them is awesome, but nothing can beat 50 cm and shaking hands!
I was really pissed at untitled (nah i was happy for him) but now i'm thinking about joining the LPU also (for the package) but if they come again, i can be in the M&G also, i really want to meet them:D to be 5 meters away from them is awesome, but nothing can beat 50 cm and shaking hands!

word to that:D, got pictures of them also^^
hehe LPU sux if you join just for posting and stuff couse there are alot of mean bitches there
i joined for the goodies and their awesome, i use it alot. too bad LP wont come to SA soon eventhough MTM went gold here. im glad for that, maby sometime.. maby.. anyway :>
hehe LPU sux if you join just for posting and stuff couse there are alot of mean bitches there
i joined for the goodies and their awesome, i use it alot. too bad LP wont come to SA soon eventhough MTM went gold here. im glad for that, maby sometime.. maby.. anyway :>
lol it's not that bad, things have calmed down alot