...March: Zero U.S. jobs created -- 80,000 U.S. jobs lost


Harry Hope

From The New York Times, 4/4/08:

U.S. Economy Shed 80,000 Jobs in March


WASHINGTON (Reuters) -

U.S. employers cut payrolls for a third month in a row in March,
slashing 80,000 jobs for the biggest monthly job decline in five years
as the economy headed into a downturn, government data on Friday

The Labor Department revised the first two months of the year's job
losses to a total of 152,000 from a previous estimate of 85,000.

The March unemployment rate jumped to 5.1 percent from 4.8 percent,
the highest since a matching rate in September 2005.

The March job report was more bleak than expected.

Economists polled ahead of the report forecast a decline of 60,000 in
non-farm payrolls and a rise in the unemployment rate to 5 percent.

During the first quarter of this year job losses averaged 77,000 a
month, compared to average monthly gains of 76,000 in the last half of
2007, according to Keith Hall, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Job losses were widespread during the month, with the biggest losses
in the construction and manufacturing sectors.


And you wanna put another Republican back in the White House?
Shame on you.
