LPF Back Online


LPF Creator
Jan 8, 2004
Atlanta, GA
Well everyone LPF is back and is on a new server. Sorry about the downtime, but moving a site of this size is not easy.

We need to work on getting this site back to where it was a few months ago. Active as hell!!!

So pread the word on the LPF Gallery so we can get some new users here.
I got a little scared when the site went down.
I started to search through dns listing sites then found the site up on Sedo. That had me in a panic. Nice to see it back online.
LOL yeah, I was trying to log in and nothing happened and I was alreday going through withdrawal of LPF :D I was really like "I... need... LPF... now..." and nothing happened, I got really scared. But I felt a major relief when I logged in after a couple of hours trying and failing. Good to know everything's normal now :thumbsup: