Make sure Mr President Putin gets my message!


Joseph R Loegering

----- Original Message -----
From: Joseph R Loegering
Cc: Deborah Oakley
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 1:34 AM
Subject: To Mr. President Putin,

From the Founder of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm;

to Mr. President Putin;

and to whomsoever it may concern;

My name is Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!


The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!

Intelligence and NBC Defense.

The Central Command and Control Office.

6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19

Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579

Phone 763-205-1296

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

I took a brief visit to your Country and Iran, without you or my Government
knowing about it. I changed the names on my letters when I wrote them, to
protect the Innocent. I can do that again and again, any time that I want!

At the beginning of the Iraq War, I intercepted and translated some of your
Communications, and I wrote you a letter, and I posted it on the Internet. I
kept some of your Communications Secret for a reason!

Because you were playing buddy, buddy, with President George Bush, and he
was too blind to see what you were doing, I warned you that if you let a
Nuke get through the Middle East, that you would not have to worry about our
US Government if they were taken out, because I said, that you would be in
my line of fire!

Your Nukes are in the Middle East, under your control, and you had gotten
with China and other Countries, and have deceived some of the Politicians in
Washington, and some of the US News Media, to help you and Asia do your
dirty works of brainwashing the masses, and destroying our US Constitution
and all of our Rights not protected therein, while destroying our Economy so
that you and China could overthrow us from within.

You had better get with them US Politicians, and them in the Medias, and get
them to reinstate the US Constitution on all levels of US Government, and
all of our rights not protected therein, and get them Nukes out of Israel,
and stop using the State of Israel as a Puppet for murder, and stop using
them to threaten US Oil Interests in the Middle East, or you will find out
what I meant when I said that you will be in my line of fire!

You are a Nuclear Threat to my Country, and to my Family!

Read a little about me in your files on your computers, and read my Website,
and you will see I am telling the truth.

Have a nice day, Mr. President Putin!

Just stay C.A.L.M. Everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and to
my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to face
with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. Before the Storm, the Civil American
Liberties Militia! We are made up of mostly likeminded US Military Veterans,
that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad, secretly doing our
Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no membership registry or dues,
we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay, for our Duty that we
daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of defending
our Families, and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we serve our
God, and our Country, to defend, against all our common Enemies, Foreign and

In service of God and Country

Joseph R Loegering

Proof of being sold out to our Enemies!

The same people that are destroying America, our Liberties, and all of our
rights, and all of our Hopes, and our Lives, are destroying Afghanistan and
the world wasting more than just our Taxes.

Our Limbs, and our Lives, our Liberties, our Hopes, are all gone to support
both the Evil Rulers that Rule over us, whom were deceived to work for the
Soviets against us, and for many of the Same Warlords, and Drug Lords, and
Human Traffickers, that fought for the Soviets against the Fundamentalists,
and many of them are actually worse then the Fundamentalists!


Many Atheist Soviets made an Alliance with the Shanghai Nations, to take
control of the Communist Asian Bank Systems, and took over the State of
Israel, posing as Jews and Christians, and they took over both US Political
Parties, many of whom have dual citizenship with the Communist Soviets that
took over the State of Israel, so that they can draw the US into a War
against Iran, so that the Soviets can use the State of Israel to attack the
Arabs, and cut off all US Oil, while using the Communist Asian Banks to
Destroy our Economy! They are destroying our Nation from within,

Do you think that here in America, that people whom are innocent of
committing any crime, can get no Honest Redress for any Just Petition for a
Redress of Grievances, being rounded up at the end of a gun, and being so
drugged, that these innocent people cannot even hit the Toilet, is Humane or
Moral? Under those conditions as they misdiagnosed the reason that I got a
cyst on the back of my neck, and misdiagnosed it's results on my health,
which cyst developed because in order to keep homeless people from taking
advantage of the system when they designed the Hospital, they deliberately
chose uncomfortable furniture to discourage them. Then Senator Hillary
Clinton and Mayor Michael Bloomberg ordered all the Homeless to be rounded
up, and be forced to sit in those uncomfortable furnishings, and after
trying to sit in them for a prolonged period of time, I developed a cyst on
the back of my neck because CNN falsely accused me of being Homeless.

