Maybe ill need a political area. LOL NObama and his stupid ****!!


New member
i didnt watch the videos cause i already know, but u cant single him out as the only politician who flip flops on subject because they all do it!!!! true story an i dare u to argue with that lol


i didnt watch the videos cause i already know, but u cant single him out as the only politician who flip flops on subject because they all do it!!!! true story an i dare u to argue with that lol
I can criticize him for worrying about this when there are bigger matters. Matter he himself HE would fix in 3 years..... Not only has he not fixed, but made it worse. i can criticize him for doing this for one and only one reason... VOTES!!! period...


Phantom Z

I'm just curious where all his Yo MTV Raps voters are this time around. He doesn't have the whole 1st Black Pres thing to fall back on this term.


New member
unfortunately it looks like Nobama will be taking another 4 years. I'm not saying i like him, but it's going to be like the last election, who do i dislike the most. Also, were you a Bush supporter? I can't say how terrible George W was for our country, he left a nasty mess that few were willing to step in and clean up.


No matter how BAD Bush left us, it was a tenth of how bad Nobama left us. ill take a 10th over now anyday. Not to mention. Nobamas beliefs in general and anti gun, anti freedom, anti EVERYTHING is enough for me to pick ANYONE over him. His track record shows me enough that we are doomed.

His wife makes statements that guns wont be a worry when Nobama serves a second term. Why? Because he will be the first presidents to make supreme court justice in his favor in his two terms. He has stated he WILL do it.... The first few appointed are AGAINST Guns... you think the next one wont be?

The idiot tried to out law fried food in Illinois for crying out loud.... wants to worry about peoples supposed "health" while he puffs on a smoke.....

Hes not a citizen.... period. I cannot believe more Americans have not picked up on this..... or actually done something about it. Way out of my realm but within some



I'm just curious where all his Yo MTV Raps voters are this time around. He doesn't have the whole 1st Black Pres thing to fall back on this term.
The problem is he is still marketing to the blacks and mexicans and minority. Promising even more handouts... more **** and more stuff most those lazy people would sit around and wait for.


Phantom Z

They need to place voting polls in police stations rather than churchs and community centers that might help keep out the riff raff


New member
No matter how BAD Bush left us, it was a tenth of how bad Nobama left us. ill take a 10th over now anyday. Not to mention. Nobamas beliefs in general and anti gun, anti freedom, anti EVERYTHING is enough for me to pick ANYONE over him. His track record shows me enough that we are doomed. His wife makes statements that guns wont be a worry when Nobama serves a second term. Why? Because he will be the first presidents to make supreme court justice in his favor in his two terms. He has stated he WILL do it.... The first few appointed are AGAINST Guns... you think the next one wont be?

The idiot tried to out law fried food in Illinois for crying out loud.... wants to worry about peoples supposed "health" while he puffs on a smoke.....

Hes not a citizen.... period. I cannot believe more Americans have not picked up on this..... or actually done something about it. Way out of my realm but within some
someone watches a tad bit to much fox news lol



New member
i guess none of those issues are really a big suprise to me because i'm from Illinois. Illinois is by far the most crooked state as far as the upstate politicians go. We have no gun rights (only state out of 50 that has no conceal carry), we have the highest taxes for business owners (ask jimmy johns), and we have the most strict DMV laws. It's a messy state! The problem with Obama is that no matter how ****** his methods are, he's a good speaker and he's a convincing politician. He can snag votes better than any candidate i've seen and that's a scary thought.


i guess none of those issues are really a big suprise to me because i'm from Illinois. Illinois is by far the most crooked state as far as the upstate politicians go. We have no gun rights (only state out of 50 that has no conceal carry), we have the highest taxes for business owners (ask jimmy johns), and we have the most strict DMV laws. It's a messy state! The problem with Obama is that no matter how ****** his methods are, he's a good speaker and he's a convincing politician. He can snag votes better than any candidate i've seen and that's a scary thought.
The worst part is he cannot even speak well. He can read a telepromter well. Ive seen him speak live, and when his telepromter is nto working or he is on a live question and answer segmant my 2yr old nephew can speak more clearly and less stumble



New member
Show me where anything I said is wrong....

i cant call you wrong cause your points seem logical but so far he has done nothing to infringe on your rights to own guns (idk if that will change if he gets a second term so dnt get all fired up) the him not bein a citzen thing is just non sense get over it already if he was not a citizen he woulda been ousted a long time just sayn all the point u made sound like u got ahold of a fox new talking points memo an belive me i know i watch alot of fox news



New member
I've also seen him live without a teleprompter, he's a damm good public speaker there's no denying that, rolls smooth and he interacts with the crowd which i know supporters love. It's like going to a rock show and the band comments on crowd activity, people love it! Also, just to address your comment to manny. There's no right or wrong in politics. This is a democracy (although not for long with Obama), we argue and then everything comes to a vote. If Obama becomes president it's because our fellow Americans voted him in. If you don't think there should be anti gun laws, there are plenty of people around to support that there should be. As i said, there's no right or wrong, we all have beliefs and they will always differ, such is the beauty of a democracy.

