LPF projekt-ish sampler


New member
aight it finally worked.

anyway, it's up now, nice tracks and artwork, let the plugging begin. spread the word. postwhore our way into recognition at other forums, lol

or just show it to your friends or something



New member
I've listened through it twice so far and its pretty sweet stuff. Theres so much awesome tracks, unbelievable!

By the way,

I apologize for the worse then terrible quality of "Song A", i had no chance to re-record it



New member
I've listened through it twice so far and its pretty sweet stuff. Theres so much awesome tracks, unbelievable!
By the way,

I apologize for the worse then terrible quality of "Song A", i had no chance to re-record it
Do you like the awsome name I came up with for the song at least? :D



New member
Ok, so heres the deal. I added ID3 tags to them. So now you can see an iPod cover and view the lyrics. I got Lyrics for every song except the group that did the german where'd you go and the wCity. I neatened things up. and once i upload it we should make a new thread and have Victim put it on the front page.


New member
Ok, so heres the deal. I added ID3 tags to them. So now you can see an iPod cover and view the lyrics. I got Lyrics for every song except the group that did the german where'd you go and the wCity. I neatened things up. and once i upload it we should make a new thread and have Victim put it on the front page.
I'm still working on getting it on Xero Focus,and did you just add on to the ID3 tags I already had on there or just create new ones?



New member
I was thinkin since LPF projekt is pretty much dead, that we could come together and do something a little bit different.

What I was thinkin of is getting everyone that's interested, and makes any music, whatever type, to submit like say two songs to put on a sampler that we can put up for download and advertise all over the place (to plug ourselves of course lol). I'm talkin remixes, beats, covers, original stuff, whatever genre, just anything that each person has made themselves. And if you're in a band, and your bandmates are okay with it, you could have two of your band's songs on there.

And of course it doesn't have to be the max, you can always chip in with one song or something.

It also wouldn't have to be anything new or whatever, just if you've got something in the inventory that you wanna get out we could use that.

Would anyone other than me consider this idea?



New member
well i know they tried it last year end and there wasent enough mixes to make a cd...

but i can make a beat in eJay lol does that count?



New member
Worth a shot I guess, but Im not too sure it would work.

The last LPF projekt didnt even make it into the final stages, but my main reason for thinking it wont work too well is that we dont have as many musically talented members as we used to.

But, if there is an interest in it, you should do it :)


Part Of Me

New member
Sounds good too me. I'm not in a band atm so I've got a lot of stuff I've made just sitting there on my hard drive, lol.

I beatbox as well... does that count? XD

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