LPF’s Rules and Guidelines

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Active Members
It's time for a new set of rules

LPF’s Rules and Guidelines


Linkin Park Forums is a forum funded, founded and run by Linkin Park fans. The staff of LPF would like to welcome you to the community. We also encourage you to participate. Be open-minded to everything that someone else has to say. These are the rules written and discussed by all of the Linkin Park Forum staff. If you have any questions regarding these rules are anything else, please feel free to contact anyone on the staff.



You don’t want someone making rude comments to you, so don’t do it to others. If there is a problem, let the staff know.

Stay on topic. Don’t go off topic in a thread, this is spam.

-Don't use the forums as a promotion tool. Posting links to your personal website is not allowed, unless otherwise stated below.

1. Personal links are allowed in YOUR Journal or Art Gallery, or in your signature/profile.

2. You may also PM such links to other members, but only if they directly express an interest to you.

3. Links to Linkin Park related sites are allowed if they will benifit the community in some way.

This of course is at the discression of the staff and links may be removed if deemed necessisary.

-Don't spam. Spam posts will be removed.

-Language. We realize that there are a few people out there that know other languages, but we ask that you keep all posts in the English language. That also means, be as proper as possible. No, “OMG YOUZZZ R SO HAWT”, this will be corrected, and you will be given a warning. With having people who are not good at English they might not understand this.

-Sig Size: The maximum sig size allowed at LPF is 500x175 pixels. If the rule is broken you will receive this sig as a replacement:

-This also counts for the font size don't use a font size higher than 3

-Read before posting. Use the search tool, make sure there isn’t a current thread going on for something that you would like to post about.

-No bumping threads. This goes hand in hand with reading before posting. Do not bump a 5 month old thread. If it more then 2 months old, you are allowed to create a new thread.

-No Double Posting. If you feel the need to say something more in the thread, either edit your post or wait till someone else posts something.

-Game Section. Anything unrelating to a specific Forum section goes in the game section. Also Birthday threads belong in this section. The game section is for random posts.

-Leaving and Coming Back. Many people have made threads claiming that they are leaving and never coming back, these kind of posts belong in journals.

-Talk to the Mods/Staff if you need something. If you thing someone is spamming up, or being rude, use the report post or PM a mod.

-Respect decisions made by the staff. We chose our staff very carefully. They will do their best to make the best decision possible, based on their knowledge and the information they have at hand. You must understand, anything the staff decides is their final decision.

-Site Questions/bugs. If you have a question about the site, or you notice a bug in the forum please post this in the Site Help section of the forum.

-Welcome Newcomers. Be polite, and say a nice Hello to newcomers.

-Links. If you want to share something from another site, don’t just give the link and leave it like that, post a summary of it, as well.


-The staff does not just delete posts because they don’t like this member or that member. If your post got deleted, or you got a warning, it was because you have done something to warrant such an action.

-If you are finding that you are having a tough time getting along with a certain member,you can choose to ignore them, using your Buddy/Ignore List. We will not ban a member just because you don’t like them, so don’t ask.

-The staff does not delete a post just because you don’t agree with it. They only time a staff member will delete a post, is if it has broken one of the rules.

-You are only allowed one account per person. Don’t create multiple accounts. If you are caught, all the accounts will be banned from the site.


-You will always receive a warning first about something you have done.

-If you don’t heed that warning, the staff will talk and we will decide upon a proper punishment, whether it be a permanent ban, or a 1 day suspension.

Last, but certainly not least:

Have fun, that is what this forum is for, getting to know and talk to new people. Don’t make it a bad experience for people, or yourself.


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New member
March 14, 2008 - The rule Don't use the forums as a promotion tool has been amemded. - [LP links benifiting the community allowed.]

March 30, 2008 - The rule Don't use the forums as a promotion tool has been amemded. - [Personal links in Journals/Art Galleries are allowed.]

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Active Members
new rule added to the sig restrictions

If a font size is higher than 6, you may only have a text that spans the distance of one line and no more.


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