LPF High


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The school bell rang for Linkin High School, which meant the crowds of students would flow through the corridors like gushing water. It was a sunny day and it was a rather hot one at least. It was only nine in the morning but the students decked out in white shirts and black skirts or shorts could already feel the hotness of the day arriving.

But a particular group of students sitting and standing around the garden had caught a teacher's attention as her sole purpose was to get to her class and do the job that she was paid to do. She stopped in front of the students and stared at them through her glasses.

Her attention was on one of the girls who had her black hair tied back in a high pony tail and had her white socks pulled up to her knees revealing her heeled school shoes and of course, how short the skirt was on her.

"Why do I have the feeling that you're going to be on detention with me again?" asked the teacher. The teenage girl shrugged. "Don't make that feeling come true or I'll be contacting your father again. Oh, talking about your parents where's that letter I need signed from your parents?" The teenage girl shrugged again. "Miss Woods, I would like to escort you to the deputy's office right now, but I have a class to teach." The teacher looked at the other teenagers behind the girl and frowned for a second.

"How's the German going along for you, Mrs Bennington-Delson?" asked the girl, with a smirk on her face. The teacher looked back to the girl.

"Ah, so that's a detention right there," smirked the teacher, walking off, leaving the girl pouting and looking offended. The girl looked around to see that her friends were giggling behind her, she was unimpressed by such notions taken by her friends.

"What are you laughing at?" asked the girl.

"Sorry, Sarah," apologised the group of her friends.

"Hey Josipa, wait up," came the voice of Jos' teacher friend Joanna. Jos stopped and turned around, smiling at her friend weaving in and out of crowds of white and black clad students.

"Good morning," mumbled Jos, not bothering to put in the effort of actually opening her mouth up to talk properly. "Late again?"

"No, not really," answered Joanna, as she frowned and pulled a student back by his shirt. She frowned and looked at his hair. "Mr Greenwood, having a bad hair day again?" The student nodded. "Go to the office and sit there until I get to you....now..." She released the kid from her grip and looked back to her friend. "Busy day today?" Jos nodded.

"Got three classes to teach German to and three classes to realise how you say dirty words in another language," sighed Jos. "Well, Joanna, I must be on my way. First class is a bunch of whingy nineth graders." Jos rolled her eyes. "What do you have up first?"

"Not a single class until after recess," smiled Joanna.

"You must feel proud," remarked Jos.

"Oh I do," Joanna waved goodbye with her free hand as she left Jos to weave in and out of a ocean of black and white cladded students, as she turned around and went to the office to deal with Mr Greenwood's bad hair day, in other words, call his parents up. She wasn't going to have him in her English class with hair like his. She didn't know who he was trying to be, Brad Pitt or a supermodel gone wrong? She shook her head at such thoughts as she exited the chattering crowd of students that were already late for their first class.



A small intro to life of LPF High.


crazy robster

New member
Hahaha Mr Greenwood had a bad hair day? Lol well, actually I'm not THAT strict as a teacher Sarah... As long as I have my peace of mind and I can do my job without distractions no one really gets in trouble during MY classes :D But thanks for the honour of using me in one of your stories once again! Good job! ;)


New member
"Good morning Mr Greenwood," introduced another teacher's voice as Tomer stopped and looked at the teacher who was passing by and happened to noticed that Tomer was sitting at his usual spot in the office with the same old expression on his face. Tomer grumbled. "Let me guess, someone sent you to the office because you're having a bad hair day?" Tomer nodded. "Where's your usual partner?" Tomer shrugged. "That's a surprise. I dare say, I enjoy the little conversations between me and Miss Woods. It's almost like a competition to see who starts crying first." Tomer didn't say or do anything, but he stood by his silence. "Who was the teacher that sent you here?"

"Miss Robster," grumbled Tomer.

"And what did you do to provoke her this time?" asked the teacher. "The last time you provoked her you called her a fat **** and walked away. Isn't that the way that it went, Mr Greenwood?" Tomer nodded.

"I walked past her, that's all," Tomer managed to answer the teacher.

"Out of all the things to do to her, the smallest of things such as walking past her provoked her to send you here," remarked the teacher. "I say kudos to her. Wouldn't want you in my class full stop Mr Greenwood, with our without that hair. What class are you supposed to be in now?"

"Maths," answered Tomer.

"Is it better spending your time here than in maths right now?" asked the teacher.

"Why all the questions, Miss Lee?" asked Tomer, frowning. "Like you said before we don't have any classes together, so why are you treating me like this?"

"I only treat you how you treat other teachers, with the least respect ever, it's almost like finding life on another planet," smirked Miss Lee. "I have other things to do other than waste my efforts on you Greenwood."

"Then why bother at all?" asked Tomer, as Sarah entered the office looking happy as ever. "Why are you here?"

"I was about to ask the same question," agred Miss Lee as the teenage girl stopped in front of her teacher. "I was starting to think we couldn't have our usual argument and insult exchange."

"Would I do that to you Miss?" asked Sarah with a smile as she turned to Tomer. "Got kicked out of biology." Tomer laughed.

"Again?" asked Miss Lee. "Do you enjoy getting into trouble or something Miss Woods? What the **** am I asking that for? Of course, you do. You love the attention."

"I love our little moments together, that's all," Sarah replied sarcastically."I wouldn't want to miss them for the world."

"How many detentions do you have so far Miss Woods?" asked Miss Lee.

"One," answered Sarah. "Why? Are you going to give me one?" The teacher responded simply by nodding. "What for this time?"

"You and Pete, Sarah, you're the worst kids I've ever dealt with, but somehow, I still love to hate you," answered Miss Lee. "Now go, you're wasting my time and everybody else around me who wants to live a decent life." Sarah gave her teacher one last sarcastic smile and sat down next to her friend who was up for some sort of stylised school detention. "Before I go, I must ask, where is your dear friend Mr Dea?"

"How the **** am I supposed to know?" asked Sarah, shrugging. "You're older than me, you should know everything."

"If you end up in jail, don't blame me," replied Miss Lee with a simple smile and walked off, as Mrs Robster came on the scene, just outside the office doors. "Joanna, Mr Greenwood is eagerly awaiting your arrival."

"You must be in a good mood," commented Joanna. Her fellow teacher didn't say anything and continued on walking to where she was meant to be. Joanna couldn't help but to let out a heavy sigh as she knew the day ahead was going to be a long one. She entered the office and realised that Tomer had a friend sitting by his side and looking unimpressed as usually. "Oh goody, I see you have a friend now. Wait, you have friends Mr Greenwood?"

"He's got more friends than you have right now," retorted Sarah. Joanna looked at her uniform and frowned.

"And look, you're out of uniform, again," noticed Joanna. "The skirt's too short. Come back tomorrow with a longer skirt or I will personally see to it that you get suspended for not following the uniform codes of this school. Is that too much for me to ask or should I put it in writing for you?"

"Do think I'm dumb Miss?" asked Sarah.

"I think you're dumb enough not to follow the school rules and that's why I have to deal with you a large percentage of the time when you get into trouble," answered Joanna. Joanna looked to Tomer. "Why are you friends with her?" Tomer didn't say anything. "Come along now Mr Greenwood, I'm sure the deputy will fix up your bad hair day with a suspension warning or a letter to your parents."




New member
You know I think there's not much difference between my character in your Scrubs like story and this one. How on earth do you see me in your world?! *sulks* But mind you, while I do have a temper and a vicious tongue, I'm not as smart as you make me out to be, so I guess that's a trade off ;)


Not hard to see who the troublemakers in this school are already, huh?


Very promising.


crazy robster

New member
Sorry am I the one he called "fat ****"? Wtf??? I am not fat!! Gee... and to be honest I am not like that at as a teacher at all. My students love me while in THIS school they'd prolly all hate me...Bad school experiences Sarah... *shakes head* But yeah your writing style is good! Keep it up!


