Man with AK-47, Mac 10, 9mm semiautomatic shoots 5


richard schumacher

In article <>,
Harry Hope <> wrote:

> From The Associated Press, 3/20/08:
> 67.story
> Man Facing Eviction Kills 2, Self in Va.
> By SONJA BARISIC | Associated Press Writer
> A man who was about to be evicted opened fire on workers coming to
> inspect his apartment, killing two and wounding three before
> committing suicide, police said Thursday.
> William T. Smith opened his door Wednesday afternoon at the Thalia
> Gardens complex and began shooting with an AK-47 assault rifle and a
> Mac 10, a 9 mm semiautomatic handgun, police spokeswoman Margie Long
> said.
> Smith, 52, fatally shot 63-year-old maintenance technician Sam Shestul
> inside the two-story brick apartment building where Smith lived on the
> first floor, Long said.
> The other workers ran outside but Smith followed them, still shooting,
> she said.

Impending eviction, right? This is a clear case of home defense by a
Christian Republican true-believer. Carry on.

Say, isn't it about time for the 'pugs to split into the Christian
Republican and Responsible Republican parties? Where'd that Mayan End
Times calendar go?