Man shot by armed police on Tube


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2005
22/7/05 A man has been shot at Stockwell Tube station by armed police officers.
Passenger Mark Whitby told BBC News he had seen an Asian man shot five times by "plain-clothes police officers" with a handgun.

Passengers were evacuated from the Northern Line station in south London. Ambulances including an air ambulance have been sent to the scene. Police have cordoned off surrounding streets.

Police are hunting four would-be bombers after Thursday's London blasts.

Services on the Victoria and Northern lines have been suspended following a request by the police, London Underground said.

The bombers fled after detonators went off, causing small blasts, but failed to detonate the bombs themselves.

Mr Whitby, told BBC News: "I was sitting on the train reading my paper.

"I heard a load of noise, people saying, 'Get out, get down'!

"I saw an Asian guy run onto the train hotly pursued by three plain-clothes police officers.

"One of them was carrying a black handgun - it looked like an automatic - they pushed him to the floor, bundled on top of him and unloaded five shots into him.

"I saw the gun being fired five times into the guy - he's dead."

Passenger Briony Coetsee said: "We were on the Tube and then we suddenly heard someone say, 'Get out, get out' and then we heard gunshots."
What do you think of this?I think it was wrong to shoot the guy 5 times at close range.They could have stopped him in a non-violent way.They did out-numbered him.It makes me sick.What's to stop them shootin' everyone of Us.
And if he was truly one of the attempted suicide bombers,then they could have questioned him about the others.5 ****in' shots,1 should have been enough!
I know,at first I was shocked at the news that my mosque was raided.I was beside myself thinkin' they had discovered my secrect stash :D

No,what happened was,that the police got a tip off that someone had planted bombs in the mosque,so they went to tell people to evacuate.
I hope this doesn't happen on sunday,coz my mum and I are due to go there.

About the guy,I think they could have handled things alot better.I mean there were too many witness.And the guy tripped up,so they could easily have cuffed him,Instead of holdin' him down and unloadin' 5 in him.
On the bomb threat I really hope it was a bad hoax! Maybe a diversion?
I sure hope they catch the person that made the call.

It should be safe know after they check it out throughly.
But I really hope that no one would target a Mosque.
snafu said:
On the bomb threat I really hope it was a bad hoax! Maybe a diversion?
I sure hope they catch the person that made the call.

It should be safe know after they check it out throughly.
But I really hope that no one would target a Mosque.

Really Snaf? You're gettin' soft and it's good.Some were attacked during the week of the london attacks.Stones through windows.One had all of them broken.Yeah,London has become a frustrating environment to live in.
wow.... yeah... could have done it differently.... The should have used HOLLOW POINTS!

I'm actually really happy that England is starting to show signes of life again... I knew they couldn't suppress that anger for long... WELCOME TO THE RIGHT! THE WATERS FINE ! !
Hey, if you're gonna do the job do it right. 5 shots sounds just about right to me..if I was in that position after I unloaded my rounds in him you would've heard click, click, click for a good couple minutes just in case.

I actually had a similar experience last nite...a mosquito entered my apartment and I got em with the yellow pages. At first I knocked em down, then I slammed Ma Bell on him 3 or 4 times. You can never be too sure with scum.
SickOfTheLies4277 said:
Hey, if you're gonna do the job do it right. 5 shots sounds just about right to me..if I was in that position after I unloaded my rounds in him you would've heard click, click, click for a good couple minutes just in case.

I actually had a similar experience last nite...a mosquito entered my apartment and I got em with the yellow pages. At first I knocked em down, then I slammed Ma Bell on him 3 or 4 times. You can never be too sure with scum.

ROFLMAO ! ! ! ! !
SickOfTheLies4277 said:
Hey, if you're gonna do the job do it right. 5 shots sounds just about right to me..if I was in that position after I unloaded my rounds in him you would've heard click, click, click for a good couple minutes just in case.

I actually had a similar experience last nite...a mosquito entered my apartment and I got em with the yellow pages. At first I knocked em down, then I slammed Ma Bell on him 3 or 4 times. You can never be too sure with scum.
If everyone lived with your outlook on life, people would be blowing themselves up in groups.

The man shot dead by police in south London yesterday is not connected to attempted terror attacks on the capital, Scotland Yard has said.

"For somebody to lose their life in such circumstances is a tragedy and one that the Metropolitan Police Service regrets,'' said a spokesman.

The fatal shooting happened in Stockwell at 10am yesterday when armed plain clothes police officers shot a man as he tried to board a train at the underground station.

He had emerged from a nearby house that was under surveillance because of a suspected link to Thursday's attempted bomb attacks on three Tube trains and a bus.

