Magnet Poetry


Thomas Keske

Magnetic Poetry

Ever wonder about the morality of magnetism?

North and South are directly opposed-
Which one of them must be in the wrong?

It seems like one side must be repelled,
when the other feels attraction, strong

There can be just one True Perspective,
so one side must be Evil, therefore.
North and South, when polarized,
head closer to Civil War

The perspective that seems, to you, perverse
will not seem that way, when the poles reverse
By resisting change, you might push your luck
Accept matters being in state of flux

From where comes the mysterious power to draw?
An everyday thing that we hold in awe
It is not always a sign of Doomsday
when the compass points the opposite way



Image File 96602954
Lawrence and others in aperture of a Bevatron magnet section


Ernest O. Lawrence, Brobeck, Harold Fidler and and Donald
Cooksey in the aperture of a Bevatron magnet section, 1950.

Citation Caption
LBL News, Vol.6, No.3, Fall 1981, p. 77 | Lawrence, Brobeck,
Harold Fidler, and Donald Cooksey in the aperture of a
Bevatron magnet section, 1950.

Date 1950

Lawrence, Brobeck, Harold Fidler, and Donald Cooksey

Equipment: Bevatron magnet

TEID Doc ID XBD 9606-02954.TIF
8. The Magus, Book II: Magnetism: Chapter VI: Of Witchcraft
LET a witch therefore be granted, who can strongly torment
an absent man by an image of wax, by imprecation or cursing,
by enchantment, ...
.. LBL News Magazine, Fall 1981, Chapter 6: Bumper Crop

Brobeck thought that the mechanisms for injection and extraction
and the straight sections without magnetic guidance might cause
the beam to oscillate widely around the median orbit through the
doughnut halves.

Accordingly, he provided for a large aperture between the magnet
poles, some 4 feet high and 14 feet wide (in the radial
direction); should the beam behave better than expected, the gap
could be reduced by changing the pole tips. The plan sacrificed
energy for intensity: the bigger the gap, the more particles
would survive the many turns necessary to accelerate them; the
smaller the gap, the greater the maximum field available to
restrain them and the higher the attainable energy. Edward
Lofgren, physicist in charge of the Bevatron, examines it with
its designer and builder, William Brobeck.

Lawrence set his sights on 6 BeV, the threshold for antiproton

To reach it, however, the aperture that Brobeck planned would
have to be reduced by a factor of 14 to 1 ft x 4 ft. Lawrence
preferred not to gamble against such odds, and, in ordering the
steel for the magnets, bet conservatively on a gap 4 ft x 10 ft.

The decision did not represent a return to recklessness.

That stammerer, history, again repeated itself. Just as McMillan's
principle doubled the energy of the 184-inch machine and made
it competent to make mesons, so the Bevatron's redesign brought
it the strength to create antimatter. In both cases the
unforeseen in war and science realized Lawrence's goals
and guesses.
8. The Magus, Book II: Magnetism: Chapter VI:
Of Witchcraft

WE shall now show some remarkable operations that are effected
by magnetism, and founded upon natural sympathy and antipathy,
likewise how by these means some extraordinary cures may be

Now, as magnetism is ordained for the use of man, and for the
curing of the various disorders incident to human nature, we
shall first touch upon the grand subject of magnetism, known to
possess wonderful properties, and which are not only evident to
every eye, but shew us sufficient grounds for our admitting the
possibility and reality of magnetism in general.

The lodestone possesses an eminent medicinal faculty, against
many violent and implacable disorders

Notes for Chapter Six

10. In a telephone call, Groves congratulated Lawrence by
reference to a Biblical passage-- Matthew 25, Verse 21.

11. Groves tried to leaven the strained mood with humor:
"For your edification, I don't know that Dr. Lawrence ever made
the football team, but he'd have been the greatest back
in history the way he can reverse his field."

15. Pieper noted, for example, that the cars used by Pash's
undercover agents were not only the identical make and color but
had license plates that "run in straight numerical sequence."
Likewise, Army agents made no effort to disguise their
surveillance of scientists who attended FAECT meetings- "walking
up and down each side of the street with a pad in one hand and a
pencil in the other, these activities, of course, being very
obvious to any casual passers-by, not to speak of the Communist
Party itself."

18. The suspects might already have been tipped off to COMRAP
by bored and frustrated Bureau agents. The FBI man monitoring
the bug on Folkoff, for example, sometimes telephoned the
elderly Uncle in the wee hours of the morning to denounce him,
in a disguised voice, as "a goddamn Trotskyite."

22. Stimson wrote: "You will remember that I explained to you
personally the seriousness of this danger and the extreme
urgency of action."

34. Perhaps because he feared tipping Eltenton off to the FBI's
surveillance, when Hoover learned that King had succeeded in
planting an agent--the childrens' nanny--inside Eltenton's
household, the Bureau director ordered her out the house
immediately. In order to retrieve the woman without arousing
suspicion, one of King's men borrowed a Navy uniform and called
upon the Eltentons, announcing that he and his "wife" had to
leave forthwith, since he was being shipped overseas.

73. In Lawrence's absence, Brobeck took over the weekly
meetings at Berkeley. Frantic phone calls from Oak Ridge
continued to report magnets routinely shut down due to
mysterious electrical overloads. A brief worry about saboteurs
was passed off to nerves. It took a week to identify the cause
as metal fragments in the transformer oil.