And when they extended my stay to operate, then they had to extend my stay
because the conditions described above caused an infection!

Do you happen to know a good Law Firm that has a lot of money to take people
to Court?

The ACLU says that they cannot afford it!

Perhaps you should read the rest of this and my Website and then, let us see
if you can come up with some actual solutions to the problems!

Though I am near blind most of the time so that I have and excuse for not
reading, like many others, you can see, but you are just another fool, that
can't read, or understand. Because I am near blind most of the time, when I
ride a bike, I either misjudge the road and end up with unpaid Hospital
Bills, or I have to call the Police and report my bike stolen. The same
thing happens when I buy cars, and have someone else drive for me, they
steal it, and the Police say that they can do nothing, because I gave them
the keys, and it is only like this because fools like you that think you
know how to run our lives at the end of a gun, and will not lift a finger to
remove the obstacles

Like Itchy, you are among the biggest fools to walk the face of the earth,
even helped them and voted to cut off your own rights, and ours that we risk
our limbs, and our lives daily, to defend, for both from the richest, to the
poorest, against all our common enemies, Forging and Domestic.

In order for the families of the victims, whom all began to suffer upon that
day of atrocities, to get Justice, we will not rest in peace, until we have
brought those responsible for 9-11, and those responsible for using the War
on Terrorism to falsely accuse and jail or kill the Innocent, and or for
using the War on Terrorism as an opportunity to take our Taxes, and impose
upon us Interests, and impose upon us Carbon Credits, and or to coax and or
force people to take Psychotropic Behavior Control Drugs, destroying our
Economy, and our Health, and our Treasures, and not accomplishing the Job of
defending our Liberty, but are destroying our Liberty, making us slaves, for
their own purpose of grabbing power to rule over us with a heavy hand, to

Dear Margot Kidder,

Don't fear anything, for God has not given us the Spirit of fear, but of
Power, and of Love, and of a Sound Mind!

I investigated, and I know the traps that were laid for you, and I know what
Rockland is all about, the scams of the greedy misdiagnosing Doctors, the
scams of the violent Patients, and the side effects of their drugs, and the
multitude of fools that unfairly judged, and abused, and used, you before,
and when you got out, I have been there too!

Dear Margot, do you have the time to walk through the shadow of the valley
of death, with our God, and with us US Veterans, that know what the scams
are all about?

These fools in the Media, and in Politics, and in the Public, do not realize
that they all belong behind the doors of Rockland, instead of you or I! I
can show you a new way, do you have the time to walk with me awhile?

Come Margot, walk with us, though we have been betrayed again, by the US
Government and by many in the Media, and by many in the Public, that
continue to unfairly judge and systematically trap, capture, drug, jail, and
or kill US
Veterans, and innocent men, and innocent women like you!

It is too bad that even disabled Veterans want to work and or start their
own businesses, but cannot because of too many Federal, State, and Local
Government Regulations, and because of people using the Government to
unfairly outsource our Jobs, even before we can get started, saying that it
is a Job that Americans don't want, like the Windmills and Wind Turbines
that I was
writing about on the Internet. But they have State and Local laws for
Veteran's Preference,
that only apply to State or Local Government Jobs, and they outlawed every
way that we can think of, for trying to get there, and get any of them Jobs
that they claim are protected for us.

A Quote from their website!

"The Minnesota Veteran's Preference Act (VPA) grants veterans a limited
preference over non-veterans in hiring and promotion for most state and
local governmental employment. It also provides local government employees
who are veterans some protection against unfair demotions and dismissal."

We are not asking for Food Stamps or Welfare, we are asking for Deregulation
on Federal, State, and Local Government, that get in the way of our being
able to get to a Job, and start a Business. The Less Regulations that they
have the easier it would be to work and build a stronger America, and with
less Regulations to enforce, we would be saving Tax Money for more useful
Government. But as you can see from this letter, neither The Tax and Spend
Democrats, nor the Borrow Until Economic Collapse Republicans can understand
what we really need, DEREGULATION! Take a look at my Website to see just a
few of the Laws that prevent Veterans from getting anywhere!