New member
Sarah sat in the office for about another half an hour until another one of her friends came along and had been kicked out a class. She smiled as she realised who it was.

"Lee's been looking for you, what have you done now to make her crack the ***** with her?" asked Sarah as Pete sat down in his baggy black pants and baggy white shirt. He looked to her and smiled.

"She loves me, she can't resist me, that teacher loves me so much she's always asking where I am whenever we're apart," joked Pete. "There's just no other possible explaination why she's always asking about me." Sarah rolled her eyes at her friend, thinking of how much he was in love with himself and how he was only joking himself silly by thinking such thoughts.

"Does it count for Robster as well?" asked Sarah. "I highly doubt it in her case."

"Come on, every woman is in love with me," smiled Pete as he let out a small laugh. "See, that's why you love me so much."

"As if!" argued Sarah. "I may as well go drown myself if that be the case." Pete didn't respond or even take note of what Sarah was saying. He was too deep in thought about the presence of his fellow friend.

"Where the **** did Tomer go?" asked Pete. "All I saw in the corridors was he was walking past Robster and she ordered him to go straight to the office. I mean, dude, seriously he didn't do anything to her this time."

"But do you know what he did to her last time they had a heated argument in English?" asked Sarah. Pete shook his head. Sarah was amazed that Pete had never heard what Tomer had called their English teacher a few weeks back in front of the entire class. Of course, the nerds and the people that behaved who never had seen the interior of the detention room gasped in horror, while Sarah and her little bunch of friends started to laugh at the nerve of Tomer. "He called her fat **** to her face because he had enough of her telling what he should and shouldn't do." Pete gasped. "Don't gasp like it wasn't coming, it was going to be someone out of our group and it just happened to be Tomer at the time."

"Robster's hot, I wouldn't call her fat," Pete said smoothly.

"But you would call her a ****?" asked Sarah, a bit confused. Pete shrugged. "I'll take that as a yes."

"It's a yes and a no at the same time," he clarified for Sarah. "It's in the middle somewhere." Sarah sighed as she got to her feet and smiled. "Where are you going? Aren't you meant to be in trouble as well?"

"Depends, what did you do to get yourself down here?" asked Sarah.

"Nothing," answered Pete. "I got bored and left the room. I looked through your class window and didn't see you around so I assumed that you were down here. I guess I assumed right. Again, where are you going?"

"Anywhere but here, been waiting for half an hour and sick of waiting, so I'm going to occupy myself with something useful for once," answered Sarah. "Going to go downtown, wanna come?"

"Why not?" asked Pete, as he shrugged and got to his feet. "Where are you off to?"

"Just down the road," answered Sarah. "Nothing fancy, but it's better than being here I suppose."

"Sit down, you're not going anywhere," came Miss Lee's voice as she had suddenly appeared behind Sarah. Sarah turned around and smiled. "Ah, Miss Woods, I see you're still here."

"As I said before, I love the moments that we have together," smiled Sarah. "Did you think I lied or something?"

"I don't know with you at times," answered Miss Lee, as her attention had diverted to Pete, still standing up. "Mr Dea, aren't you supposed to be chemistry right now?"

"I'm supposed to but I'm not, go figure," answered Pete. "And plus, chemistry blows big time. I don't get to do anything good like make explosives."

"They have that rule in for a reason, you know, Mr Dea, so people like you don't blow up the entire school," the teacher reminded.

"How the **** do you appear and disappear so quickly, Miss?" asked Pete.

"Easy," she answered, simply. "It's all in the art of being old. Now go back to class and don't even think about cutting school the both of you. You do cut school and I find out, you know which lane you'll be down."

"We're already in each other's bad books, can't we just leave it at that?" asked Sarah. Miss Lee shook her head. "****. What's happening with Tomer, Miss?"

"He's getting in trouble for his uniform and so will you if you come to school tomorrow with the same skirt on," answered Miss Lee. "It's too short and with a skirt like that, you're home oughta be the Redlight District."

