LPF I Need You Help!

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New member
ok heres the thing...FLstudio can be great if used properly...u have potential but ur using all the wrong instruments go look up soundfonts download them and use thoes instead of the ones FL provides because it sounds very fake...not trying to diss u but like it sounds like a cheap FL beat if u get sound fonts for FL then u cant have a more authentic feel


New member
where can i find these sound fonts?

EDIT:I usually just use FL for like electronica **** cause u can put some many kick *** effects over **** to make cool sound effects....I have used like so many efffects on all thses sounds so far and can't get a real sound...and thanks for the tip



New member
lol ok once u get the file u gotta go like into ur program files and into imageline and into like fl

the adress shoudl look like C:\Program Files\Image-Line\FL Studio 7\Data\Patches\Soundfonts

then just paste ur thing into it..the file should be like

Drums.sfk2 or something similar



New member
O yeah I did something like this when we put samples onto the MPD through FL7 at the studio one time...thanks


New member
can't figure it out in the step sequencer lol.....**** it i now how to do mix and mastering awesome in FL but can't figure this easy **** out lol
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