And since most of us are disabled, both we and the Poor that do not have
Jobs, will get nothing that will help us out of their Stimulation Package,
we have already said we need DERGULATION, but those Traitors in Washington
are not listening to us, they are systematically capturing us, drugging us,
jailing us, and killing us, for the benefit of our common enemies. It is
time to tell them Traitors to get out of Washington


WASHINGTON, DC - House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the
following statement after the announcement that House Democrats and
Republicans and the Bush Administration reached agreement on an economic
stimulus package:

"This bipartisan economic stimulus package will provide an important shot in
the arm to our struggling economy by putting money in the hands of
hard-working Americans who will spend it quickly and help stimulate the

"I am pleased that this stimulus package adhered to the principles that
Democrats have stressed for weeks - that an economic stimulus be timely,
targeted and temporary. It is critical that we not enact a stimulus plan
that further erodes our nation's long-term fiscal condition.

"Democrats are particularly pleased that, under this package, 35 million
working families who would not otherwise have been helped will receive tax
relief this spring, and that 117 million families in all will receive a
stimulus check. We are disappointed, however, that our Republican
colleagues ruled out including an extension of unemployment insurance
benefits and increasing food stamps in this package - provisions that would
provide an immediate bang for the buck and help stimulate our economy,
according to economists on both sides of the aisle. We will continue to
look at these and other provisions in the days ahead.

"It is my hope and expectation that the House will consider this stimulus
package quickly. And, I hope the Senate will do likewise. It is imperative
that this streamlined and focused stimulus package not be loaded down with
extraneous provisions."

Dear CNN and Internet Trolls and Politicians,

Thanks for your cooperation in helping solve our problems,

However I have got some Good News, and some Bad News.

The Good News is, some of the Doctors and Judges have seen our point of
view, and will no longer be forcing mind control drugs upon us. However, the
Bad News, in order to make up for their loss of income, they have decided to
start taking so called investigative Journalists and their Staff, and
Internet Trolls, and Politicians, to Court, where the Doctors will testify
that they are out of touch with reality, and that
they are dangerous to the Public safety, and the Courts will give them
permission to keep them, and force mind control drugs on them, even if they
are innocent of committing any crime!

PS. Even though it will be hard because of the side effects of those drugs,
try not to piss on the toilet seat or crap all over the place, and don't
slip in the mess other Patients left for you. And if they operate on you,
once the infections cause the wound to swell, make sure you take all of the
antibiotics, and just hope it is not a resistant strain of bacteria!

Yours truly,

The Warlord of Warlords

Ares the God of War

In service of God and Country

"Joseph R Loegering" <> wrote in message
>I figured this would happen ahead of time, that is why I posted this
> In service of God and Country
> Joseph

what the **** makes you think Putin reads this newsgroup, Psycho?

> ============================================================================
> This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
> Delivery to the following recipients failed permanently:
> ============================================================================
> Technical details:
> SMTP: host 550 <>: inactive user
> ============================================================================
I figured this would happen ahead of time, that is why I posted this thread!

In service of God and Country

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Delivery to the following recipients failed permanently:

Technical details:

SMTP: host 550 <>: inactive user

I pass information to President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir
President Putin respond to information with the following suggestion:

Stop posting silly messages to internet.
Take medication and seek treatment from psychiatrist.
Get job or hobby to occupy time.

Faithfully submitted,
Col. Ivan Stepanovich
"SyVyN11" <> wrote in message
> "Joseph R Loegering" <> wrote in message
>>I figured this would happen ahead of time, that is why I posted this
>> In service of God and Country
>> Joseph

> what the **** makes you think Putin reads this newsgroup, Psycho?

what the **** makes you think Russians don't reads this English newsgroup,

Why do you want to betray America? By the I found another way of getting it
to Putin personally, see yah on the battle field!