"So is that meant to be a compliment or an insult?" asked Sarah.

"It's a compliment to me," smiled Pete.

"Take it whatever way, and do me a favour Miss Woods, try to improve on not wasting my time, because right now you're failing at it," replied the teacher. "And don't think you're going anywhere Miss Woods. Tomer's still being dealt with, well him and his big mouth I might say at least." She left the scene leaving the two students alone again in the office.

"I don't care what she says really, I'm outta here," Sarah rebelled as Pete nodded and agreed with his friend. "Bye bye school." Sarah and Pete left cautiously looking for signs of teachers on the loose especially that being Miss Lee who seemed to be everywhere at once nowadays. As soon as they were out of the office, they ran for it. They ran for the highway to go down to catch the bus to another part of the city to spend the rest of their school day at.

It was now assembly time and the teachers by instructions were on the prowl for mischief makers. They had all been alerted that Sarah had disappeared from the office as well with Pete and slowly figured out that they had cut school together. Their parents had been called but no one picked up. So they had all figured that they must come back to school eventually because they had left their school bags in the office. The announcements were being made but for some reason the teachers still kept a lookout for any sign of Pete and his friend Sarah.

"Where do you think they might've gone off to?" asked Jos to Ravyn who was beside her.

"I don't know but I know one thing for sure, they can't get far without their bags," answered Ravyn. "Assuming that they didn't take their wallets with them."

"No, the wallets weren't found so they must've had them in their pockets," Jos corrected. "What level of trouble are they looking at now?"

"Suspension for sixteen days," answered Ravyn. "I knew it was coming for her, I just didn't know when. Why do I suddenly feel like I've become a teacher that thrives on gossip?"

"Because it's a natural teacher's instinct," answered Jos. "I tell you what though, those nineth graders I had this morning, were okay. They actually behaved the whole lot of them."

"That's news to me," commented Ravyn. "I keep on getting the dysfunctional bunch and it's starting to **** me off. I get the same old dysfunctional brats year in and year out. They may as well just become drug dealers while they are still young rather than later, you know, get it over and done with."

"That's a bit harsh, not everyone is smart to be in the top history class," commented Jos. "I know I get the slow ones sometimes and they think it's fun to swear at me in German and then I usually come back at them with a sentence that means completely the opposite to what they think it means. It's just because they can't understand what i'm saying so I've got the upperhand on them."

"Lucky you in that case, hold on for a sec," said Ravyn as she spotted one of the kids talking during assembly. She tapped them on the shoulder and indicated that they should come with her. The kid got up and followed her. She pointed to the ground next to her as she arrived next to Jos again. "Sit and behave. You're on detention with me now, are you proud?" The kid didn't say anything but sat down where he was instructed to sit down. Ravyn went back to the conversation with Jos. "But I do get the older kids who seem to be a bit more intelligent. But I dare say, I wasn't impressed by Miss Woods and Mr Deas behaviour when they got their class ranking back. They were arguing who got the lowest spot in the class and I was a bit confused, were they meant to be proud of getting the lowest mark or is it just me and my old age?"

"It's not the first time they've done that," answered Jos. "I had to fill in for another teacher for one of their classes when the two of them were younger and they were still against each other for lowest mark. How the **** did those two pass the preliminary exams?"

"*** help me, I don't know," sighed Ravyn. "But I tell you what, Joanna takes a lot of **** from the older generation of kids rather than the younger ones. Usually it would be other way around. I'm only saying that from experience."

"Mr Greenwood sure gave her **** in her class the other day as I correctly recall," reminded Jos. "He must be an exception as well."

"I don't understand kids sometimes," muttered Ravyn. Jos and Ravyn went back to listening to the announcements being made at the assembly and both of them wished they didn't have to go. As much as it sounded hypocritic to their job description they both hated showing up to these events. Joanna loved it. The seventh graders, the boys to be more specific, only came to talk to Joanna after assembly. Both of the teachers would witness this happening and drag Joanna away and save her from her own love for little kids.





