LPU 5 Announced


New member
Recent update from the band - LPU 5 is coming soon LOL, the date of The Rising Tied. Check it out...

My Linkin Park People,

How's it going? For me (and us), things are moving very well. We have taken about a year off and are now back into full work mode. What does a year off look like for Linkin Park? Surprisingly, it was a lot of work. During our "down time," we started Music For Relief, a non-profit organization working to mobilize musicians and their fans to aid in times of disaster. We also played Live 8, the largest show in our band's history. Mike, workaholic that he is, wrote, recorded, and promoted his own side project, Fort Minor. In case you are completely out of the loop, the album releases on 11/22, and is brilliant. Check it out on THE LEAK, and let us know what you think on the LP boards. In addition Chester has been working on some great music that you will surely hear about in the future.

Now, after all that has transpired over the last 12+ months, we are writing a new album. I can honestly say that I am more enthusiastic and excited about the music we are writing and the direction of this album than anything we have ever done. We are planning to have the album released mid 2006. I hope your collective patience will not be exhausted!

I am also excited about LPU5. We are including exclusive music we played at Live 8 with Jay Z, along with a lot of other cool stuff in the package. Check out all that information at LPunderground.com starting 11/21 when the new fan club launches.

To all of you LP fans, LPUers, and Street Teamers, thanks for being an integral part of everything we do. We appreciate all of your support, and we are working hard to bring you an excellent new album!

Posted by Phoenix



New member
Thanks for the news Mark!

Can't wait to get signed up for LPU...finally... Lol

Pretty sad I'm not signed up yet. It's been like 5 years and I haven't got signed up. Wow



New member
I read it yesterday, but I didn't think about posting it here, lol.

But yeah, a new LPU CD = *******.



New member
yah i agree wit Azem :p

LPU5 is great news, but the fact that LP is working on their 3rd album is better



New member
Yeah, but I mean every yr theres a new lpu cd.

How many times a yr do u get a brand new fresh linkin park cd?

Plus now new info on this Cd will leak out..before u know it Haninator will have the whole **** cd up fer download :p

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