In service of God and Country


>> ============================================================================
>> This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
>> Delivery to the following recipients failed permanently:
>> ============================================================================
>> Technical details:
>> SMTP: host 550 <>: inactive user
>> ============================================================================

"Colonel Ivan Stepanovich" <> wrote in message
>I pass information to President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir
> Putin.
> President Putin respond to information with the following suggestion:
> Stop posting silly messages to internet.
> Take medication and seek treatment from psychiatrist.
> Get job or hobby to occupy time.
> Faithfully submitted,
> Col. Ivan Stepanovich

Making things Public is the only way to try to pressure Politicians into
preventing a Global Nuclear War, but something blinds some fools from seeing
that, I will tell you what it is!
See yah on the Battle Field, the Balloon is getting ready to go up, but your
arrogance has blinded you to the degree that you will not see it coming as
you get your head blown off fool!

In service og God and Country

"Joseph R Loegering" <> wrote in message
> "Colonel Ivan Stepanovich" <> wrote in message
>>I pass information to President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir
>> Putin.
>> President Putin respond to information with the following suggestion:
>> Stop posting silly messages to internet.
>> Take medication and seek treatment from psychiatrist.
>> Get job or hobby to occupy time.
>> Faithfully submitted,
>> Col. Ivan Stepanovich

> Making things Public is the only way to try to pressure Politicians into
> preventing a Global Nuclear War, but something blinds some fools from
> seeing that, I will tell you what it is!
> See yah on the Battle Field, the Balloon is getting ready to go up, but
> your arrogance has blinded you to the degree that you will not see it
> coming as you get your head blown off fool!

That was suppose to be the purpose of the free press, but we do not have a
free press, the Communists used the State of Israel to control the press,
and blind the Public, exactly the same way that they did in both Nazi
Germany and the Soviet Union!

