Major Google Chrome vulnerability fixed in 24 hours


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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On Wednesday, a <a href="">Russian hacker discovered a vulnerability</a> in Google’s Chrome web browser during CanSecWest’s Pwnium hacker contest. It was the first time in four years at the competition that Chrome was hacked, and for his efforts, Sergey Glazunov was rewarded with $60,000. Less than 24 hours after the exploit was brought to Google’s attention, the search giant released an update fixing the vulnerability. “The Chrome Stable channel has been updated to 17.0.963.78 on Windows, Mac, Linux and Chrome Frame,” Google wrote on its Chrome update blog. “This release fixes issues with Flash games and videos, along with the security fix listed below.” Glazunov’s vulnerability is described as an “UXSS and bad history navigation” issue, however no other details were given. <span id="more-131067"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report