At the back of the store one day, Ferlinghetti discovered a
loose plywood sheet. When he pounded on it, it fell down and
revealed a dark cellar that a Chinese electrician used as
storage space. This was also the lair of Chinatown's ceremonial
dragon, brought out every year for the Chinese New Year Parade.
Ferlinghetti's poem "The Great Chinese Dragon" tells the tale of
the dragon "creeping out of an Adler Alley cellar like a worm
out of a hole sometime during the second week in February every
year when it sorties out of hibernation in its Chinese storeroom
pushed from behind by a band of forty-three Chinese electricians
and technicians who stuff its peristaltic accordion-body up thru
a sidewalk delivery entrance." Ferlinghetti also discovered
signs painted on the walls by a Christian sect that had used the
basement for prayer meetings, and on the walls today you can
still fragments of them: "Remember Lot's Wife," "Born in Sin and
Shapen in Niquity," "I and My Father Are One," and "I Am the
Door." Ferlinghetti made a deal with the landlord, put in a
staircase, persuaded the Chinese Dragon to leave, and expanded
the store into the basement.

Along the stairway to the basement, City Lights installed a
letter rack where itinerants could get their mail, as in some
French literary cafes.

Le magnetisme animal was the talk of France, ridiculed by
doctors, respectable scientists and satirists, discussed in
hundreds of books and pamphlets, but patronised by the wealthy
and powerful (Marie Antoinette for one) as well as the poor.
Mesmer, as a man of science as well as a doctor, craved
scientific validation, but the professors refused to discuss him,
let alone investigate his claims

Mesmer would appear dressed as a wizard, touching or simply
staring at his clients as soft music played. Some would fall
asleep, others go into convulsions. And hundreds of these
wealthy patients would claim to be cured. Such a furore ensued
that Mesmer soon had to move into bigger premises, with four
baquets, no waiting. He even introduced an economy class for
those unable to afford the personal attention of the master. He '
magnetized' a tree, to which thousands of the poor and sick
attached themselves with cords - shades of Uri Geller's power
crystals. A large proportion of those who used the magnetized
tree claimed to be cured, probably by self-hypnosis.
14. Magnet Consolidation Threatens Both U.S. Jobs and Security
-- In ...
.... risk a strike and lawsuit over violation of the agreement
not to shut down. ... China is a major producer of neodymium,
and the U.S. magnet factories
46. Department of State Washington File: Bush Administration
Says Review ...

CFIUS approved a Chinese consortium's takeover of Magnequench
Inc., a company that supplies guidance magnets used in precision-
guided bombs in 1995. In 2003, the Chinese owners shut down Ma
8. China Sole Manufacturer of Material for U.S. Missiles
Thus, China now owns a monopoly on the manufacture of missile
magnets which the U.S. ... of elements of the JDAM bomb was shut
down and shipped to China. ...
18. Return of the Dragon: Hazards of Man-Made Magnetism,
Part 2 of 4, by ...

Animal Magnetism Revisited Since our planet is a giant magnet,
it should be no surprise we and other ... Oddly, most scientific
data on ELF effects was CIA funded. In 1962, the U.S.

Only 170 years ago Hans Oersted discovered electric current
deflects a magnetic needle. Nine years later, in a red sandstone
building beside the Capitol of the Empire State, Joseph Henry
built an electric motor, and The Electric Age was born. Since
then, we've learned trillions of ways to make electrons dance to
our technological tunes. Yet, we still don't yet know the nature
of this force, nor its effect in nature.

Enter the Dragon

In 1979 Carl Blackman, at EPA Health Effects Research Lab
biologist, confirmed Adey's 16 hz window effect on calcium ions.
Blackman found 50 Mhz (ham radio frequency) modulated at 15 hz
also increased calcium ion release from chick brain tissue.

Further experiments showed the power level of the internal
magnetic field in tissue was critical. In 1980, Blackman found
that 16 hz increased calcium release at two power levels, but
one and 30 hz showed no effect. Then he explored one to 100 hz
to reveal windows at 15, 45, 75, and 105 hz, with weak reactions
to 30, 60 and 90 hz.

Blackman's real discovery came in 1983. In studying frequency
window effects, Blackman stumbled on the solid state physics
principle of cyclotron resonance -- that static magnetic fields
cause electric particles to move in circles at a frequency
related to static magnetic strength.

Using Helmholtz coils to create static magnetism, he cut local
geomagnetism in half -- and 15 hz calcium ion effects vanished.
In other tests, a new window appeared at 30 hz with an effect
proportional to geomagnetism. In July 1984, Blackman told the
Bioelectromagnetics Society that local geomagnetism is a
critical variable in experiments, and explained why researchers
had trouble reproducing biomagnetic experiments -- results
depend on local geomagnetism in each lab.

Many scientists repeated Blackman's experiments. Oakland
University physicist Abraham Liboff suggested neural tissue ions
are in cyclotron resonance with external magnetism. He altered
geomagnetism to a level at which lithium ions resonate, and
found rats exposed to 60 hz had impaired response time -- a
behaviorial effect.

Carl Blackman had discovered the Dragon. But like a kid playing
pin-the-tail-on-the-leviathan, Blackman's microscopic view saw
only one tiny scale of an immense beast -- Earth's largest
single organism.

