

Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2004
in a teeny weeny country
as i was goin thru the lpf member's lists i found out there were sososo many pple in lpf with 0 post count. n their last visit was like ages ago.n there r only a handful of pple in who r active in this forum ...who come in here and post...shldnt smtg be done?
I noticed that the other day too. It's weird the number of people of 0 post count :\ I mean, why join a forum if you don't intend to post? *shudders*
If you're gonna join you should at least post ONCE!!!! For new green members-there's a couple of people I would think should be in it but i don't know about the others. Maybe we should have a meeting. lol
Actually, you should feel special. Most people join forums just so they can read what the members post. Others just sign up and forget. I don't really care either way. No one said they had to post.
[LP]GotLinkinPark? said:
If you're gonna join you should at least post ONCE!!!! For new green members-there's a couple of people I would think should be in it but i don't know about the others. Maybe we should have a meeting. lol
I would definitly not do that. ATLien said that the green members were specially selected, and like mods he doesn't want people asking about joining.
It was just a suggestion cause there's like 1 or 2 people that are a little newer that seem like they could be it. But it doesn't matter. And anyway, you can read what other people say without joining so why would you join and not post. At least I think so. lol
Well, when I tell my friends to join a forum, I send them the link to it and they'll join. But then after that, they don't post anything. It's probably either because they're not into the forum topics, or they just forgot about it. I've done it a couple of times. A friend sent me a link to a forum and wanted me to join. I didn't even want to join cause I was already on like 50 forums and didn't feel like joining another one. So I just joined his forum so he'll be happy. After that, I just forget about the forum and never go there anymore. But now when people ask me to join their forums and I don't wanna register, I'll just tell them that instead of registering and leave. I've already told some of my friends about Off Topic Forum. I don't think any of my friends joined though. They probably did and just left cause I don't have much friends that are into Linkin Park as much as I am.
All forums have a population of non-posters. Usually they're people who've never joined a forum before and have no clue how fun it can be.

It doesn't cost the forum anything. We could have a trillion members with no post count and the forums would still be the same.