LP with or without Jay-Z

not forever... but collision course was good to get some rap fans in to linkin park, and it was good for sales.
Yea, if Jay-Z statys for LP forever, it wouldnt be like HT or Meteora, it would probably have swearing, and that comin from LP as a group, I personally wouldn't like
This topic shouldnt exist

The thing about the mash up albums was no one wrote new material so you cant give a proper awnser *shrugs*

I know most people will say no and i will to
uhh... It was ok, I guess. One thing I didn't like was they lost a lot of respect in the rock community. Plus, LP and Jay-z songs are nothing a like, it was awkward hearing stuff about sex and angryness in the same song.
The way I see it, had Jay not been involved in Collision Course, Mike may not have made the decision to push forward with The Rising Tied. For that reason, I'm a fan of anything Jay did with LP.
donbyers said:
*agrees with matt about him being bad only to those who dont like him + about the lack of new material*

Also, this topics a bit off, considering the mans retired :p

Just like Michael Jordan retired... lol

He's got his hands in all kinds of stuff. It's not like he's sitting at home doing nothing.
I think LP was better without jay-z never liked him he just made LP suck ass more i didn't even bother getting the cd cause my cousin had it and i didn't really like it then i hated it afterward
Stenners said:
My wavelenght is so passed that


U know I thought what don said like 10mins before, im totally like that.

How can you not think that?
I mean... DAMN!

Back on topic... To all of those that didn't like Collision Course, I'm wondering what your thoughts are on Fort Minor and/or Chester's solo project? Neither of them are going to sound like Linkin Park... Yet I get the feeling that Chester's solo effort will be more accepted than Mike's.
LP is better without Jay-Z, but Jay-Z is a good rapper, and anybody who likes Linkin park should respect Jay-Z or they are not a real fan.
acdcrules04 said:
uhh... It was ok, I guess. One thing I didn't like was they lost a lot of respect in the rock community. Plus, LP and Jay-z songs are nothing a like, it was awkward hearing stuff about sex and angryness in the same song.
Youve never heard a song about angry sex before?!?! lol