Another breakthrough came in 1971, when Brian Josephson invented
a new crystal semiconductor to make possible superconducting
quantum interference detectors (SQUID) -- which are extremely
sensitive to magnetism. This new tool led to a scientific
revolution: Bioelectromagnetics. One of the first things found
by SQUID was delicate magnetic fields about our head. Whole bees
were found to be magnetic.

18. Lawrence and His Laboratory:
Chapter 3: Deflecting Physics for War

.... design of calutron components from the central magnet
(Brobeck) to peripheral "gunk catching, cleaning and recovery"


Homosexuality and Wicca

By Robert Huneault
Is homosexuality compatible with male/female polarity?

Can homosexuals work magic?

Of course homosexuals can work magic. Sexual orientation has
never been a barrier to this. The berdache, or two-spirited
people, of many North American tribes were particularly noted
for their spiritual/magical work

I have myself worked with male and female partners, and I have
never noticed a difference in the quality of the magic performed
as a result of the gender of the other person. Alex Sanders
himself once produced a magical child by working with another
man. (J. Johns, 1969, King of the Witches). I think much of the
problem arises when people confuse polarity magic with gender
magic. Polarity magic is performed by two people who act as
different poles in a magical circuit. Gender magic is performed
by two people of opposite genders using their sexual energy and
magnetism to produce a magical effect. This is simply
heterosexual sex magic. Homosexuals can achieve the same effect,
except it will be with a member of the same gender.


The Permanent Magnet Undulator (PMU) to be installed on
Long Straight Section - 3 (LSS-3) has exceeded its performance goals.
The Brobeck Division of Maxwell Laboratories designed and
fabricated the undulator to achieve at least 70% of the ideal
flux output for the first and third harmonics, but in fact,
magnetic field measurements show that the undulator will exceed
this value for the 5th harmonic as well.

The undulator before installation on the ring

Following acceptance of the device at the end of March, the
Engineering group re-leveled the undulator and realigned the
field measuring system. About the middle of June, the
Accelerator group started measuring fields - verifying
performance and characterizing the undulator over a wide range
of parameters. Priority has been given to further trimming of
the magnetic field and to the boosting of the calculated 5th
harmonic. Recent work has determined excitations for several
trim coils that reduce long- wave field/phase errors, resulting
in enhancement of the 5th harmonic by 10-20% to a minimum of 88%
over the operating range.

All of this comes with very minimal risk to the quality of the
Aladdin electron beam.

"Undulators are relatively nonperturbative regarding adverse
impact on ring performance compared to other options such as
wigglers." To allow electron injection without degradation of
stacked and accelerated current, the gap in the magnet array
will be opened to about 22 cm. Once the desired current and
energy have been achieved in Aladdin, the undulator gap can be

The term electromagnetic pulse (EMP) has the following meanings:

1. The electromagnetic radiation from an explosion (especially a
nuclear explosion) or an intensely fluctuating magnetic field
caused by Compton-recoil electrons

2. A broadband, high-intensity, short-duration burst of
electromagnetic energy

In works of fiction, EMP has made many appearances, particularly
in science fiction. In the cyberpunk sub-genre, EMP is often
portrayed as a superweapon that distorts social order by
destroying technological artifacts central to a society

The scintillation counter descends from the visual reading of
flashes made by alpha particles striking fluorescent screens

The Cerenkov counter exploits the fact, discovered in 1934, that
charged particles emit light when traveling through a medium
faster than the speed of light there. The counter can provide
not only a threshold measurement but also a velocity
determination, because Cerenkov radiation occurs only in the
forward direction and at an angle uniquely determined by the
particle's speed and the index of refraction of the medium. The
Rad Lab had not been a leader in detection methods before the
war and its war work

Donald Glaser and some colleagues at the University of Michigan
were doing physics in a saloon. Someone observed that a stream
of beer bubbles made a nice track. Glaser took the suggestion
seriously and sought a process in a liquid that could register
the path of a charged particle and then quickly expunge the
marks. He thought that bubbles might be formed in a superheated
liquid much as condensation droplets arise in a cloud chamber.

The Rad Lab built the magnet, 115 tons of steel and 20 tons of
copper giving 18 kilogauss. The chamber itself, 3.25 tons of
austenitic stainless steel, held 12.5 cubic feet of liquid
hydrogen. After many trials, Alvarez and Duane Norgren devised
the critically important method of one-sided photography, the
"coat hangers" retrodirective illumination system.

Weighing 240 tons without its refrigeration system, it walked
from its place of assembly to its home near the Bevatron on
elephant-like hydraulic feet. Its new building had 7500 square
feet of space, shop facilities, a crane, two compressors, and
safety facilities including a big sphere to catch deuterium
released from the chamber in an emergency.


Busted For Poetry!

The 8th Annual Chicago Poetry Video Festival

Two floors of former factory in an industrial area of Chicago,
the raw and experimental space called the Lab.


The thirteen cases of Gvoon's electronics had cleared customs
the day before. There was much rejoicing. The top floor of the
Lab was dark and unlit except for the large tarps of projection
screens that OVT Visualz had stretched around the room. On these,
glowing letters were raining -- huge, ghostlike vowels and
consonants running down the screens, pulsing with eerie other-
worldiness. The air in the Lab was throbbing with the sound of
words coming to life.

