Lp Website Layout


New member
Hey guyz

can sum1 plz help me

i have a website layout from LPEffect.com and i was wondering how i can upload this onto my host http://www.tripod.com or if any1 else knows any FREE website hosts that will take my layout

thanx :thumbsup:



New member
Maybe try Geocities? http://geocities.yahoo.com . I use to use it and it's totally free, and really easy to use for websites. I looked at that site and saw the layouts. I guess that all you need to do when you sign up for geocities, is go on "easy upload" and I think you can upload a max of 20 files at one time, so it shouldn't be too hard to upload all the the stuff. I hope it works. If you need help with geocities, you can message me if you want. Good luck.
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