The man, whose name has not yet been released, was then followed by surveillance officers.

He is thought to have caught a bus to Stockwell Tube station where he was challenged by officers, who told him to stop. The man, who is believed to be of South American appearance, then bolted down an escalator, according to witnesses.

He apparently tried to get on a train before he was, according to witnesses, shot five times in the head by an officer with an automatic pistol.

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair had said yesterday that the shooting was "directly linked'' to anti-terror operations.

However, in a statement, Scotland Yard said: "We believe we now know the identity of the man shot at Stockwell Underground station by police on Friday, July 22, although he is still subject to formal identification.

"We are now satisfied that he was not connected with the incidents of Thursday, July 21, 2005.''

The statement continued: "The man emerged from a block of flats in the Stockwell area that were under police surveillance as part of the investigation into the incidents on Thursday, July 21.

"He was then followed by surveillance officers to the underground station. His clothing and behaviour added to their suspicions.

"The circumstances that led to the man's death are being investigated by officers from the Metropolitan Police Directorate of Professional Standards, and will be referred to the IPCC in due course.''

The shooting had been graphically described by a series of eye witnesses.

One, train passenger Mark Whitby said: "As the man got on the train I looked at his face. He looked from left to right, but he basically looked like a cornered rabbit, like a cornered fox. He looked absolutely petrified.

"He sort of tripped but they were hotly pursuing him and couldn't have been more than two or three feet behind him at this time.

"They unloaded five shots into him. I saw it. He's dead, five shots, he's dead.''

The officers who shot the man are believed to have been from the Met's specialist firearms unit.

The police watchdog, the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), has already announced that there will be an independent investigation into the shooting.

Nick Hardwick, IPCC chairman, said the commission would use its own investigators to carry out the inquiry.

"The shooting at Stockwell Station is being referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission for investigation, in line with normal requirements under the Police Reform Act 2002,'' he said.

"The IPCC independently investigates all fatal police shootings. In carrying out this investigation, the IPCC will ensure that nothing is done to hinder the urgent police priority of tracking down and bringing to justice those responsible for the recent London bombings and their vital work to prevent further outrages.''

In a statement, Shami Chakrabarti, director of human rights organisation Liberty, said: "Our hearts go out to the family of the dead man and to the officers involved in this tragic incident.

"No-one should rush to judgement. In any case of this kind - especially at a time of heightened tension - there must be a prompt, comprehensive and independent investigation into what happened.

"This must cover the relevant guidance, training of officers, as well as the facts of the particular operation.

"These are knife-edge split second decisions made in moments of grave danger. We have a massive shared interest in the protection of innocent lives.''

Glen Smyth, chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, which represents rank-and-file officers in the capital, said: "It would be unwise to speculate on all the circumstances until we know what happened and this will be subject to an investigation by the IPCC.

"It is always deeply regrettable when anybody dies in these circumstances.

"Police officers in these circumstances are expected to make split second decisions that have life-long consequences.''


Hey,sickofthelies,do you still feel the same way?An innocent man was killed!!!
This should weigh heavy on all Muslims in the London area. Because of a few bad apples, an innocent person was killed. DON'T blame the London authorities...blame the terrorists who struck a few days ago.

This is proof that terrorists put EVERYONE in danger...including innocent Muslims. The police are on edge...they made a mistake. But that man wouldn't be in that situation if it wasn't for all these attacks.

As far as my last post goes...I made a mistake. I commented before getting all the facts. But you can blame all the bad apples for the killing of that one innocent man. IT'S THE TERRORISTS DAMN FAULT
SickOfTheLies4277 said:
This should weigh heavy on all Muslims in the London area. Because of a few bad apples, an innocent person was killed. DON'T blame the London authorities...blame the terrorists who struck a few days ago.

This is proof that terrorists put EVERYONE in danger...including innocent Muslims. The police are on edge...they made a mistake. But that man wouldn't be in that situation if it wasn't for all these attacks.

As far as my last post goes...I made a mistake. I commented before getting all the facts. But you can blame all the bad apples for the killing of that one innocent man. IT'S THE TERRORISTS DAMN FAULT
It's also his fault for running from the police. The shot him because he posed a threat by making himself seem like one. He would've spent a few nights in jail, much better than God knows how long in the ground.
It's also his fault for running from the police. The shot him because he posed a threat by making himself seem like one. He would've spent a few nights in jail, much better than God knows how long in the ground.

