Massachusetts moves to protect abortion clinics from anti-choice terrorists


Harry Hope

Calls for tougher legislation to protect abortion clinics in
Massachusetts began in 1994 when a man killed two workers and injured
five in a shooting at two women's clinics in Brookline, bordering

From Reuters, 11/13/07:

Massachusetts moves to protect abortion clinics

By Jason Szep

BOSTON (Reuters) -

Massachusetts enacted the toughest restrictions in the United States
on protesters at abortion clinics on Tuesday with a law that forces
them to stay 35 feet away.

The law signed by Gov. Deval Patrick takes immediate effect and
expands on legislation from 2000 that sought to keep protesters 6 feet
from a patient within an 18-foot (5.4-metre) zone outside the state's
10 clinics that perform abortions.

The state government said in a statement that the old law, especially
the 6-foot rule, had proven difficult to enforce.

"By widening the buffer zone around reproductive clinics, we will
protect patients from the harassment that so many have encountered as
they seek care," said Patrick, a Democrat.

The bill, which does not apply to hospitals, sailed through the
state's Democratic-controlled legislature, winning unanimous backing
of the Massachusetts Senate last week after clearing the House in a
122-to-28 vote.

It is the country's largest fixed buffer zone passed by state law to
protect abortion clinics.


Nice work