New member
Wow that is pretty much me in that story... I can't count the amount of times I've got bored and left class to see if I can find my friends... And ended up leaving school lol.

Sick story! Keep it up!



New member
"Dude, where have you been?" asked Tomer as Sarah and Pete suddenly appeared outside their history class who was lined up outside waiting for their teacher to come and unlock the door so their lesson would start. "There was an odd rumour going around that you guys were doing the naughty together while at the same skipping school." Sarah and Pete frowned at Tomer. They had come back after nearly being busted by a teacher who was on their lunch break in the same area as they were and they knew that they had to come back. The only problem was, was that they had left their schoolbags in the office and when they had returned to claim them, they weren't there anymore. But knowing how smart the pair was at getting it their way they had managed to ask around the schoolyard and eventually get an innocent seventh grader to nick their bags out of the deputy's office. "Hey, I'm only telling you what they've been telling me."

"Do you seriously think I would touch someone who is in love with himself?" asked Sarah. Sarah pouted. "Please, I know value when I see value and all I'm seeing here is a pile of self-indulgence and right now, Pete goes in the trash can." Pete pouted as Sarah turned around to face him. "You're just not my type, sorry Pete."

"Apology accepted," grinned Pete. "I wonder what we missed out, rumour wise."

"That was the only rumour that was going around today, well, the only rumour that was around in your absence, which wasn't very long," replied Tomer. "I'm disappointed in you, it was too short to be like you. You usually like to skip the entire day not an entire episode of me abusing teachers."

"Who was it this time?" asked Pete. "Have you succeeded in making Lee cry?" Tomer shook his head. "What about Robster?" Tomer shook his head. "Then who was it dude?"

"None, I haven't accomplished the goal I was born to achieve, well, today speaking," Tomer answered Pete, as Sarah shifted her attention to the teacher that was coming her way.

"****," Sarah whispered. "Why is it every time I rock up to history I forget what teacher we have?"

"Because Lee's the one person that you love to hate to see, all the time," answered Tomer. "Quite simple."

"Dude, what we were supposed to do for homework?" asked Pete. Tomer looked at him blankly.

"And you're asking the one person that would not have a clue about anything that he has been taught in history the last two years that he was forced to do it?" asked Tomer. "You should know me better than that. I get Lee and Hitler mixed up at times."

"You oughta, they're basically the same person, both dictators of my life," retorted Sarah, looking at Tomer. "I sure hope that stupid assignment was due in today. I haven't even opened my text book let alone know the answers to the questions she's given us." Sarah turned around to see where her teacher was. She was right behind Sarah and giving her a not so nice look, but rather a nasty glare as she unlocked the classroom door with a pile of books in one hand. She held the door open for everyone to come in but blocked the doorway when the three teenagers wanted to come in.

"So you three aren't skipping my class today?" asked Miss Lee as the three of them shook their head. "I feel loved." She unblocked the doorway and let the three trouble makers in. They chose their normal spots at the back of the class and didn't hesitate to make comments about the people passing by them. It was only a matter of minutes until the students heard their history teacher slam the door and then eventually slam the text books on the desk at the front of the classroom. She looked up and didn't do anything. Her eyes that were hidden behind a pair of glasses searched the room for an unlikely victim of what she was about to ask. "Okay, here's the plan today, you are all going to listen to me without any added comments, either personal comments about myself or any stupid comments about this subject. Do we all agree on that?" Everyone but the three troublemakers at the back of the room mumbled an agreement. Sarah just shrugged while Pete and Tomer, who were in either side of Sarah exchanged smirks, as they had seen an opportunity to make trouble. "I'm going to test you all just so I can confirm my doubts about you all being lazy and dumb. How's that?"

"It's not our fault we've got a son of a ***** teacher for this class," retorted Sarah, as everyone turned around and looked at Sarah. Tomer and Pete smirked but quickly hid their smirks.