"Ramabriga" <> wrote in message
> Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs:
> Brainwashing the U.S. Military, U.S. police departments and stealing
> elections
> JINSA's annual programs include sponsoring a trip for retired United
> States Flag and General
> Officers to Israel and a study program in Israel for cadets and midshipmen
> from the Naval
> Academy, the Military Academy at West Point, and the Air Force Academy.
> JINSA also arranges
> interchanges between Pentagon officials and Jewish community leadership
> and sponsors lectures
> and conferences at the national military academies and leading national
> security think tanks.
> These programs are aimed at facilitating dialogue between security policy
> makers, military
> officials, diplomats, and the community at large to increase the
> understanding of national
> security issues.
> JINSA also sponsors trips to Israel for American police chiefs, sheriffs
> and state police
> commander in their program called Law Enforcement Exchange Program (LEEP)
> JINSA's Core Programs
> The Flag and General Officers Trip to Israel
> Since 1982, JINSA has sponsored an annual trip to Israel for recently
> retired American Admirals
> and Generals. These officers, although no longer on active duty, are
> selected because they are
> still connected to the American security establishment. Some serve on
> Defense Department or
> presidential commissions; some are advisors to their previous commands;
> others are consultants
> to various security-related organizations. They are opinion leaders
> well-placed to help dispel
> misinformation about Israel and the U.S.-Israel relationship.
> One Air Force general revisited his former command (USAFE), listened to
> and was dissatisfied
> with the Air Force briefing on the Middle East. He asked for and received
> permission to rewrite
> the briefing book based upon his trip to Israel with JINSA and material he
> acquired there.
> "Dispel misinformation" since 1982 about Israel? Like dispelling
> information about Israel's
> 1982 invasion of Lebanon and Israel's part in the Sabra and Shatilla
> refugee camp massacres?
> Robert Perry Military Academies Program in Israel
> This work/study program is designed to provide the next generation of
> American military
> leadership with a personal, intensive experience with an allied country.
> Younger American officers study the Holocaust and the Six Day War as
> history.
> Creating another generation of American officers who, upon either seeing
> the Star of David or
> hearing the latest Zionist propaganda, will click their heels and smartly
> salute the Apartheid
> State of Israel. Those who shed some tears will be marked as "malleable"
> and be put on a a
> fast-track list for promotion.
> Law Enforcement Exchange Program (LEEP)
> While in Israel, the Israeli National Police host the Americans with
> participation by the
> Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the Israel Security Agency.
> The LEEP delegation, comprised of the most senior American police chiefs,
> sheriffs and state
> police commanders, studies methods and observed techniques used by Israeli
> police forces in
> preventing and reacting to suicide bombers, and joins Israeli police on
> patrols in urban and
> rural areas. The agenda also focuses on the critical role of intelligence
> gathering and
> interagency information sharing.
> Inaugurated in 2002, LEEP has directly resulted in significant policy
> shifts and new training
> methods in a number of major metropolitan police and sherrifs departments
> in the United States.
> Translation: Zionists are able to thoroughly brainwash American police
> agencies and their
> leaders into swallowing whole the Israeli view of the world, in which
> Israel is pure and
> untainted, while anything Muslim/Arab is an evil that must be destroyed.
> A warped view which Israel has managed to seep into the collective
> American conscious so much
> so, that when most Americans see what they think is a Muslim, they either
> tremble in fear or
> reach for a weapon.
> The Gottesman Lecture Series
> The Gottesman Lecture Series is designed to bring historical as well as
> contemporary
> information about Israel to students in military academies and
> universities. These young people
> represent the upcoming generation of leadership in our country.
> It has been JINSA's overwhelming experience that Americans who are
> generations removed from the
> Holocaust and who consider the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War ancient
> history are prone to
> accept the media's rather unflattering view of Israel as a reality. The
> Gottesman Lectures are
> an antidote. Speakers not only provide factual information - which may be
> in short supply in
> some institutions - but also engage in question sessions that allow
> students to raise issues
> related to their perceptions of Israel.
> The inaugural Gottesman Lecture was presented at the U.S. Naval Academy by
> Adm. Avraham Ben
> Shoshan, then Defense and Armed Forces Attache at the Embassy of Israel.
> In other words, the truth about Israel being a racist, apartheid state
> that is intent on
> eliminating the Palestinians and subjugating the entire ME is starting to
> leak out and make
> Americans question our blind allegiance to Israel.
> No problem, JINSA will sow the young American mind with distorted versions
> of reality, along
> with a helping of guilt, to bring these Americans to heel so they will
> recite verbatim Zionist
> policy.
> Maj. Gen. Giora Romm, Defense and Armed Forces Attache at the Embassy of
> Israel and Israel's
> first aerial ace, presented a Gottesman Lecture to 2,000 Air Force cadets
> in 1994. He was so
> enthusiastically received that other, smaller lectures he presented while
> at the Air Force
> Academy were attended by many extra students - wanting to hear him a
> second, or even a third
> time, to ask some of the questions that could not be asked in the large
> lecture hall.
> Maj. Gen. Ilan Biran, Commander of Israel's Central Command, delivered a
> Gottesman Lecture at
> the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
> Dr. Dore Gold, a senior analyst at the Jaffee Center for International
> Studies at Tel Aviv
> University, presented a Gottesman Lecture at the Virginia Military
> Institute.
> Brig. Gen. Avigdor Kahalani, then Member of the Knesset and deputy mayor
> of Tel Aviv, delivered
> a Gottesman Lecture to the United States Military Academy at West Point in
> 1995.
> The chairman of JINSA is David Steinman. He has a rather long resume,
> including being the head
> of Amtek. Amtek describes itself as a leading global manufacturer of
> electronic instruments and
> electromechanical devices, especially in the field of aerospace and
> defense products.
> Such as the black boxes that are fitted onto airliners to record flight
> data. Amtek also is
> involved in Homeland Security, specifically, providing nuclear safeguards,
> thru its subsidiary,
> Ortec.
> Going to this link and clicking on the scroll tab and one can see the long
> list of JINSA's
> advisors and buddies. Like John Bolton, Michael Ledeen, Joshua Muravchik
> and numerous others
> whose names pop up on presidential campaign committees, news outlets and
> MSM newspapers.
> Ledeen was behind the Niger "yellowcake" forged documents that helped
> propel the U.S. into
> fighting a war against one of Israel's "existential" enemies, Iraq.
> Ledeen also helped smear then President Carter back in 1980 with false
> claims that Carter's
> brother, Billy , was associated with and getting money from the PLO.
> Ledeen's daughter, Simone, was part of the Coalition Provisional Authority
> that was
> instrumental in the looting of Iraq.
> Joshua Muravchik, is one of the signers of the Project of the New American
> Century. A document
> that has been used like a road map in the looting and destruction of the
> Iraq. Now, Muravchik
> is on one of many urging GW Bush to bring his "Shock and Awe Democracy
> Tour to Iran.
> PNAC advocated that the U.S. should fight numerous wars in the ME. Wars
> that would mostly
> benefit Israel. But PNAC realized Americans would not get behind these
> wars, unless "some
> catastrophic and catalysing event - like a new Pearl Harbor" event would
> take place that would
> enrage the American public so much that it would gladly fight these wars
> for Israel.
> That new "Pearl Harbor" took place on September 9, 2001.
> One name on the JINSA advisory board is of particular interest, J. Kenneth
> Blackwell. Blackwell
> was Ohio's Secretary of State during the 2004 presidential elections and
> helped steal votes in
> that state so GW Bush could stay in power.
> Afterwards, he violated state and federal law and court rulings and
> DESTROYED those ballots.
> --
> Posted via a free Usenet account from

