Ali and emkay - We're soulmates. Perfect!
Ali and mercury - We'd create art all day long and I wouldn't bug her for ***. We'd be golden.
Ali and Chi - We'd go shopping together! Yay!
Ali and atlantic - I'd make sure she didn't have small toys stuck in her hair before she left the house. I think we'd be great.
Ali and Tori Allen - Neither of us would lose friends on account of differing political views. Outstanding!
Ali and Ana Perenna - Wild and wacky. We'd *** **** UP!!!! Fun!
Ali and wez - We'd have wonderful discussions in our midwestern accents. It would work!
Ali and Bender - We'd open a restaurant together and be the perfect capitalistic pair....uh oh! Would that be a problem, Bender?
Ali and IWS - He'd go hunting all the time and I'd spend his money while he hunted. I like it!
Ali and snaf - He'd go fishing all the time and I'd spend....well, you get the idea. Haha.
Ali and OS - I'd make him tell me stories all the time. I bet OS has great stories to share. Great match!
Ali and hugo - Yes, yes....I'd wear the sheep costume every Friday night. We could make it work. Hehe!
Ali and RO - He's a real pumpkin! We'd watch old movies and shake our fists at disagreeable things together. If only I could get him to pronounce "Missouri" correctly..... Excellent possibilities!
Ali and eddo - Why, WHY won't you come inside, eddo??????? I said I'd make you a fruit pizza! Prospects pending.....
Ali and RaE - If I could get him interested in anything but armpit *** with me, I think we'd have a shot!
Ali and Cloaked - Spankings!!!!!