"So do you think you're smarter than me, Miss Woods?" asked her teacher as Sarah shook her head. "I'm glad to hear that, because judging by your test results you're not going to get very far in life if you keep this up." There was a silence. Sarah could have said a lot of things to her teacher but decided not to. "Okay Sarah, answer me this question if you can, name an operation in the Vietnam War that was used by us?"

"Operation I'm So Bored," answered Sarah, blankly.

"Incorrect," said Miss Lee. "I would have accepted Operation Rolling Thunder and so on." The teacher looked to Tomer. "Mr Greenwood, I heard you started this day off with a bad hair day. Tell me, have you managed to make anybody cry today?"

"No, but it's only 12 pm," answered Tomer. "I can still make someone cry, I just like biding my time."

"I'm sure you do," replied Miss Lee, with a weak smile. "Tell me, Mr Greenwood, the last Czar of Russia."

"Czar Pete the Almighty," interrupted Pete as he thought it was rather amusing to make it even more clearer that he was in love with himself.

"No you idiot, it was Rasputin," Tomer tried to correct but failed.

"Why do I even bother teaching you this when you don't even pay attention?" asked Miss Lee. "That's it. I'm not sending you to anyone because you just simply don't learn. I'm keeping you back from class. The three of you, get a textbook and drown yourself in it while I go teach kids who actually listen."

"****," everyone heard Pete groan.

About 45 minutes later, the school bell had rung to indicate to the students that it was another class before lunch time but it also meant to Pete, Tomer and Sarah that they had to hang back because Miss Lee wanted to talk to them. Of course, Sarah wasn't about to give up without a fight. She of course, tried to hide herself in amongst the crowd of other students but she was caught out and was sent back to her desk. Miss Lee came up to them and had drawn a seat up so that she faced the three of them.

"So, what's the driving force behind the lot of you deliberately failing all of your classes?" asked their teacher. The only kid that responded was Tomer and he had only shrugged.

"Dude, we've got Robster after lunch," whispered Pete to Sarah. "We've got double of her. You know what that means?"

"Yeah I know what that means, you're going to quit giving everyone a hard time," interrupted their teacher, frowning. "Failing the basics of life is like failing to learn how to ride a bike and right now, the basics of your lives is to get a decent education. There's no point of me trying to get your parents to punish you or whatnot, because it's simple, it's not working."

"And it took you how long to figure this out exactly, Miss?" asked Sarah. "School sucks, period. I'm only here because it's here or it's be at home and look after everything and everyone else. Don't try to make things happen, they are what they are and you can't change them."

"Everyone has the ability to change even the slightest of things, but it all comes down to what you want to do in the long run," Miss Lee explained. "I know I'm wasting my time even trying to get through to you kids, but I've known you all since you came to this school back in the early days. What do you want to do in the long run, Miss Woods?"

"Get the **** away from you," answered Sarah, as she got to her feet, with her school bag in one hand. She walked out of the classroom, slamming the door behind her.

"I can't see how you guys get along with such a tempermental person," said Miss Lee looking to Tomer and Pete. They both shrugged and got to their feet. They scooped up their bags and followed Sarah.

The teacher just sighed as she thought she had only been wasting her time.

Sarah was furious at the teacher for trying to understand her. Sarah didn't want to be at school but it was that or look after her baby sister that her mother had neglected so much and relied on Sarah to take care of baby Tara so much.

"Hey wait up," Tomer and Pete said, as they ran up to Sarah.

"Dude, what was that all about?" asked Tomer. Sarah ignored Tomer and that was the last thing Tomer liked. He hated being ignored. "What the **** is wrong with you? I'm meant to be your pal." Sarah and Pete turned around to face Tomer. "Dude, seriously."

"Dude, seriously, she's just another one of those people that thinks she can make a difference by making something disappear with a tap of her magic wand," Pete answered. "She's pulling strings deliberately."

"And I ain't going to stand for pulling strings," Sarah firmly added.




New member
lol i know its gonna sound like I'm up myself, but i don't care... i love me :D

come to think of it, i really am up myself...



