// Match made in Hell...John Ramsey and Beth Holloway Twitty Are Dating..



John Ramsey and Beth Holloway Twitty Are Dating
Monday, June 04, 2007

By Carol McKinley

In a match made in tabloid heaven, the father of murdered child beauty
queen JonBenet Ramsey and the mother of missing-in-Aruba teen Natalee
Holloway are dating, FOX News has confirmed.

John Ramsey, 63, and Beth Holloway Twitty, 46, have been romantically
involved since January 2007, though the two met at a fundraiser last

The couple has been spotted openly holding hands and kissing in
Mountain Brook, Ala. - where Twitty lives - and at an art show at a
nearby art museum. They've also been seen at various restaurants.

Ramsey's wife and JonBenet's mother, Patsy Ramsey, died last June of
ovarian cancer at the age of 49. Twitty was officially divorced from
George "Jug" Twitty in December.

Both single parents share the tragedy of children who are victims of
unsolved crimes.

Child beauty-pageant winner JonBenet Ramsey was 6 years old when she
was killed in December of 1996. She had been beaten and strangled, and
her body was found the day after Christmas in the basement of her own
home in Boulder, Colo.

JonBenet's parents were the initial focus of the investigation, but
they maintained their innocence and said an intruder must have
committed the crime. No one was ever arrested and the little girl's
murder remains unsolved.

Eighteen-year-old Natalee Holloway disappeared in Aruba while on a
high school senior class trip in May of 2005 and has never been found,
though she is presumed to have been murdered.

Three different teenaged suspects who lived on the island and were
last seen with Holloway were arrested and later released in the case.

FOX News' Catherine Donaldson-Evans contributed to this report.

Yeah..some match...

Johnbenet's parents whore and pimp and parade their five year old

out in the public until a nutcase takes notice....

and Natalees mom and dad let this 17 year old go off to a sex, booze

drug weekend unescorted...and winds up dead.

Natalee went off into the night with three guys...bet she learned

her morals from her mom.

A match made in hell...

These two should be castrated.

On Mon, 04 Jun 2007 10:38:01 -0700, Rightwinghank
<rightwinghank@hotmail.com> wrote:

>John Ramsey and Beth Holloway Twitty Are Dating
>Monday, June 04, 2007
>By Carol McKinley
>In a match made in tabloid heaven, the father of murdered child beauty
>queen JonBenet Ramsey and the mother of missing-in-Aruba teen Natalee
>Holloway are dating, FOX News has confirmed.

I've also heard that Joey Buttafuouco and Amy Fisher
are an item once again.

That Joey must be a real Italian Stallion. Amy was
willing to kill for him before and now, even after
all the trouble, she's hot for him again.