LP tour with Eminem and 50 Cent.


Maybe if the other rock act is huge it could work. But unless that other rock group is someone like U2 or Nirvana, LP is insane.
Working with Jay-Z was a goo thing cause hes hip hop. But working with Eminem and 50 and their Gangster crap is just wrong.
Ok I doubt LP would just make a tour dedicated to working with only Eminem and 50 on the tour. If they ever did do a tour it would proabably be something kind of along the lines like PR was. Except they arent going to do PR this year according to Mike I think. I actually dont like the idea either.
Nevermind I remebered EM sold out and 50 aint all that good.

Kanye West would be good him and Hann could whip up a good beat
Fine...but the day they tour with good charolate...

Edit:Azem Em was raw then he went gay...50 Is okay...but ever since I heard he got beef with Nas i stoped listening
I lime Eminem,but I don´t like 50 cents that much although they are fine.
May be rappers should do their own tour with other rappers cuz LP is not just rapping,they have a lot of variety of music styles but anyways...
Probably that tour is gonna be fine.
I know this is offtopic but I think it would be kool if Eminem could do a collaboration with LP,ok end offtopic.
i wouldn't mind seeing eminem live..... BUT NOT WITH LP! just wouldn't be right. and 50.... NO NO NO i really don't like 50 cent. i doubt this would happen. and it wouldn't happen for a long long time yet anyways, lp are writing their new album, then they have to tour for that and wouldn't do it with EM or 50 so this wouldn't happen til like 2007 at the earliest
****..man i hope to this is just another rumor....
50 Cent is pure crap,i can't imagine him on tour with LP...
No i think to this is just another rumor..it's just can't be true....
I like the idea, Linkin Park is my Fav Band, and EM is my Fav Rap artist, they both bring alot of emotion to there music, so i would like to see a tour with them, 50 cent i dont like, i guess ill go to the restroom at that point of the show :rolleyes:
Eminem shows emotion in his music, he is a talented rapper though his last album was pretty stale. I dont like the idea of 50 cent I dont think he isnt the same style really.

PS: They suck and There lyrics suck - Those are the most common yet misused replies. They dont suck, there talented and thats why they got record deals. Eminem isnt a stone cold sell out he refuses to endorse or advertise anything.