Gvoon had programmed the audio read of eight poems and by
accelerating, extending, and manipulating their sounds, the
program was creating its own symphony of poetics that
synchronized with electronic visuals.

Steve Collins was holding two baseball-sized orbs in front of
him. Interrelating to magnetic signals from his body, these
balls created a grid-made entity like a fluorescent sea anemone
on the screens. It stretched, contracted and swam along a sea of
letters in response to Steve moving the orbs in his hands.

Then the rain of letters transformed into full words, then lines.
An ongoing poem rolled down the screen created by Gvoon's
computer program selecting random lines from the original eight
submitted poems. A line from Dwight Okita's poem about a sun
tattooed on his lover's chest would roll into Jean Howard's line
about a daffodil's bra cup flowing over with yellow. Cin Salach'
s wild image of marrying her television set would intermingle
with Luis Rodriguez's urban landscape. An exquisite "random poem"
would create, then recreate itself, with even one or two words
of various lines being constantly replaced by the program's
random selection.
22. Kids' Magnetic Poetry Book and Creativity Kit:
Including Word Titles, ...

The front cover is magnet-friendly and folds out to be a
composition board big ... International Sites: Canada | United
Kingdom | Germany | Japan | France | China


the kings of grass fear hurt
secret knowledge is bliss
my golden fire trumpeted ancient Russia wisdom
earth cell rise and tell strange spy game
blue cloud language triangle
explain like lost poet ice pain
while evening would roll east
Germany China will love Iraq or regret own freedom
blood rain
fortell kingdom pawn lust while spring of discontent
eye light dot hunger after Iran peace
my dog is learning to father a cool desert army for bishop death


We owe our existence to magnetism

Were it not for the Earth's natural magnetism, and massive
magnetic field, the solar winds would course unimpeded over the
planet's surface. Remove the Earth's magnetism and our beautiful
blue planet would instantly become an uninhabitable place
teeming with intense radiation, unbelievable winds, and
temperatures capable of melting or disintegrating almost

Oddly, humans still don't really know how magnetism works ?
anymore than we know how gravity works. We have equations to
express both, and rules to follow regarding both ? but we really
don't know how they work.

An early application of magnetism

The Chinese used lodestones as early as the 4th century AD in a
divination ritual called "Geomancy." Geomancy

Magnetism and marriage

It was once believed, and not that long ago, that if you placed
a piece of lodestone under the pillow of your spouse while they
slept, in the morning, they would voluntarily tell all about
their illicit, extra-marital affairs. They say all folklore has
a basis in fact ? one's mind boggles at contemplating how this
one got started?

Magnetism and medicine

Late 1700's, a Frenchman named Franz Anton Mesmer announced that
he had discovered "animal magnetism." But not the way we use it
colloquially ? meaning when one person attracts another. Franz
Anton Mesmer believed the magnetism of the earth flowed around
and through people. If it flowed correctly, you were healthy. If
it didn't, you got sick. He treated people by rubbing them with

He held seances during which the participants sat around a vat
of sulfuric acid (H2 SO4) holding lengths of iron (see the photo
at right). It was said they were "Mesmerized."

Franz Anton Mesmer Franz Mesmer's actions did have one good
effect. Because of his readings about the works of Mesmer, a
physician named James Braid pioneered hypnosis in 1842. This is
largely why some people still interchange (incorrectly) the
words "hypnosis" and "Mesmerize

Now all of this information is being combined with improved
technology to give researchers ever more information about what
is going on in your brain. They know which regions "light up"
when people are thinking about certain things. They know where
in the brain activity increases or decreases when people
experience certain emotions. They now have access to Functional
MRI which not only uses magnetism like traditional medical MRI,
but it also picks up changes in oxygen use that signal increased
or decreased activity in particular areas.

TMS: Twilight Zone Science?
Want to find God? Magnetism might provide the answer.
By Daith

The technology at the core of professor Allan Snyder's
experiments to boost creative intelligence, transcranial
magnetic stimulation, is behind some pretty wacky claims.
Subjects in experiments by Dr. Michael Persinger, of Laurentian
University, believe they felt the presence of God, or some
similar mystical experience.

Check yourself into Med-TechSubjects, who were exposed to a
specific series of pulses from TMS, described feeling an
invisible presence near them or feeling connected to the whole
world. Persinger believes that naturally occurring magnetic
interference could be at the heart of mystical experiences and a
whole host of paranormal phenomena, ranging from ghosts to alien

It's pretty bemusing stuff, but the God theory was tested by one
Wired magazine correspondent in 1999, and he concluded that he
felt some kind of thing. Furthermore, Persinger is a highly
respected scientist with dozens of articles published on
magnetism and the brain.

Isidor Isaac Rabi: walking the path of God

I I Rabi's work on the magnetic properties of nuclei, including
the development of nuclear magnetic resonance, and his role as a
peace campaigner during the Cold War have had profound and far-
reaching effects throughout physics.

Isidor Rabi

A FEW months before Isidor Isaac Rabi died in early 1988, his
doctors watched as he was gently moved into the bore of a
magnetic-resonance-imaging machine. Once inside the machine,
Rabi saw a distorted image of his face in the cylindrical
surface surrounding him. "It was eerie," Rabi said. "I saw
myself in that machine. I never thought my work would come to
this." An eerie moment? Certainly

By the time he was two years old, Rabi and his family were
living in a Jewish ghetto on the Lower East Side of New York.
Rabi's boyhood was dominated by the strictures of poverty and
conservative Judaism. In their two-room flat, occupied by the
four members of the Rabi family plus two boarders, hardly a
sentence was spoken that did not refer to God in some fashion.