By controlling the State of Israel and the US News Media, this is exactly
how the Communist Soviets and Communist China are overthrowing the United
States from within. That is why all the so called security that the State of
Israel and the US News Media helped build, destroyed our US Constitutional
Rights, and all of our Rights not Protected therein, on one level of
Government or another!

From the Founder of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm;

to Mr. President Putin;

and to whomsoever it may concern;

My name is Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!


The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!

Intelligence and NBC Defense.

The Central Command and Control Office.

6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19

Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579

Phone 763-205-1296

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

I took a brief visit to your Country and Iran, without you or my Government
knowing about it. I changed the names on my letters when I wrote them, to
protect the Innocent. I can do that again and again, any time that I want!

At the beginning of the Iraq War, I intercepted and translated some of your
Communications, and I wrote you a letter, and I posted it on the Internet. I
kept some of your Communications Secret for a reason!

Because you were playing buddy, buddy, with President George Bush, and he
was too blind to see what you were doing, I warned you that if you let a
Nuke get through the Middle East, that you would not have to worry about our
US Government if they were taken out, because I said, that you would be in
my line of fire!

Your Nukes are in the Middle East, under your control, and you had gotten
with China and other Countries, and have deceived some of the Politicians in
Washington, and some of the US News Media, to help you and Asia do your
dirty works of brainwashing the masses, and destroying our US Constitution
and all of our Rights not protected therein, while destroying our Economy so
that you and China could overthrow us from within.

You had better get with them US Politicians, and them in the Medias, and get
them to reinstate the US Constitution on all levels of US Government, and
all of our rights not protected therein, and get them Nukes out of Israel,
and stop using the State of Israel as a Puppet for murder, and stop using
them to threaten US Oil Interests in the Middle East, or you will find out
what I meant when I said that you will be in my line of fire!

You are a Nuclear Threat to my Country, and to my Family!

Read a little about me in your files on your computers, and read my Website,
and you will see I am telling the truth.

Have a nice day, Mr. President Putin!

Just stay C.A.L.M. Everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and to
my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to face
with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. Before the Storm, the Civil American
Liberties Militia! We are made up of mostly likeminded US Military Veterans,
that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad, secretly doing our
Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no membership registry or dues,
we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay, for our Duty that we
daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of defending
our Families, and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we serve our
God, and our Country, to defend, against all our common Enemies, Foreign and

In service of God and Country

Joseph R Loegering

Proof of being sold out to our Enemies!

The same people that are destroying America, our Liberties, and all of our
rights, and all of our Hopes, and our Lives, are destroying Afghanistan and
the world wasting more than just our Taxes.

Our Limbs, and our Lives, our Liberties, our Hopes, are all gone to support
both the Evil Rulers that Rule over us, whom were deceived to work for the
Soviets against us, and for many of the Same Warlords, and Drug Lords, and
Human Traffickers, that fought for the Soviets against the Fundamentalists,
and many of them are actually worse then the Fundamentalists!