That was my contention.
You don
Yaaaaa...I'm gonna go with snafu on this one wumbat. If ANY men regardless of uniforms or not pull out guns and all tell me to stop guess what...I'M GONNA ****IN STOP. It's a no brainer isn't it ??? Resist and you least that's what my logical mind is thinking. If you have a point by saying the average man would run please explain...cuz I don't know how u would think that.
The interesting part of it all, is that these police officers have been authorized to SHOOT TO KILL, they learned the technique of shooting a suspected terrorist in the head, from ISRAEL and its methods of dealing with terrorism.

I think what you are seeing happening, is the WORLD now getting tougher on terrorism.

And YES it is MARTIAL LAW, but then, this is the playground the extremist chose. This is the financial war, and CHAOS induced oppression that any terrorist could hope for.

There reasoning is, crush our infrastructure of "MONEY, MONEY MONEY" and then the war will be on equal terms because we would FINACIALLY be defenseless, our people would suffer the high gas prices, collapsing stocks, troubled economy.

Well, the trouble with that reasoning is, your gonna stop seeing the guys in business suits, and start seeing more guys with GUNS !!

Well, from a WAR standpoint, when you piss people off, or scare them into a corner, you are more likely to provoke them into some sort of DEFENSIVE behavior..

When this occurs, you are faced with a REASONING within yourself as to why you think another person might possibly be a threat to not only your life, but the lives of your fellow man.... this creates internal conflict and panic in ANY individual who follows a protocol of "LIBERTYS AND RIGHTS" to another human being. And the split second reasoning and mind set is VERY hard to contain in a fellow human. Sure they may have been trained in there lives to respect life for all its worth, but when you see a POTENTIAL danger from YOUR PERSPECTIVE and it involves other humans as well, you act to protect all parties involved.

I've seen things that Jaffer and AIG talk about, and my reasoning is that they are scared, they want to speak out, and are held back, not out of fear of the meaning of words and there interpretations in them, but for fear of those who misinterpret the words, and there actions to fellow followers of Islamic culture.

The only thing is NOBODY BELIEVES THEM. I think it would be stupid to say that anybody who doesn't believe there view has a better account of the Islamic life.

We as Americans don't see the intimidation... we only see "A BUNCH OF IRAQIS BLOWN UP AGAIN" and don't take into account why the extremist would kill an Iraqi... its not to get a damn democratic society out of Islam, its because it is intimidation to the Islamic follower to follow a more EXTREMIST interpretation of the Qur'an instead of what they now practice, which is a more society and peace and equality type teaching of the Qur'an over a Primitive, now defunct interpretation of the teachings of Mohammed(pbuh).

The extremist view is ABSOLUTELY just like the KKK view..

The KKK terrorized many blacks, simply because of the color of there skin.

Somehow, it gets forgotten and swept under the rug, by... well... Christians.

Christians stepped forward to protect there fellow man of a different color from an ignorant person who was never allowed an education unless it fit the standards of education that the bible wanted supposedly, or from things burning a sacred cross and hanging a man for just being black.

But there is no need for a history lessen on that, we all know the story, but anyways.. the way the KKK are pushed back into the world and are now merely a bunch of rednecks with very low intelligence and a very inactive social life aside from farmin and stuff... They are basically NOTHINGS in our society, where once, they were the scourge of America. Terrorism of a race and culture.

My point is, More Christians stepped in and made people realize that killing others for there color is wrong.

It has always been my contention that the terrorist entity has always WANTED us as Christians to turn things into a holy war... It gives us a simple minded thought that the TERRORIST AMONGST US is a follower of Islam, thus, making any actions by either party a religious issue. Hey they **** on my book, hey they did this and that to ISLAM in some stupid country for only the intention of taking our ****ing land, and all this other stupid idealism of hatred and righteous judgement. And when this kind of intimidation is used, then the proper response, I believe would not be to say to this person I am standing up against you for your corrupted belief, you simply reaffirm the message of peace and worth of life as a human to them... then turn em in when there out of the neighborhood area... and duck.... Yes I'm saying NARC them out !!

Hey, its better to let your friend know your concerned about life and the future by letting them take a bullet in there head to save your own ass !! **** em, you can always get new friends..

Please Muslims, just say "NO" to martyrdom and Islamic extremism.:D

Man, and you thought CRANK was an issue in America... try getting that ULTIMATE rush by martyrdom.... I hear its better then huffing glue !!


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OH phreak,that picture's so damn scary,I'm re-thinking it.It aint pretty.Damn,if only there were bombs that didn't mess up my face :D

I still think the shootin' was wrong.The fact that they shot him 5 times on the head makes me sick.1 bullet to the head makes an instant kill.I feel so sorry for his family.I also think that HE might not have heard the ''stop'' warning.And most people run to get the train on time,does that mean we have a risk of gettin' shot.I don't think this is all the terrorists' fault,the guy tripped up they could easily have held him down and searched him.