With PhD in hand, he went to Europe and spent short periods with
Arnold Sommerfeld, Niels Bohr, Wolfgang Pauli, and Werner
Heisenberg. However, it was in Hamburg, while presumably working
with Pauli where Rabi's future course was determined.

One month later, on 6 November, Rabi had moved to the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where the Radiation
Laboratory had just been launched.

Rabi became the head of the research division and later the
associate director of the "Rad Lab".

Rabi's talents were also too broad to restrict him to one
laboratory. The Manhattan Project, the code name for the massive
effort that brought the atomic bomb to fruition, began at Los
Alamos in late 1942. J Robert Oppenheimer, director of the
project, recognized that Rabi's experience at the Rad Lab was
what he needed at Los Alamos, and asked him to be associate
director on the project.

But Oppenheimer, a cult figure after the Second World War, had
enemies. When Oppenheimer's committee (and it was his committee)
recommended against the fusion weapon, his alleged association
with communists during the 1930s was resurrected and used
against him.

So here was Rabi working closely with Strauss, Oppenheimer's
most powerful antagonist, while at the same time remaining an
eloquent and forceful witness in support of his former colleague.
Rabi could neither lose Strauss's support for the international
conference nor could he stand by while his friend Oppenheimer
was falsely accused. Oppenheimer, to Rabi's deep disappointment,
was stripped of his security clearance and forced into relative
obscurity. The idea for a conference, to Rabi's great
satisfaction, survived.

To Rabi, physics, like religion, springs from human aspirations,
from the depths of the soul, from deep thinking and deep feeling.
For Rabi, doing great physics was walking the path of God.


A main obstacle to building an atomic bomb was the difficulty of
separating the scarce isotope uranium-235 from the much more
abundant uranium-238. Since the isotopes were chemically
identical, ordinary chemistry could not distinguish them.
Lawrence proposed to separate the isotopes by using the
minuscule difference in mass between them. Electrically charged
ions with different masses would be deflected slightly different
amounts by a magnetic field.

To investigate the possibility, Lawrence transformed the 37-inch
cyclotron and then the 184-inch magnet into mass spectrographs?
devices that separated isotopes electromagnetically.

Thursday Theology #353
March 17, 2005 (St. Patrick)
Topic: Homosexuality and Creation Theology

Scene: Judgment day.

God speaking: Just in case you didn't notice--I create stuff via
"big bang" (explosion outward) and "black-hole" (implosion
inward). Just as I create matter and antimatter. Bodies and
antibodies. Gravity and antigravity. Type and anti-type (one of
St. Paul's favorites). North poles and south poles. Magnetism
and anti-magnetism. Electricity that flows this way, electricity
that runs that way. Ditto for sexual electricity in the human
images of myself--some people wired hetero, some wired homo.
Paradox, you say in English: "seemingly conradictory or opposed
to popular opinion, yet nevertheless true."

That's my style of creating. Anomalies to you, "deviating from
the norm," but not to me. Perhaps your God is too small.
10. Gay Marriage & Fear
.... moral, religious, political, physical, and mental terms, gay
marriage ... saying, when there is no moral compass, no fixed
vantage point, people, under
12. NOVA | Magnetic Storm | When Compasses Point South | PBS
The sun's magnetic shield appears to reverse its polarity
approximately every 11 years. ... In the meantime, not to worry.
Reversals happen on average only about once every 250,000

When Compasses Point South

If all the compasses in the world started pointing south rather
than north, many people might think something very strange, very
unusual, and possibly very dangerous was going on. Doomsayers
would have a field day proclaiming the end is nigh, while more
rational persons might head straight to scientists for an

As the time line at right shows, hundreds of times in our planet'
s history the polarity of the magnetic shield ensheathing the
globe has gone from "normal," our current orientation to the
north, to "reversed," and back again.

Furor Erupts Over Study On Sexual Orientation, an article by Ken
Hausman in the APA's Psychiatric News (July 6, 2001

The mass media and the Web are filled with claims these days
from religious conservatives, orthodox psychoanalysts, anti-gay
organizations, and even a professional football player claiming
that people with a homosexual orientation not only can become
heterosexual, but also should do so.

However, claims by the Family Research Council, Charles
Socarides, Joseph Nicolosi, and others of "successful"
conversions through reparative therapy are filled with
methodological ambiguities and questionable results

.. A Pole Shift Is The Least Of Our Worries
As was said before, the magnetic pole reversal itself would be
the least of the worries, as it's unlikely future generations
would survive long enough to

2. Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website
Homosexuality is a immoral and repulsive thing even if not of
the free will. ... Patrick J. Buchanan
- Right From the Beginning

tm Web:
2. Sex and Marriage: Overview (Part 1)
Marriage also functions as a glue in the organization of society. ...
it generally at least includes members of one's nuclear family ?