Many Atheist Soviets made an Alliance with the Shanghai Nations, to take
control of the Communist Asian Bank Systems, and took over the State of
Israel, posing as Jews and Christians, and they took over both US Political
Parties, many of whom have dual citizenship with the Communist Soviets that
took over the State of Israel, so that they can draw the US into a War
against Iran, so that the Soviets can use the State of Israel to attack the
Arabs, and cut off all US Oil, while using the Communist Asian Banks to
Destroy our Economy! They are destroying our Nation from within,

Do you think that here in America, that people whom are innocent of
committing any crime, can get no Honest Redress for any Just Petition for a
Redress of Grievances, being rounded up at the end of a gun, and being so
drugged, that these innocent people cannot even hit the Toilet, is Humane or
Moral? Under those conditions as they misdiagnosed the reason that I got a
cyst on the back of my neck, and misdiagnosed it's results on my health,
which cyst developed because in order to keep homeless people from taking
advantage of the system when they designed the Hospital, they deliberately
chose uncomfortable furniture to discourage them. Then Senator Hillary
Clinton and Mayor Michael Bloomberg ordered all the Homeless to be rounded
up, and be forced to sit in those uncomfortable furnishings, and after
trying to sit in them for a prolonged period of time, I developed a cyst on
the back of my neck because CNN falsely accused me of being Homeless.

And when they extended my stay to operate, then they had to extend my stay
because the conditions described above caused an infection!

Do you happen to know a good Law Firm that has a lot of money to take people
to Court?

The ACLU says that they cannot afford it!

Perhaps you should read the rest of this and my Website and then, let us see
if you can come up with some actual solutions to the problems!

Though I am near blind most of the time so that I have and excuse for not
reading, like many others, you can see, but you are just another fool, that
can't read, or understand. Because I am near blind most of the time, when I
ride a bike, I either misjudge the road and end up with unpaid Hospital
Bills, or I have to call the Police and report my bike stolen. The same
thing happens when I buy cars, and have someone else drive for me, they
steal it, and the Police say that they can do nothing, because I gave them
the keys, and it is only like this because fools like you that think you
know how to run our lives at the end of a gun, and will not lift a finger to
remove the obstacles

Like Itchy, you are among the biggest fools to walk the face of the earth,
even helped them and voted to cut off your own rights, and ours that we risk
our limbs, and our lives daily, to defend, for both from the richest, to the
poorest, against all our common enemies, Forging and Domestic.

In order for the families of the victims, whom all began to suffer upon that
day of atrocities, to get Justice, we will not rest in peace, until we have
brought those responsible for 9-11, and those responsible for using the War
on Terrorism to falsely accuse and jail or kill the Innocent, and or for
using the War on Terrorism as an opportunity to take our Taxes, and impose
upon us Interests, and impose upon us Carbon Credits, and or to coax and or
force people to take Psychotropic Behavior Control Drugs, destroying our
Economy, and our Health, and our Treasures, and not accomplishing the Job of
defending our Liberty, but are destroying our Liberty, making us slaves, for
their own purpose of grabbing power to rule over us with a heavy hand, to

Dear Margot Kidder,

Don't fear anything, for God has not given us the Spirit of fear, but of
Power, and of Love, and of a Sound Mind!

I investigated, and I know the traps that were laid for you, and I know what
Rockland is all about, the scams of the greedy misdiagnosing Doctors, the
scams of the violent Patients, and the side effects of their drugs, and the
multitude of fools that unfairly judged, and abused, and used, you before,
and when you got out, I have been there too!

Dear Margot, do you have the time to walk through the shadow of the valley
of death, with our God, and with us US Veterans, that know what the scams
are all about?

These fools in the Media, and in Politics, and in the Public, do not realize
that they all belong behind the doors of Rockland, instead of you or I! I
can show you a new way, do you have the time to walk with me awhile?

