lp's best riff?


New member
lp has so many great guitar riffs. here are a few:

one step closer

from the inside

pushing me away


don't stay

with you

somewhere i belong



in your opinion, which is the best lp riff? i can't decide.

sorry if there's been a thread on this before



New member
I'm going to say "one step closer" because thats the riff that they're the most famous for, and it gets you all hyped up too.


New member
yeah, I just heard a.06 the other day, and I thought it was really good. they should use it on a song, because it's an awesome instrumental...


New member
i like them all of course, but pushing me away and from the inside are my favourites. they are the only ones i can listen to, just lay back in the chair and let the music flow around me. especially from the inside. if i'm going to school for example, and don't have time to listen to a whole song, i put on the intro riff of from the inside. i love it. that, and pma give me somehow this great feeling. all lp songs do, but not as the riffs of those two. i think lp is the best thing that has ever happened to me. also, no one has mentioned the sib riff, that comes in third for me in terms of feelings i get by listening to it. if you take a riff and look how it's composed or how much quality it has as music and how much talent it needs to do it, i'd have an other outcome.
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