The nucleus is held together by the strong interaction;
it would blow apart by electrical repulsion between protons
if it were not "glued" together by gluon particles that carry the
strong force. By analogy, each nucleus is a tightly ****ed
spring (the electrical repulsion) held in place by very stiff
rope (the strong force). The energy stored-up in the spring is
released when an alpha particle is emitted.

(As we will discuss in the next chapter, each proton or neutron
is not fundamental, but is a composite, on average, of three,
point-like quarks, again observed by a high-energy Rutherford-
type experiment. The quarks in each proton or neutron are held
together by the carriers of the strong force, the gluons.)

E = mc2 : From Mass Springs Energy

Introducing the Particle-Beam Weapon

Another force that tends to prevent beam spreading is a
surrounding magnetic field, created by the current of the
charged particle beam. ...

Use of a neutral beam in space would ensure that the beam would
not spread due to mutual repulsion of the beam particles.
Divergence would come strictly from that imparted by the
accelerator. In the atmosphere, however, even if the beam
particles were neutral, air molecules would strip the
surrounding electrons quickly from the beam's neutral atoms,
turning the beam into a charged-particle beam. The charged
particles within the beam would then tend to repel one another,
producing undesirable beam divergence. But as the beam
propagates through the air, it would also strip electrons from
the surrounding air molecules, creating a region of charged
particles (ions) intermingling with the beam. The result of this
phenomenon is to neutralize the overall charge of the beam,
thereby reducing the undesired effect of mutual repulsion among
the charged particles in the beam that is a cause of beam
spreading. Another force that tends to prevent beam spreading is
a surrounding magnetic field, created by the current of the
charged particle beam. This field wraps itself around the beam
and produces a conduit that inhibits beam divergence.

6. IEER: Energy & Security No. 6 / Science for Democratic Action
V6N4 ...
However, pure fusion weapons, that is, weapons that would not
need a fission ... motion) of the nuclei to be large enough to
overcome the repulsive force.3


The Book is never revealed except through prophets and
messengers. It is only through the prophets and messengers that
the Book could be revealed to all humans. The messengers and
prophets are because of God's mercy. He says, "Look at all those
poor humans in the Velatropa "free will zone!" Their little
"free will" is going like this all the time {demonstrates
oscillating finger}, with the ego trying to push the needle in
this direction and the needle in that direction.

The free will is a magnetic needle and the magnet is God, which
is revealed through what we call the Divine Plan. That magnetic
needle of the free will wants to go to the magnet, but the ego
says, "No, I think this thing over on the side is really neat.
If I can take this little thing on the side here, and make it my
own, other people will think I'm great, interesting and
important." That is not how it is. But because that is the
natural tendency, until we get to the point of Judgement Day,
through the mercy of God, there are prophets and messengers.
9. Godlike Productions -- EMP
.... US deployed an electromagnetic pulse weapon (EMP) in Desert
Storm, designed to ... HERMES uses technology developed by
Pulse Sciences, Inc.

Electricity and Magnetism

His father died during his mother's pregnancy. Rejected by her
as a boy, he was packed off to boarding school when she
remarried. He himself never married, but in middle age he formed
an intense relationship with a much younger man, a relationship
that he terminated when he underwent a psychotic break.
Following his early scientific successes, he spent the rest of
his professional life mostly in frustration over his inability
to unlock the secrets of alchemy.

The man being described is Isaac Newton, but not the triumphant
Newton of the standard textbook hagiography. Why dwell on the
sad side of his life? To the modern science educator, Newton's
lifelong obsession with alchemy may seem an embarrassment

The historical record can't be decoded with certainty.
Seventeenth-century England didn't conceive of mental illness in
the same way we do now. Homosexuality was a capital offense, not
a personal preference. If Newton was homosexual, he had a strong
motivation not to record the fact.


JOLT: A Highly Directive, Very Intensive,
Impulse-Like Radiator

Robert G. Altes received the B.S. degree in mechanical
engineering from California Polytechnic
State University, San Luis Obispo, in 1961.
From 1961 to 1967, he was with Lawrence
Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA. From 1967
to 1976, he was with William M. Brobeck and
Associates. From 1976 to 1981, he was with
EG&G. He joined Pulse Sciences Inc. (now Titan
Pulse Sciences Division, San Leandro, CA) in
1981, where he is currently Chief Mechanical
Engineer. He has led the mechanical design,
engineering, and often management, of many major pulsed power
systems with applications including fusion, directed energy,
radiography, and weapons effects simulation.


In March 1941 the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism (DTM) at
the Carnegie Institution measured the fast cross section of U-
235. Using it Peierls calculated a new critical mass for U-235
at 18 pounds as a bare sphere, or 9-10 pounds when surrounded by
a reflector. A Report was produced in the same month by the Maud
Committee describing the importance of fast fission for bomb
design and a copy was sent it to the Uranium Committee in the
USA. The secretary of the committee, Lyman Briggs, locked up the
document on arrival in March 1941 and showed it to no one.

Inventors: Keske, Robert G.;
Application Number: 660714
Filing Date: 1976-02-23
Publication Date: 1978-01-24

Attorney, Agent or Firm: Magidson; William H., Gilkes; Arthur G.,
McClain; William T.

