Maliki's US supported attack fails dismally; Fundamentalist power in Iraq grows; Another American li



March 31, 2008

Cleric Suspends Battle in Basra by Shiite Militia


BAGHDAD The Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr on Sunday called for his
followers to stop fighting in Basra and in turn demanded concessions from
Iraq's government, after six days in which his Mahdi Army militia has held
off an American-supported Iraqi assault on the southern port city.

The substance of Mr. Sadr's statement, released Sunday afternoon, was
hammered out in elaborate negotiations over the past few days with senior
Iraqi officials, some of whom traveled to Iran to meet with Mr. Sadr,
according to several officials involved in the discussions.

Still, though fighting was reported to have died down by late afternoon in
Basra, it continued in Baghdad, including heavy combat by Iraqi and American
troops and aircraft in the Mahdi Army stronghold of Sadr City, casting
uncertainty on the deal.

The negotiations with Mr. Sadr were seen as a serious blow for Prime
Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, who had vowed that he would see the Basra
campaign through to a military victory and who has been harshly criticized
even within his own coalition for the stalled assault.

Last week, Iraq's defense minister, Abdul Kadir al-Obeidi, conceded that the
government's military efforts in Basra have met with far more resistance
than was expected. Many Iraqi politicians say that Mr. Maliki's political
capital has been severely depleted by the Basra campaign and that he is in
the curious position of having to turn to Mr. Sadr, a longtime rival, for a
way out.

And it was a chance for Mr. Sadr to flaunt his power, commanding both armed
force and political strength that can forcefully challenge the other
dominant Shiite parties, including Mr. Maliki's Dawa movement and the
Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq. In the statement, Mr. Sadr told militia
members "to end all military actions in Basra and in all the provinces" and
"to cooperate with the government to achieve security."

But Mr. Sadr also demanded concessions, including that the government grant
a general amnesty for his followers, release all imprisoned members of the
Sadrist movement who have not been convicted of crimes and bring back "the
displaced people who have fled their homes as a result of military

It was not clear if the government was willing to meet those demands.

Mr. Sadr's willingness to negotiate represents a significant shift from his
stance in 2004, when he ordered his militia to fight to the death in the
holy city of Najaf, and suggests that his political sophistication and
strategic skills have grown in the last two years.

In an interview, Mahmoud al-Mashadani, the Parliament speaker and a senior
Sunni politician, said, "With this statement, Sayyed Moktada al-Sadr proved
that he is a good politician, working for the sake of Iraq."

Over the past two years, Mr. Sadr's popular support has eroded as his
movement has gained a reputation for harboring criminals and thugs and
carrying out vicious sectarian killings.

After the statement was released Sunday, a spokesman for Mr. Maliki, Ali
al-Dabbagh, appearing on the television station Iraqiya, said that the
government welcomed the action and that Mr. Sadr's gesture demonstrated his
"concern for Iraq and Iraqis." And he insisted that the government offensive
in Basra was not aimed specifically at Mr. Sadr's militiamen but rather
against rogue Shiite factions there, seemingly trying to leave room to
maneuver with Mr. Sadr's political organization.

Mr. Mashadani said negotiations on the statement involved senior Iraqi
clerics and at least 10 senior Iraqi politicians from the main parties,
including Iraq's president, Jalal al-Talabani, a Kurd, representatives of
Mr. Sadr in Najaf, and the prime minister himself.

There was some disagreement over exactly which government representatives
traveled to Iran to meet with Mr. Sadr, but several negotiators said they
believed that two members of Parliament were involved: Ali Adeeb, of Mr.
Maliki's Dawa Party, and Hadi al-Amiri, who heads the Badr Organization, the
armed wing of the Supreme Council.

The substance of the nine points in Mr. Sadr's statement was developed in
the course of those sprawling negotiations, said Saleh al-Obeidi, a
spokesman for Mr. Sadr in Najaf. Overall, the statement was "a kind of
proposal to the government" to help the citizens of Basra, Mr. Obeidi said.

He said the proposal was accepted, and Mr. Sadr made the statement.

The continuing fighting on Sunday left the ultimate significance of the
statement uncertain, said Qassim Daoud, a former national security adviser
who leads a secular Shiite party that has supported Mr. Maliki in the past.
But the muddle that has emerged from what was supposed to be a decisive
assault has serious consequences for the prime minister, Mr. Daoud said.

"The government now is in a weak position," he said. "They claimed that they
are going to disarm the militias and they didn't succeed."

Asked if the erosion of support for Mr. Maliki could cause his government to
fall, Mr. Daoud paused and said, "Everything is possible."

He said Mr. Maliki began the campaign in Basra without consulting outside
his inner circle or members of Parliament.

