LPF News Section


New member
This isn't a problem I am having, I'm just a little confused about something.

In the LP News section, there are a lot of members who are *not* our News Casters posting new threads about LP news they have seen. Checking the rules for that forum, I read that news must be PMed to a new caster and that only they can post news.

Did I misunderstand the rules in some way? Or have they changed or something? I just thought it should be encouraged that ordinary members do *not* post news, else what is the point of having news casters?

Members, as far as I know, can't make threads there, the ones that you see in there now were moved there by a newscaster, or mod.

Hope that helps,





New member
I see. Thank you.

I think it would be better if members could PM the material to the news casters and have them post it (with credit to the member of course), but I suppose there is no way to ensure that people will do this.



New member
Memebers can post new threads whenever they want. BUT.... it wont be seen by anyone until a newscaster has reviewed and edited it if necessary. As soon as you submit a news thread all newscasters get an email to come check it out.

- Q


Hybrid Soldier

New member
it is against the rules for a member to post a thread and it be moved though.

Q:we arent using that system, were just moving threads people put in the lp central forum

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