FOX NEWS, **** any news channel for that matter, absolutely sucks, stay off the main stream media it's a circus!



i cant call you wrong cause your points seem logical but so far he has done nothing to infringe on your rights to own guns (idk if that will change if he gets a second term so dnt get all fired up) the him not bein a citzen thing is just non sense get over it already if he was not a citizen he woulda been ousted a long time just sayn all the point u made sound like u got ahold of a fox new talking points memo an belive me i know i watch alot of fox news
Hitler did nothing to infringe on peoples rights for awhile either. The wise saw it coming. the sheeps were blind sided......

I can prove in Nobamas own words he CANNOT have a US citizenship......



New member
Hitler did nothing to infringe on peoples rights for awhile either. The wise saw it coming. the sheeps were blind sided......
I can prove in Nobamas own words he CANNOT have a US citizenship......

do u realize of frantic an crazy this sounds??? obama is no hitler an will do nothing to even make this comparison seem logical to compare obama to hitler is exterme an very stupid



do u realize of frantic an crazy this sounds??? obama is no hitler an will do nothing to even make this comparison seem logical to compare obama to hitler is exterme an very stupid
Funny, read history and thousands of people called the smart and wise ofbeing on to hitlers movement "stupid" and "extreme"

Sometimes the obvious goes unnoticed. If i was Nobama, the last word i would use for my campaign is the SAME word used by Hitler in his movement..... "Forward"



In 1933, the German Parliment considered passing a bill that created by Hitler called the Enabling Act. It was officially called the 'Law for Removing the Distress of the People and the Reich.' Why were the German people in such distress? Because the German government was creating chaos.....Sound familiar?

Hitler promised the German people that the government would "make use of these powers only as they are essential for carrying out vitally necessary measures...The number of cases in which an internal necessity exists for having recourse to such a law is in itself a limited one." So the German congress voted on the bill, with the end result being the legal destruction of the German Democratic Republic. The bill gave Hitler unprecedented powers to do whatever for the government of the German people. It was the act that officially created a dictator who was answerable to no one. The people cheered, Socialism became the law.

NObama is changing laws in America, giving himself unprecedented power never seen before. NObamaCare bill, now the law of the land, allows him to create his own private army, forces citizens to abide by unconstitutional laws, and will use the IRS the same way that Hitler used his brown shirts to make people get in line behind his policies. Many Americans will awake to late to the fact that NObama has subverted the United States Constitution, and stolen our precious liberties and freedoms.....

That's why NObama's followers are encouraged and taught to follow and have faith in NObama the man, and not in our *** or in our country. Exactly the tactics Hitler used having the terrible terrible effect in **** Germany.

For the sake of Manny and MANY others who thing comparing Nobama to Hitler is crazy. It is if you look at NObama now, versus Hitler now.... but lets compare the two at the onset of their doing...

Both Hitler and Obama held rallies in outdoor stadiums to excite and inflame the people's passions. Frequently women would faint or break into tears.

Both Hitler and Obama wrote ghost-written autobiographies prior to the start of their run for political office. Hitler wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle), and Obama wrote Dreams Of My Father. Both men then wrote a second book talking about their goals for German and America. Hitler wrote A New World Order, and Obama wrote The Audacity of Hope.

Both Hitler and Obama originally had last names that were changed later in life. Hitler used to be Schickelbruber, and Obama's last name was Soetoro.

Both Hitler and Obama hid their real identies. Hiter had a Jewish ancestry, and Obama a Muslim one. But unlike Hitler, Obama flaunted his Muslim roots in his start as a politician in order to defuse the inevitable firestorm. His ploy of "hiding in plain sight" worked very well.

Both Hitler and Obama's supporters followed them blindly, and without question

Both Hitler and Obama used political power and coercion to conceal and hide their birth certificates from coming to public view. Hitler made his disappear, and Obama is unwilling and unable to produce his long-form birth certificate.

Both Hitler and Obama advocate using young people as a driving force to create an "army" of youth dedicated to their Ideals. Hitler had his Hitler Youth, and Obama his

Obama Youth Brigade.

Both Hitler and Obama were known for their tremendous oratorical skills

Both Hitler and Obama received Messianic comparisons, and both men had songs of adoration written about them and for them.

Like Hitler, Obama rules in direct disregard to the will and wishes of the people.

Like Hitler, Obama has an obvious distaste for the Jews, and sides with the Muslims every chance he gets.

Both Hitler and Obama were able to mezmerize the people even when it was obvious that what they were saying was not true.

Both Hitler and Obama used domestic terrorists to launch their careers. Hitler had his Brown Shirts from his beer hall days, and Obama had people like Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and Rashid Khalidi.

Like Hitler, Obama advocates using murder as a means of population control.

Does it mean anything? i cannot be for certain. What I can tell you that of the other 43 presidents these "coincidences" dont happen. Let alone a long list of them...... Right down to his recently announced campaign slogan "Forward" come on really?

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