American officials have insisted that the Basra campaign is an Iraqi-led
operation, though they have repeatedly pushed Mr. Maliki to crack down on
the Mahdi Army and other Shiite militias.

In Basra and nearby Nasiriya on Sunday, Mr. Sadr's statement appeared to
have a quieting effect as the afternoon wore on. But just minutes after the
statement, two mortar rounds struck the presidential palace in Basra. And
earlier, American and British air and artillery strikes continued for a time
in the city. For the first time, the American military said Sunday that some
American Special Operations units had been fighting in the city as well.

In and around Baghdad, which has been virtually paralyzed by fighting and
protests over the last week, the clashes continued.

At about 5 p.m. on Sunday, an American soldier was killed just north of the
capital when the vehicle he was riding in was hit by a roadside bomb.

In Sadr City, witnesses said an American armored vehicle was blown up by a
homemade bomb on Falah Street, in the center of the neighborhood.

Ali Khayon, who lives on the street, said that the blast occurred about
1:30. "The American soldiers opened fire randomly in a crazy way and shot
many people," he said. "I started taking the wounded people in my truck in
order to move them to the hospital, and on the way I saw the American tank
still burning."

A police officer in Sadr City said a second armored vehicle that came to tow
away the one that was bombed was hit by another explosion.

The American military released a statement late Sunday night saying that a
mine-resistant armored vehicle on combat patrol "in eastern Baghdad" was
struck by a homemade bomb on Sunday, and that a second bomb was discovered
in the area. While soldiers tried to defuse the bomb, they came under mortar
and small-arms fire.

An aircraft called in to support the soldiers killed 25 people, according to
the statement.

American forces also conducted airstrikes in the New Baghdad neighborhood,
just south of Sadr City, in Kadhimiya, in Ghazaliya in eastern Baghdad and
in the northern part of the city, according to the American military. At
least 21 people were killed.

An official at the Interior Ministry, who insisted on anonymity because he
was not authorized to speak to the media, said that 150 civilians had been
killed and 350 wounded in the violence that has erupted in Baghdad over the
past five days.
Why don't you try to find some good news?
Like the fortune cookie says:
Try a positive approach to life and you will find much more happiness.
"bluecollarveteran" <> wrote in message
> Why don't you try to find some good news?
> Like the fortune cookie says:
> Try a positive approach to life and you will find much more happiness.

OK -- we were greeted with flowers & came home right away after giving Iraq
a full blown democracy.
You are right -- this is so easy.
"Kommienezuspadt" <> wrote in message
> "bluecollarveteran" <> wrote in message
>> Why don't you try to find some good news?
>> Like the fortune cookie says:
>> Try a positive approach to life and you will find much more happiness.

> OK -- we were greeted with flowers & came home right away after giving
> Iraq a full blown democracy.
> You are right -- this is so easy.

I get the feeling that "bluecollarveteran" tucks his aloha shirt into his
belted shorts.
In reality, it looks like the US did help al Sadr to halt the
immediate threat to Maliki's government. But it is a temporary lull at
best. It is clear the Iraqi government is not in control of the
"bluecollarveteran" <> wrote in message
> Why don't you try to find some good news?
> Like the fortune cookie says:
> Try a positive approach to life and you will find much more happiness.

There isn't any.

The war? All bad
The economy? All bad

294 days to go and we'll start making it right again!
"tenjets" <> wrote in message
> "Kommienezuspadt" <> wrote in message
> news:47f05f39$0$12092$
>> "bluecollarveteran" <> wrote in message
>>> Why don't you try to find some good news?
>>> Like the fortune cookie says:
>>> Try a positive approach to life and you will find much more happiness.

>> OK -- we were greeted with flowers & came home right away after giving
>> Iraq a full blown democracy.
>> You are right -- this is so easy.

> I get the feeling that "bluecollarveteran" tucks his aloha shirt into his
> belted shorts.

Is that with both white shoes & white belt?
"Kommienezuspadt" <> wrote in message
> "tenjets" <> wrote in message
> news:nqZHj.422$
>> "Kommienezuspadt" <> wrote in message
>> news:47f05f39$0$12092$
>>> "bluecollarveteran" <> wrote in message
>>>> Why don't you try to find some good news?
>>>> Like the fortune cookie says:
>>>> Try a positive approach to life and you will find much more happiness.
>>> OK -- we were greeted with flowers & came home right away after giving
>>> Iraq a full blown democracy.
>>> You are right -- this is so easy.

>> I get the feeling that "bluecollarveteran" tucks his aloha shirt into his
>> belted shorts.

> Is that with both white shoes & white belt?

Yes. And black socks.