lpgirl's journal^__^


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2004
hihi well i thought since every1 else had a journal i'd write 1, meh.. it will mostly be me complaining about my day, but hey if your fine with that so im i.. at the moment im just post what happened to me yestoday..

i went to school for the 1st time in a few days, becuz i been sick with bronkiteus(sp?).. my friends were happy that i came back, we had Drama 1st class it wasnt that great, but since i was away i have to do my play tomoro at lunch time with my group..

2nd class i had Math, i well i missed the math test so i had to do, it was easy.. the teacher Ms chandler*cough* BITCH *cough* told these two boys in my class ben and richard to carry out two desk so me and my fello class mate hannah could do our tests, anyways i was standing out of the way near the portracks and richards carrying a desk and he says "just get in the way why dont you renai" and i wasnt even in the way, wtf is his prob.. him and his mates been tease me since yr 8(now in yr 10).. did my test very easy.. went to lunch..

3nd class had HPE had a note so i could sit out and not do it..
went to lunch, most of my friends went of to sport but i didnt cuz i had a note and had to stay with Mrs camron, then the last of my friends left at 1 to go to bowling so at 1:30 when to Mrs camron she told me to sit in a room so i did for like 40 mins god it was boarding so i ask to go to the toilet and get a drink as i went to the drink tap guess who was there richard and ben, ben doesnt tease me and richards been laying off but i still get death glares.. after that i went back to mrs camron said i had nothing to do and she said i could go home, YAY... like 20 mins early.. so instead of going to my bus stop i just sat a picnic table under sose block.. till every 1 else started going, caught bus went home.. blah blah blah..

hope you like reading about me complaining about my day as much as i like writing, any comment welcome.. :thumbsup:
today wasnt any better then yestoday mabe worse? in the morning i got my braces changed and now i have to wear those lil rubber band things, i got to school at 11, had some lunch, hung with friends, 3rd class eng we did nothing which was FUN! me and my friend bec got yelled at cuz we havent done our oral yet.. went to lunch, cuz i was away had to go to drama teacher at 1 to do my play.. went to maths in 4th class we did nothing once again.. we're only there for 20mins cuz then we got to go home^_^ HOLIDAYS FOR 11 DAYS, YAY!! i went to put my planner in my bag like 5 mins before we got to leave and i went to go back in and richard was in the doorway with his friend ben and i stood there for a while then im like "can you please move" and hes like "im not stopping you" then his friend said the same thing i stair at him a while then said "i think ill stay outside!" then my friend can to the door way but from the inside and said "MOVE!!" and he move out of the way..
then we had an assenbly(sp?) then we got to go home i went to the front of the school and richard was breaking seed pods and throwing then at me but not hitting me then i walked down the stairs and he kept doing it and came really close to hitting me twice i was so fuking scared cuz it would of hurt, cuz hes really strong and throwing it pretty hard.. is he try to ****ing piss me off, kill me?? i dont know.. got the bus home..
THAT WAS A *cough* GREAT DAY!!! :rolleyes:
anyways that was my day.. great ay? hey what am i complaining about people have it worse then me.. meh..
yestoday night i went to my friends house, we had pizza, watch dvds, then today we went swimming and then i came home, it was an ok day..
yea. richard and ben must be real a**holes.. maybe one of them like you.. lol... just tell them off.. tell to the GROW UP and stop acting like they have an IQ of a 5 year old.. i had the same problem when i was in 8th with trevor and michael.. when i told them off they left me alone. but yea im most likley still younger than you but sure.... wow your life sounds like it kinda needs to get better.. lol... you can like talk to me in PM or IM (Pinkybabi01).... im always in some kinda spiffy mood so yea.. i hope those two jacka** leave you alone.. i hope it gets more exciting or better for you... *hug*
well ben just follows richards and the friends richard had in yr 8 were way worse and jake the other kid who catch my bus he just a fu<kwit, last yr when i'd get of the bus a few time jake and richard throught there leftover lunch at me..
thx for the hug *hugs back*
yestoday was alright, sat on the computer all day, ate dinner went to bed, lol..
today was good cuz it was EASTER!! i got heaps of chocolate *hands chocolate eggs to every1* went swimming, stayed on the computer.. hung with family..
Hyper said:
do you live in japan or something? lol, cuz it's 12:43 here, and it's just now easter sunday.
nar.. i live in australia, and its 5:49pm here easter sunday... :D :D and im HIGH on SUGAR :thumbsup:
well i thought i post my 500th post here as an idea, well i wont be on tomoro going to grandma's for a visit and sleeping over too, see ya when i get back..
Heart_LP said:
oh congrats to the 500 posts! :thumbsup:
I wish I had a grandma lol they seem to be cool!
I´ve never seen my grandma :(
meeeh...have fun!
lol, not leave for grandmas till 12pm, just found out thats why im on the net:D:D
i had a fun time at my nanas, we went and saw hitch at the movies, then today i went to the movies with my friends and saw ring 2.. omg.. best movie ever, way better then the 1st..
I think that's the first good comment I've heard about the Ring 2.
Everyone that I know that's seen it says it sucked. lol
I guess it's just one of those movies that you either love or hate.
Well, glad you had fun though :D
So long!
yestoday was ok, download invader zim eps and later on my computer just stopped working, anyways at night time i felt really sick like i was going to pass out and i was cold but hot anyways but i feel all better now, when i woke up i went into the guest account on my computer download some anti virus, anti spyware and anti adware programs(if u want then ask me and i'll send them to u, cuz they work really well and i like to share), and spent all morning fix my computer and now everythings working great and i love my comupter again and i dont want to smash it to bits any more...
and the rest of my day is going to be devoted to playing video games.. bibi for now!!:D:D