
Man the phones is right - and QUICKLY! Contact as many Reps as possible
toll-free (855) 220-0044. Note the 5-year visa bill is just another sneak
Barb Coe - CCIR

----- Original Message -----

Alert: Enforcement-Only Shuler Bill Heading to Floor? Get On the phones
and support it, demand it!

One hundred and thirty-six conservative Democrats and Republicans,
including Tom Tancredo, are backing a bill (HR 4088 YES) introduced by Rep.
Heath Shuler, D-N.C., which seeks to strengthen enforcement of immigration
laws, in part by providing employers more tools to verify their workers
legal status. Although Republicans strongly deny it, there have been reports
of a discharge petition being underway. A discharge petition is a process in
which 218 member signatures are gathered in order to bypass the committee.
This is a way to force the hand of house leadership and get the bill to the
floor for a vote. Experts on the issue call this a deportation only bill
that does not include any of the protections or improvements that
pro-immigrant groups are looking for. The bill includes border and interior
enforcement, and a poorly designed employment eligibility system. The more
than 45 Democrats who have signed onto the bill are "Blue Dog Democrats".

Alert: Bill to Allow More H-2B Workers Stuck. Make it die a swift death!

For years, an estimated 66,000 to 70,000 people have been allowed into
the United States as temporary nonagricultural workers on H-2B visas. In
each of the past three years, the number of H-2Bs granted increased
substantially, thanks to a special exemption, rising last year to a high of
nearly 130,000. This exemption allowed the number of returning workers not
to be counted against the yearly cap of 66,000 first-time workers. However,
the special exemption expired in October 2007 and now a bill to extend the
exemption (HR1843) NO, introduced by Bart Stupak of Michigan, is being held
up. Several labor groups have stepped up to limit the flow of seasonal
workers. Many say this is a small business issue, and not an immigration
issue, because these are temporary visitors who stay for 10 months or less.
However, it has become embroiled in the larger immigration debate. What is
at stake? Hotels, crabbers and even circuses are saying they will not have
access to enough seasonal employees for this coming summer. ...and of
course this is BS!

Breaking News: Five-Year Visa for Undocumented Proposed

News broke last week in the Congressional Quarterly that House Democrats
and Hispanic Caucus Members are working on several different pieces of
legislation, including one which provides five-year visas for undocumented
workers who pay fines and pass criminal background checks. Democrats say
drafts of different legislation have been written and are being vetted
behind the scenes. It has been reported that Rep. Joe Baca, chairman of the
Congressional Hispanic Caucus, has seen a draft of the bill and has
discussed it in high-level meetings that included Speaker Nancy Pelosi
(D-Calif.), Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel (Ill.) and Rep. Zoe
Lofgren (D-Calif.), who chairs the Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration,
Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security and International Law. NO but HELL

Update: Three-Year Backlog in Naturalization Applications

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) reports
that because of the surge in naturalization applications, nearly three times
what they were at this time last year, they will take nearly three years to
clear the backlog. This is almost double the usual processing time.
Immigrant rights groups are concerned about the delays and say USCIS should
have anticipated the surge. They also point out those close to gaining
citizenship will not be able to vote in the upcoming general election.
Applications spiked after the January 2007 announcement that the processing
fee will jump from $330 to $595. Officials are attributing the increase to
other factors such as the charged political climate around the immigration
debate, and a push by organizations to help naturalize immigrants. LOWER
NUMBERS TO pre 1965 numbers and we would be getting quality immigrants who
truly want to be an American UN hyphenated! demand legal immigration scaled
back. Demand the original intent and interpretation of the 14th be restored!