Come Margot, walk with us, though we have been betrayed again, by the US
Government and by many in the Media, and by many in the Public, that
continue to unfairly judge and systematically trap, capture, drug, jail, and
or kill US
Veterans, and innocent men, and innocent women like you!

It is too bad that even disabled Veterans want to work and or start their
own businesses, but cannot because of too many Federal, State, and Local
Government Regulations, and because of people using the Government to
unfairly outsource our Jobs, even before we can get started, saying that it
is a Job that Americans don't want, like the Windmills and Wind Turbines
that I was
writing about on the Internet. But they have State and Local laws for
Veteran's Preference,
that only apply to State or Local Government Jobs, and they outlawed every
way that we can think of, for trying to get there, and get any of them Jobs
that they claim are protected for us.

A Quote from their website!

"The Minnesota Veteran's Preference Act (VPA) grants veterans a limited
preference over non-veterans in hiring and promotion for most state and
local governmental employment. It also provides local government employees
who are veterans some protection against unfair demotions and dismissal."

We are not asking for Food Stamps or Welfare, we are asking for Deregulation
on Federal, State, and Local Government, that get in the way of our being
able to get to a Job, and start a Business. The Less Regulations that they
have the easier it would be to work and build a stronger America, and with
less Regulations to enforce, we would be saving Tax Money for more useful
Government. But as you can see from this letter, neither The Tax and Spend
Democrats, nor the Borrow Until Economic Collapse Republicans can understand
what we really need, DEREGULATION! Take a look at my Website to see just a
few of the Laws that prevent Veterans from getting anywhere!

And since most of us are disabled, both we and the Poor that do not have
Jobs, will get nothing that will help us out of their Stimulation Package,
we have already said we need DERGULATION, but those Traitors in Washington
are not listening to us, they are systematically capturing us, drugging us,
jailing us, and killing us, for the benefit of our common enemies. It is
time to tell them Traitors to get out of Washington


WASHINGTON, DC - House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the
following statement after the announcement that House Democrats and
Republicans and the Bush Administration reached agreement on an economic
stimulus package:

"This bipartisan economic stimulus package will provide an important shot in
the arm to our struggling economy by putting money in the hands of
hard-working Americans who will spend it quickly and help stimulate the

"I am pleased that this stimulus package adhered to the principles that
Democrats have stressed for weeks - that an economic stimulus be timely,
targeted and temporary. It is critical that we not enact a stimulus plan
that further erodes our nation's long-term fiscal condition.

"Democrats are particularly pleased that, under this package, 35 million
working families who would not otherwise have been helped will receive tax
relief this spring, and that 117 million families in all will receive a
stimulus check. We are disappointed, however, that our Republican
colleagues ruled out including an extension of unemployment insurance
benefits and increasing food stamps in this package - provisions that would
provide an immediate bang for the buck and help stimulate our economy,
according to economists on both sides of the aisle. We will continue to
look at these and other provisions in the days ahead.

"It is my hope and expectation that the House will consider this stimulus
package quickly. And, I hope the Senate will do likewise. It is imperative
that this streamlined and focused stimulus package not be loaded down with
extraneous provisions."

Dear CNN and Internet Trolls and Politicians,

Thanks for your cooperation in helping solve our problems,

However I have got some Good News, and some Bad News.

The Good News is, some of the Doctors and Judges have seen our point of
view, and will no longer be forcing mind control drugs upon us. However, the
Bad News, in order to make up for their loss of income, they have decided to
start taking so called investigative Journalists and their Staff, and
Internet Trolls, and Politicians, to Court, where the Doctors will testify
that they are out of touch with reality, and that
they are dangerous to the Public safety, and the Courts will give them
permission to keep them, and force mind control drugs on them, even if they
are innocent of committing any crime!

PS. Even though it will be hard because of the side effects of those drugs,
try not to piss on the toilet seat or crap all over the place, and don't
slip in the mess other Patients left for you. And if they operate on you,
once the infections cause the wound to swell, make sure you take all of the
antibiotics, and just hope it is not a resistant strain of bacteria!

Yours truly,

The Warlord of Warlords

Ares the God of War

In service of God and Country
