Well, when I tell my friends to join a forum, I send them the link to it and they'll join. But then after that, they don't post anything. It's probably either because they're not into the forum topics, or they just forgot about it. I've done it a couple of times. A friend sent me a link to a forum and wanted me to join. I didn't even want to join cause I was already on like 50 forums and didn't feel like joining another one. So I just joined his forum so he'll be happy. After that, I just forget about the forum and never go there anymore. But now when people ask me to join their forums and I don't wanna register, I'll just tell them that instead of registering and leave. I've already told some of my friends about Linkin Park Forums. I don't think any of my friends joined though. They probably did and just left cause I don't have much friends that are into Linkin Park as much as I am.