LPF Projekt 2.0: Out With The Old, In With The New

DJ BloodFrost

New member
Agent and Stenners return with great tidings and a new message...The LPF Projekt has returned!!!

Again, we call all remixers, past and present, to join us in making another album. Anyone who is willing to make a track is eligible to join. We would like to see those who were on the first album to return for another collaboration, but we would also like to see even more new people.

Stenners and I think that the album should be about 50% Fort Minor and 50% Linkin Park, to be fair. For now, we ask that each member of the new Projekt only make one track for the album. You may choose any track you wish, even if someone else has decided to do that track as well. However, we would hope that 10 people don't suddenly decide to do the same track. :p

So...let's get started. Anybody up for it?



New member
Wicked idea, Count me in, my track will be as follow's

2 places 1 haed < APFMH collab of the reani version and the HT version.



New member
If u think u can do it, do it then submit ur track then we will tell u if it will make the final cut, and u can try as many times as u want.


New member
What happened with um.. Xero Focus, that group of remixers. I loved the music, I was going to join it, i even sent in an application

DJ BloodFrost

New member
What happened with um.. Xero Focus' date=' that group of remixers. I loved the music, I was going to join it, i even sent in an application[/quote']
Sorry. I've been behind on XFS lately. I'm not sure what it's future is.

But you can join this! :p
Wicked idea, Count me in, my track will be as follow's
2 places 1 haed < APFMH collab of the reani version and the HT version.
Dude, I remember when you made that! You sent it to me over MSN, lol.

Hard track right thurr.



New member
The last one was ok, but kind of a let down. The only track I can honestly say was memorable was Agent's FRGT/Problems. That track owned so much, that I actually burned it to a CD to blast on my home stereo! :D

Either way it was still fun, I just hope there will be more tracks, and more memorable remixes this time around. Like have a DISC 1 with excepted tracks, and a DISC 2 with ones that weren't excepted, lol. :p Just for more to listen too.

And yeah, I got the privlidge to hear Don's track awhile back too... it was frigin awesome. I hope that one makes it.



New member
lol, the last version i never finished because of problems with my comp. Im gonna start working onna fresh one today, based on most of the idea's from last time.

josh+bob+mark thanks :D



New member
I hope this will outremix the last one, that one was great, but of course us fans want to see advancement ;)

And **** yeah, do some artwork for the album

****...this is gonna be great, if it goes down, there are so many talented people on here

Dude, whilst being bored in class, & trying to come up with a logo thang, I came up with a good slogany thingy...

"LPF Projekt v2.0

The remix has been remixed"

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