New member
It was lunch time and Sarah and Pete found themselves back in the office awaiting suspension, once again. This time it was for choosing to skip a majority of school time and being caught downtown for it. Sarah prayed that her father wouldn't be called as she had always hated being with her father in an enclosed area because usually verbal fights would break out between them. Pete, on the other hand was just happy he got out for running for his life due to a possible threat of other kids coming from the neighbouring school and beating him up for starting **** with them. But something they did have in common was the fact they were glad to being going home and not going to school for at least two weeks. Sarah was bordering on her second suspension this term and if another were to arise she would be expelled from the school together, which she couldn't have cared if it did happen.

Tomer was outside near the canteen, basking in the sunshine and of course, waiting for any unsuspecting kids that had money that he could beat them up for. There was one girl that had caught his attention, she looked about a year younger than him at first, but then remembered they had English together. She held her green folder in her arms tightly and looked a bit lonely. Tomer came up to her and smiled.

"Hello," he said, as he had lost her name in his small brain. The girl smiled at him as her response. "How are you?"

"Good," she answered, as she moved up in line.

"Just wondering if you have any money I could borrow off you?" asked Tomer.

"Sorry," she apologised. "I've only got a couple of dollars on me and I need that for a pie."

"What was your name again?" asked Tomer.

"Maya," answered Maya, as Tomer nodded and suddenly remembered her name. "People call you Tomer don't they?" Tomer nodded. "You hang around Pete and Sarah, don't you? You're always causing trouble in the class and always being sent to the office for all the wrong reasons."

"I always get picked on, the teachers around here hate me," Tomer tried to justify his actions. "Hey we're having a party on the weekend, I'm just wondering if you would be interested."

"Mr Greenwood, please stop poisoning other student's heads," interrupted the voice of their English teacher Miss Robster. She suddenly appeared beside them with an unimpressed look on her face. "It's bad enough the teachers of this school have to put up with you, Pete and Sarah, being the three trouble makers who seem impossible to discipline. Now run along."

"I'm just having an innocent talk here, Miss, with my good old friend Maya," reputed Tomer, smiling innocently.

"Innocence plays no notes in the sound of your voice," replied the teacher smoothly. "And unless you want to be the one sitting all alone in the front corner of the room that I teach you in, I suggest leave Maya alone and stop trying to recruit another gang of yours."

"I'll end up sitting up the front anyway, so I don't know what you're on about Miss," Tomer pointed out the fact that he always got sent to the front of the room, even for stuff he didn't do.

"Don't be making up excuses to my face, Mister, tell that to your parents at the end of the day," replied the teacher. "Because in no doubt, by the time that our double lesson after lunch has ended, I would be calling your parents work number." Tomer didn't say anything to that, but simply walked away without digging himself a deeper hole. Jo had been timetabled to do playground duty and she hated it everytime, because she loved her lunch breaks and it was her only way too put her feet up and relax for a couple of much needed moments. Jo looked back to the student who was one of those who behaved and did what they were supposed to. "Don't worry about him. He's just wanting friends because two of his other gang members are in the office awaiting suspension. Don't give into his kindness that he fakes so much. I wonder what he'll do without them, actually."

"I don't understand them," she said as suddenly Sarah appeared in front of the English teacher and with Pete trailing her, with smirks on their faces.

"I thought you were awaiting suspension," their teacher's hopes of having a peaceful English lesson. "What happened?"

"Got off with a simple warning," answered Sarah, still smirking. There was a student that caught her attention as she heard what Joanna was saying, but it was going through one ear and out the other. One of the stoner kids she liked to hang around, but not too much because he was weird and Sarah didn't like being around weird kids too much. They would damage her popularity status, she believed. She walked over to the kid who was sitting on a bench just outside the school's main assembly hall, playing his notorious version of Stairway to Heaven on a black and white electric guitar he carried around with him with or without an amp, he would play it for the sake of it. "Jonathan, my mate." Jonathan looked up slowly and nodded, as his fingers plucked the strings of the guitar and the other hand was moving up and down the frets. "Gotten anywhere with your music career, yet?"

