LPF Island II signup

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Live. Love. Laugh.
Jan 8, 2004
Under Your Bed (or Orlando, FL)
Okay, it's time to give this a try.

Well, the holidays are just around the corner and what better way to kill time 'til christmas for another LPF Island.

Once again, please read everything before you jump the gun and try to continue through.

-You are not a very active LPF member
-You hate games like these
-You cannot handle possible backstabbing
-You don't like pie. (kidding)

LPF Island History::
I was surprised on how fast the game became popular. It was rather entertaining, fun, and scandalous for contestants AND viewers. I promised i'd bring back another and I am hoping it is even more successful as last time. The first winner of LPF Island was greyfoxx (with allieking and black_angel taking 2nd and 3rd respectively.)

LPF Island II::
The Island is going to go with the theme of the number 2.
This time around there will be 2 winners, a king and a queen. Each player will have to use tactics (or none at all) to avoid being voted off of the island. However, votes are not the only thing that can decide if one leaves or not. ShinodaSavers and twists in the game will defiantely not make this just any voting game.

Did I Mention...::
that this time around, there will be teams of 2. Yes, consisting on one male and one female. (Same-sex teams can be appoved if both players are truly homosexual.) If we have a hard time getting guy/girl teams together, we'll just end up doing teams of 2 of whatever. So this is your chance to make some friend (or enemies) on the board!

Game Rules::
Every 2-3 Days there will be a new round in the officical LPF Island II thread. Once the round begins each player will PM me with which team they wish to vote off for that round. After the votes are tallyed up, the ShinodaSaver*, ChesterComeback**, and the team voted out will be announced. The team is voted off and the next round will begin rightaway.

Not all rounds will be as simple.

Each player gets to vote. That means you do not vote as a team, so you can vote one way, while your teammate votes a different team. However, there is an advantage to voting the same as your partner called TagTeam Power vote***. Failing to vote will cause the team to recieve a penalty next round which means they will start with one vote out in the begining. So make sure you AND your partner vote!

When the game is down to 2 final teams, the 9 teams votes out will get to vote which reminaing team they wish to win. So keep in mind that you still have control over the outcome even if you are voted out.

*ShinodaSaver:: for most of the rounds, a question will be asked within 24 hours of the round begining, a question will be posted in the official thread. The player that PMs me with the correct answer first will gain immunity for his/her team. ShinodaSavers will (1) get to break a tie if there is one for the round, (2) pick a team to vote off that voted for them IF they recieve the most votes that round, and (3) view all people who voted for them.

**ChesterComeback:: The 2nd player to answer the shinodasaver correctly through PM (and is not on the same team as the ShinodaSaver winner) will recieve the CC. CCs will minus 1 vote off the team for that round and adds .1 (yes, point one) of a vote to every team that votes for them.

***TagTeam Power vote:: If both teammates vote the same, their total vote will count as 2.1 (yes, point one). Which will make a difference in the voting process. So working as a team really does help.

How to join::
The first 11 teams (22 people total) that post in this thread will be accepted to play. To join as a team each teammate must post the following in this thread::

Please submit your entry in this color as well.
Team:: (Your Username) and (Your teammate's undername)
Team Color: (you can pick any color -not black- that is not already taken by another team)
Why you think you and your partner are going to win: (be creative and serious, but don't fail to be a little witty)

Once both teammates have posted correctly in this thread, the team will be added to the list of teams.

-Well, you do get the title as LPF Island II King and Queen
-Since i'm in the LPST, once they send me new stuff on their new album, i'll be more than happy to send you one of everything they send me.
-You get to become a mod. (kidding)

Current Teams::
1. MrsBennington-Delson and Jeezy
2. Greyfoxx and By_My-$elf
3. Black_Angel and hahninator
4. crazy_robster and Peterdea
5. XrockinfreakX and ?
6. UnhingedMouse0 and Victim
7. LP~Shinoda~FM and Hyper
8. mundo119 & chaz-girl-fanatic

In need of partners.
LP186 in need of male partner
mundo119 in need of female partner
chaz-girl-fanatic in need of female partner

Feel free to add in a few comments, but I will open a discussion thread once I see if this game picks up. If it doesn't i'll be a sad panda. lol. If you wish to see the last lpf island discussion theard, click here.

If I see the game picking up, i'll open a discussion thread asap.
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I'll give a try... :)


Team: MrsBennington-Delson and Jeezy
Team Color: DeepSkyBlue
Why you think you and your partner are going to win: We gonna win because we are the 2 hottest German people on LPF
2 Reasons I Can't Do This:
1) Don't Have A Partner

2) I am gonna get grounded for grades in like 2 weeks lol.....damn....
Team:: Greyfoxx and By_My-$elf
Team Color: Dark Red
Why you think you and your partner are going to win: Because we have been friends for a long time and we are awesome!!!! :D Not to mention we are here to defend my title, so we have more drive!!!! WOOOT
hey I'm a guy and I'm on LPF daily, but I don't have any friends that are girls on LPF lmao. All of them are guys ^_^

Anyone wanna team up with me?
Team: MrsBennington-Delson and Jeezy
Team Color: DeepSkyBlue
Why you think you and your partner are going to win:
We gonna win because there is no other team that combines hottness and intelligence like we do
Hahninator said:
hey I'm a guy and I'm on LPF daily, but I don't have any friends that are girls on LPF lmao. All of them are guys ^_^

Anyone wanna team up with me?

Wow that sounds like you can qualify to have a male partner...(not me though)
Black_Angel said:
I'll team up with you! *shakes hand* I'm Alison :]

alright cool :) I'm Mark

we'll figure out the color pretty soon I guess then lol. Which one do you wanna be? It doesn't really matter to me
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