Maybe one of you lying piece-of-**** rightwing Republicons canexplain this to me

  • Thread starter Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names
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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

Before the Iraq War, we were assured by the White House that the war
would cost around $50 billion, that Iraq's oil revenue would pay for
it, our troops would be greeted with "sweets and dancing in the
streets," there was no need for any post-war planning, and the length
of the war and aftermath would be a few months.

Now, FIVE YEARS LATER, we are spending $150 BILLION PER YEAR, the
total cost of the war to be passed on to our grandchildren is
somewhere between $2 AND 3 TRILLION, there are no signs of us
leaving. And the general who's running the show now says the
situation in Iraq is "fragile and reversible" -- meaning we're ****ed.

So, tell me, what happened? It couldn't be that the Bush junta made
the biggest blunder in all history, or, that they lied to us while
making the blunder -- or could it????
"Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names" <> wrote in

> Before the Iraq War, we were assured by the White House that the war
> would cost around $50 billion, that Iraq's oil revenue would pay for
> it, our troops would be greeted with "sweets and dancing in the
> streets," there was no need for any post-war planning, and the length
> of the war and aftermath would be a few months.
> Now, FIVE YEARS LATER, we are spending $150 BILLION PER YEAR, the
> total cost of the war to be passed on to our grandchildren is
> somewhere between $2 AND 3 TRILLION, there are no signs of us
> leaving. And the general who's running the show now says the
> situation in Iraq is "fragile and reversible" -- meaning we're ****ed.
> So, tell me, what happened? It couldn't be that the Bush junta made
> the biggest blunder in all history, or, that they lied to us while
> making the blunder -- or could it????

If you're expecting a real cogent answer from anybody on the right, it'll
be your grandchildren who'll still be waiting around for the answer while
they're still paying the bill for war.
In article
"Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names" <> wrote:

> On Apr 8, 9:22
"Lickin' Ass and Takin' Names" <> wrote in message
On Apr 8, 9:22 pm, Harold Burton <> wrote:
>> Nah, you're too stupid to have anything explained to you.

>Try it -- answer my question.
>Put the answer right here --->

Okay. The answer is YOU'RE A PROVEN LIAR:

"Lickin' Ass and Takin' ****s" <> wrote in message
> On Dec 19, 7:53 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote
> another load of crap.
>> In 2002, as Mr. Lott reported in The National Review, "Two law students
>> with
>> law-enforcement backgrounds as deputy sheriffs in another state stopped
>> the
>> shooting at the Appalachian Law School in Virginia. ... The students ran
>> to
>> their cars, got their guns, pointed their guns at the attacker, ordered
>> him
>> to drop his gun, and then tackled him and held him until police were able
>> to
>> arrive," thus saving many lives.

> Not true. The shooter at the Appalachian School of Law ran out of
> ammo, was wrestled down by other students. The students who were
> deputy sheriffs made the arrest. These two students were active-duty
> deputy sheriffs who were pursuing law degrees in their off-duty time.
> One of them was a full-time deputy, the other was part-time.

You're a LIAR.

"At that time, me and Ted Besen went down the back stairwell, and my vehicle
was parked in a parking spot between the shooter and the back stairwell. We
seen the shooter, started to approach him, stopped at my vehicle, and got
out my handgun, and started to approach Peter. At that time, Peter throwed
up his hands and throwed his weapon down."
The shootings at Appalachian School of Law - The Today Show, NBC, Katie
Couric, Interview.

You're now a PROVEN LIAR.