We claim:

1. Magnet wire bearing at least one enamel subbing layer
selected from the group consisting of polyester, polyester imide,
polyimide and polyamide-imide and a continuous self-bonding
varnish top coat comprising a polyalkylenetrimellitate imide
polyalkylenetrimellitate ester imide having a ratio of from
about 1 : 19 to 19 : 1 of units A and B wherein A and B have the
structures: ##STR2## and R.sub.1, R.sub.2 and R.sub.3 are
independently divalent alkylene radicals.

2. The article of claim 1 wherein a polyamideimide enamel
subbing layer is in direct contact with the top coat polymer of
claim 1.

3. The magnet wire of claim 1 wherein the varnish top coat has
an I.V. of at least 0.3 dl/g and R.sub.3 comprises ethylene.

4. The magnet wire of claim 3, wherein R.sub.1 comprises
ethylene and the A : B ratio is at least 1.

5. The magnet wire of claim 4 wherein R.sub.2 comprises

This invention relates to polyalkylenetrimellitate imide
polyalkylenetrimellitate ester imides and their use as self-
bonding magnet wire varnishes.

Magnet wire is an essential element of many electrical
components, such as armatures, stators, coils, etc. Typically,
the bare magnet wire is insulated by coating with one or more
layers of a magnet wire enamel. N.E.M.A. standards require that
the insulating enamel layer must be flexible and thermally
stable under the conditions of use and that the coated wire must
have specific mechanical properties. The thermal rating of
magnet wire enamels is normally determined by ASTM D-2307 (1968).


Magnet Lab Researchers Deciphering Flu Virus

Science Daily ? As the Northern Hemisphere braces for another
flu season, researchers at Florida State University's National
High Magnetic Field Laboratory are making strides toward better
understanding the mechanics of the virus that causes it -- a
virus that kills between one-quarter and one- half million
people each year.

Tim Cross, director of the lab's Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
program, and collaborators from Brigham Young University are
trying to understand the minute parts of the highly virulent
Influenza Type A virus. To do that, they are using all of the
magnet lab's NMR resources, including its 15-ton, 900- megahertz
magnet, to produce a detailed picture of the virus's skin.

"Using the magnet helps us build a blueprint for a virus's
mechanics of survival," said Cross, who also is a professor of
chemistry and biochemistry at FSU. "The more detailed the
blueprint, the better our chances of developing drugs capable of
destroying it."

The only magnet of its kind in the world, the "900" is critical
to the project's process. Otherwise, an image this complicated
would be impossible to obtain

The work is funded by a five-year, multimillion-dollar grant
from the National Institutes of Health. Other authors on the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences paper are Jun Hu,
Riqiang Fu, Katsuyuki Nishimura, Li Zhang and Huan-Xiang Zhou,
all of FSU, and Viksita Vijayvergiya, a former postdoctoral
fellow at BYU.


Bird Deaths Shut Down Downtown Austin...
Associated Press | JIM VERTUNO
| Posted January 8, 2007 05:30 PM

READ MORE: New York, Austin
Police shut down 10 blocks in downtown Austin for several hours
Monday after 63 birds were found dead in the street, but
officials said preliminary tests found no threat to people.

Workers in yellow hazardous-materials suits tested for
contaminants in a cordoned-off section near the state Capitol
and the governor's mansion before authorities finally gave the
all-clear in the afternoon.

each of these fake (probably illegal) unannounced terror drill
psyop campaigns today represents a fake threat:

dead birds in Austin = bird flu warfare with China

gas leak in Manhattan = natural gas wars with Russia

derailed subway in DC = derailment in the secret government

coal plant explosion in Ohio = unknown factor, related to
nuclear energy and GM electric cars

the press should start talking about how Russia and China will
never be real threats to the US because they are too busy with
internal divisions, otherwise we will be duped into a war with
Iran+Russia+China, with hybrid nukes and flu warfare

The Spectacles
by Edgar Allan Poe

MANY years ago, it was the fashion to ridicule the idea of
"love at first sight;" but those who think, not less than
those who feel deeply, have always advocated its existence.
Modern discoveries, indeed, in what may be termed ethical magnetism
or magnetoesthetics, render it probable that the most natural, and,
consequently, the truest and most intense of the human
affections are those which arise in the heart as if by
electric sympathy

"Ha! ha! ha!- why, Simpson, you have an astonishing tact at
making discoveries- original ones, I mean." And here we separated,
while one of the trio began humming a gay vaudeville, of which
I caught only the lines-

Ninon, Ninon, Ninon a bas- A bas Ninon De L'Enclos!

Upon the evening in question, therefore, I was in a condition
little short of madness. Madame Lalande, I had been told, was a
Parisian- had lately arrived from Paris- might she not suddenly


With these pregnant and remarkable details in mind we may
consider the explanation of vampirism given by Z. T. Pierart,[97]
a well-known French spiritualist and sometime editor of La Revue
Spiritualiste. He writes as follows: "As long as the astral form
is not entirely liberated from the body there is a liability
that it may be forced by magnetic attraction to re-enter it.

Sometimes it will be only half-way out when the corpse, which
presents the appearance of death, is buried. In such cases the
terrified astral soul re-enters its casket, and then one of two
things happen: the person buried either writhes in agony of
suffocation, or, if he has been grossly material, becomes a
vampire. The bi-corporeal life then begins. The ethereal form
can go where it pleases, and as long as it does not break the
link connecting it with the body can wander visible or invisible
and feed on its victims. It then transmits the results of the
suction by some mysterious invisible cord of connexion to the
body, thus aiding it to perpetuate the state of catalepsy." Duly
discounting the peculiar phraseology of "astral soul" and
"ethereal form" this comment seems to point towards a possible
and correct explanation.