"You're not having any," answered Jonathan, slowly, knowing what Sarah really wanted off him. "I've sold out for today and the rest that I have, you're not laying a fingerprint on my precious." He was one of the guys who was protective about anything he owned, not that he owned much really, but he was in love with music, and that's why he was supposed to be playing at the next assembly, but he also was a big sleeper and regularly missed the first three classes he had every day, and that usually meant the school assembly in the third period. "Why do you even try at times?"

"I just do," answered Sarah as she shrugged. "Rocking up to English, we've got Robster?" Jonathan shook her head.

"Who needs English?" asked Jonathan. "All we need in this world, is music." Sarah rolled her eyes at him. She should've known the last part was coming. "And plus, the last time I rocked up to English, she wouldn't give back my stuff and then threatened to send me to the office."

"Imagine what I have to put up with," replied Sarah. "I ain't going to rock up to her class despite the fact she just talked to me then. Don't like that writing and comprehension ****, so I won't do it, that's my philosophy."

"How are we going to pass the end of year exams and get into college?" asked Jonathan, actually thinking of something smart.

"You're planning to go to college now?" snorted Sarah, as she withheld her laughter.

"**** no," replied Jonathan. "Gonna move to Nashville and gonna become like Jimmy Page and Jimmy Hendrix, I'm gonna be a rock star I tell you." Sarah nodded her head. Not because she believed him, she just wanted to assure him that she was paying attention. "What about you? Are you gonna be going to Harvard or Oxford soon?" Sarah shook her head.

"Nah, I'm just gonna go get a job in Hollywood most probably," she answered. "Don't know if Pete's gonna come or not, doubt it, Tomer, I bet he'll be selling himself on the street for a dollar an hour. That's all I care so far."

"You going on that history excursion or are you going to get off it by pulling a faker?" asked Jonathan, as Sarah shrugged. "Stupid Harris is making me go and my parents are like 'You have to go it's good for your education', I say **** you all, I'm just gonna go sleep."

"That's the spirit!" smiled Sarah, as Pete and Tomer came over and they had reformed their little gang. She looked at them and smiled. "Jonathan's gonna say **** all to the history excursion with Harris and I'm going to say kiss my *** I've got better things to do. What about you guys?"

"I'm going," Pete dully said. "If I don't go, mom's gonna kill me."

"What are you, a mama's boy suddenly?" asked Tomer. "Pfft, I ain't going to it. There's no contribution factor in that class from me so why do I have suddenly have to give any input?"

The bell suddenly rang for half time, but Sarah's heart missed a beat because she suddenly thought for a second it was the end of lunch and it meant that it would be start running away from the English rooms before her English teacher could physically drag her to the room that she was meant to be in. As for Tomer and Pete, they enjoyed tormenting the other students when Sarah wasn't in English and driving the teacher up the wall. "Did you see Maya, that little bookworm talking to Crazy Robster back there?" Everyone but Jonathan shook his head, as he just realised that he wasn't getting anywhere with the song that he was playing and was only just playing the same old tabs over and over again and no one had the heart to tell him. "I bet, if she just gets her head out of those books, she'll be cool enough to join our group."

"What?!" Sarah shot Tomer a sharp look. "What, like another girl in this group?" Tomer and Pete nodded. "No way. We don't read books here, we smoke, we swear, we do everything that this girl isn't supposed to be doing. No way."

"Come on, you're just jealous because you feel like she'll take your status away from you, as being head of this group," Pete explained, as Sarah pouted and shook her head in disgust. "We could have another girl in this group, it is kinda small. Maybe we could hold like auditions for it."

"They have to play at least one Jimmy Page song though," Jonathan rambled on. "Or at least look hot." Sarah stormed away disgusted by the idea of having another girl in the group. That would mean her control over Tomer and Pete, let alone Jonathan, would be less. But as she realised something, she stopped. Maybe if Maya was to join their little social group, maybe it could be her one chance to destroy her.


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