LPF = Boring


New member
Ok so we all know its been boring here lately, we get bashed for not doing much but the only active threads up are games stuff... nothing interesting is going on and as much as i love this place its boring to come here and say what song im listening or what i ate last. SIGH i miss the old lpf with LBS, untitled and jeezy where i could sit for hours and laugh my *** off. Curse you coredump.

so anyway although i do stop by almost everyday to make a random post and delete a spam here and there we really (ya this is new *sarcasm*) need to do something to spice things up......

no one will probibly read this so whatever :no:


not my idea of exiting when i go to new posts....

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New member
What's it mean?

As for 'doing something' what can be done? I know we've had this conversation too many times before and all for nothing. That is to say literally no one can do anything. Why not focus on what we can do, if possible? I know it's a moot point but things like SOTW and the LPFAs can be utilized. Ammend them; why not things like post of the week, member of the week/month/whatever - I know 'prizes' are limited but even little things like putting winning post or sth on news page for all to see til the next month moght boost some morale. Also is it possible (and I really dont know if you can do it) but change the 'winning' member's username for the week or sth, they don't even need special privelages. I've just heard the noobs discussing how badly they want to be Elite, without seeming to care it is in fact nothing special - I think they just want a change. Even some small change can't be a bad thing can it? If we fail at least we can say we've tried - and so far no one is coming up with ideas, just ********.



Active Members
I'm starting to question if anyone cares as much as they say...lots of talk, but no action. I'm on board for fixing things, but I want to actually do something bigger than just re-write rules and such. We need the leadership team to pro-actively fostor community.


New member
Yeah, i know, i'm just getting back from being on hiatus, but i feel like i have an opinion on this all.

We keep talking about how old members left and such, the reason they left (and me for a time) is because the site lost its luster if you will. We need to spice it up and make it rememberable again. Honestly, thats why i "left"...i just forgot to come back here because there wasn't anything to draw me back, nothing major or exciting. I'm all for revamping our dear old LPF, we need to spice it up again to make it what it once was....great.

thats just my two cents.




New member
I know, we all want change, and I'm with you guys, but HOW exactly do WE Elites at least do anything? I don't know if we can. The only ones (/one?) that can is UnhingedMouse as an Admin, maybe Mods. There's a **** load of frustrated posts at the ATTN:Mods thread, mine included. But until someone with the actual WILL and POWER to change does DO something there's SFA the rest of us can really do.

That's the really screwed up part.

Honestly I dont care about LPF anymore

I do miss the active people tho, like your little family consisting out of a few ppl who were on constantly n stuff :(



New member
since LBS and the Dutch guys left...this place is dead
it will never be the same again...

i mean i have respect for woody and her gang for trying to keep things active but all they talk about is vampire stuff and in those games threads...

funny how fights seem to kill LPF every time it gets awesome



New member
I find it funny the only one ever really mentioning things LP related is Jeezy, and gets no credit for that, in being this is meant to be an LP site.

True most of us have grown away from the band musically, it happens, no big deal, but even when we stay and post about non-LP related stuff, it still passes the time. I don't do half the stuff I used to in the early years like contribute to journals and such, but I still have my particular threads I like going to. Doesn't mean this place is dead. It's not as animated as it was, obviously. That's why the talk about the new general forum Azem's trying to get going is a good idea. Doesn't solve the issues here naturally, but I like the option.

I'm just tired of coming on here and reading 'This place is dead, it sux, it's not like the good old days' every second post. It's demoralizing. Seriously, if people hate it that much or are bored here why can't they drop their membership regardless the colour and sod-off once and for all? At least that way we might be able to tally up what members we have left to start something, anything constructive, in motion.

Oh and I'm going to say it, regardless whose feelings I hurt or what bias' you hold against me. So what if Sarah wants to be a mod? What's the issue, considering she wants to, when so many others are too bored, busy, unenthusiastic, underappreciated and so on to want to be. Personally I think Azem made some valid points in this matter. I won't incriminate myself, given she and I are friends, but he's right in his assessment - at least his reasons were logical. Jeezy's comment sounded like a knee-jerk reaction. Not good form for a figure-head of moderation. I understand maybe the mods are feeling the strain of disillusionment under this current climate, but even in society when systems start to collapse peoples' automatic reaction is to turn to, or take thier frustrations out on, their so-called leaders. What do you really expect?



Active Members
Ravynlee is right to ask us to stop bickering and actually be constructive, but its hard to believe that can happen when all the mods (MINUS UMO and Azem) do not care about LPF anymore. We need leaders, and if you guys aren't interested thats fine...just step out of the way and let the members who want the positions have them.
since LBS and the Dutch guys left...this place is dead
it will never be the same again...
why did you big ones disabled the site btw?

i know it has been quite spamming over here, but some other guys like DUTCH GUYS, Tomer and so on dont have to pay for it!

anyways, i think untitled should become an elite, long time ago btw.

he did much for many members of this forum.

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