It is far more curious that it should be thought that those over
whose dead bodies a cat or any other animal has passed should
become vampires. This belief widely exists amongst Slavonic
peoples, and is to be found in some parts of Greece. It also
prevails in China where a cat is never allowed to enter a room
with a corpse for the body still contains the Kuei, the lower or
inferior soul of Yin original, and by leaping over it the cat
will impart something of its original savage or tigerish nature
and the dead man may become a vampire.[55] It should be
explained that it is a common belief among the Chinese that
there are two "souls"; the higher soul which after death seeks
the divine life, the heavenly source of its being; and the lower
soul, which is gross, returning to the earth and dwelling in the
grave until the complete dissolution of the corpse.
46. CIA mind control techniques : Fool Moon
Under MKULTRA, the CIA conducted hundreds of experiments on
unwitting people in ... Magnetism too, has been a favored means
of mind control.


Plumbing and Polarity do not Equate

Author: Black Cat
Posted: March 30th. 2001
Times Viewed: 11,732

In Witchcraft we look to nature around us for inspiration and
for clues to help us understand the workings of the world.
Although we may not understand the mechanics that make magick
spells come to fruition, we still cast our spells and get

In modern times, we are finding that science is confirming what
Witches have held to be true for many years. Namely, that the
objective nature of the world is one of flux, energy and change.
In science, when matter is broken down into its smallest
components, it is ultimately found to be energy. Now I am not a
scientist, I am a Witch and I'll stick with the topic I know

So, what about the attraction between the opposite genders? That
is natural too. How can it be that the same genders as well as
the different genders can be attracted like the two poles of a
magnet? It is because gender has nothing to do with polarity.

The poles represent the extreme ends of a spectrum. This is
emphasized in Faery Traditions in particular. All of life can be
thought of, not in terms of definite static forms, but in terms
of a shifting spectrum.

When we look at ancient Asian philosophies, we are introduced to
the concept of yin and yang. The reason I bring this up is that
the yin and yang symbol, although heavily tied to physical
gender in terms of symbology, explicitly demonstrates that each
yin contains a portion that is yang, and each yang contains a
portion that is yin. This inner mix is represented by the little
dot at the center of the swirl yin and yang symbol. In each of
us we contain both polarities. Polarities are merely extremes of
a spectrum.

The energy in magick flows between people and things. We can use
the polarity concept to help us construct a way of understanding
this. It is not to be taken so literally in my opinion, but is
useful nonetheless. As each person contains both polarities,
either gender may relate with either gender, in any possible

To go back to the magnet analogy, if you cut a magnet in half,
you do not end up with one pole here and the other pole over
there, you end up with two complete magnets, each with positive
and negative poles. Likewise with people; we are all naturally
"bi-polar", so to speak.

Karl Heinrich Ulrichs
First Theorist of Homosexuality

Karl Heinrich Ulrichs was the first to formulate a scientific
theory of homosexuality.

The series of writings was continued... there were twelve
in all, the last appearing in 1879... but with only slight
revisions in the theory, Ulrichs's intention in his writings was
not merely explanatory, but also- and especially- emancipatory.
This was based on his view that the condition of being
homosexual is inborn. This was a major departure from previous
and subsequent theories that saw the practice of homosexuality/
"sodomy" as an acquired vice. In this Ulrichs was the first in a
long and continuing line of researchers who believe that a proof
of the "naturaless" of homosexuality, that is, the discovery of
a biological basis for it, will lead to equal legal and social
treatment of hetero- and homosexuals. If this attempt seems
quixotic, it is nevertheless of historical importance to
investigate its origins in the writings of Ulrichs.

The existence of animal magnetism had been postulated in the
eighteenth century by Friedrich Anton Mesmer (1734-1815), but
interest in it fell off after a commission appointed by the
medical faculty of Paris (which included Benjamin Franklin)
concluded in 1784 that this magnetic fluid did not exist.4 But a
generation later, Alexandre Bertrand (1795-1831) revived it, and
in 1831 a committee of the Academy of Medicine of Paris reported
favorably upon "magnetism" as a therapeutic agent. In Germany
its acceptance as a scientific theory was strengthened in 1845,
when Karl Ludwig Freiherr von Reichenbach (1788-1869), who was
already known for his investigation of paraffin (1830) and
creosote (1832), announced the discovery of a magnetic force he
called Od. Ulrichs was clearly acquainted with Reichenbach's
theory of "odylic force,"

Ulrichs seems to have abandoned his theory of animal magnetism
after 1861. His later descriptions in terms of magnetism are
probably best seen as a popular, figurative usage that continues
today when, for example, we speak of the erotic "attraction"
that "radiates" from certain persons.

Gay Novel From China
Then the story begins in earnest. I cannot give all the details,
but it involves the traditional conventions of
love-at-first-sight, mutual magnetic attraction,
courtship rituals, dowry negotiations, jealous lovers,
wedding, married bliss, tragedy,
and so on but grafted into a same-sex relationship.
43. Books: Romance: Magnetic Poetry Magnet
Romance: Magnetic Poetry Magnet (Misc. Supplies) List Price: $19.95