McAmnesty Ducks Important Senate Vote


Patriot Games


McCain Skips Vote

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

WASHINGTON -- One might expect Republican senators to cheer the prospect of
a colleague becoming the party's presidential nominee.

In the small and clubby Senate environment, however, John McCain's emergence
as the undisputed GOP front-runner Wednesday caused a good bit of grumbling,
downcast looks and strained attempts at diplomatic comments by associates
who have felt the brunt of his sarcasm or clashed with him on policies.

"A lot of people around here are going to have to recalibrate their
attitudes toward John McCain," said Sen. Robert Bennett of Utah, one of
several Republican senators who have clashed with McCain.

"John needs to reach out" to conservatives who feel he has derided or
ignored them on key issues, said Bennett, who has endorsed former
Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. "If he does, I think he can bring the party
together. If he gloats and says 'In your face' to all his opponents, then he
could create some problems. But I don't think John is that foolish."

Asked if senators have seen both sides of the Arizonan, Bennett smiled and
slipped into the Senate chamber, out of reporters' range.

Senators in both parties prepared to greet the presidential race's
front-runners Wednesday, as McCain, Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., and
Barack Obama, D-Ill., left the campaign trail to vote for a proposed $205
billion economic stimulus package. McCain returned to the Capitol but made
an eleventh-hour decision to skip the vote, aides to his campaign said.

Obama arrived in the chamber first for a mid-afternoon vote on an amendment.
Later, Obama and Clinton who noticeably didn't shake hands during the State
of the Union address, shared a few laughs with Sen. Edward M. Kennedy,

Kennedy, who has endorsed and campaigned for Obama, shook Clinton's hand and
congratulated her on winning his home state _ without his support. Laughing,
Clinton teased that perhaps Kennedy's lack of support is the reason she won

"I had a big sigh of relief when he endorsed you!" she kidded Obama, who

Both Democrats were surrounded by Democratic colleagues and looked happy to
catch up with their peers, far from the straining ears of reporters in the
gallery overhead. Clinton, chewing gum, looked relaxed while chatting with
Sens. Patty Murray of Washington and Dianne Feinstein of California.

Obama, meanwhile, was immediately surrounded by eight Democratic colleagues
_ not all of whom have endorsed him _ who alternately slapped his back,
patted his shoulder and leaned in to hear more about the night before.
Obama's attention focused especially on Sens. Barbara Boxer of California
and Chuck Schumer of New York, neither of whom have endorsed him and both of
whom are from states that Clinton won on Tuesday.

Many Democratic senators are torn between Clinton and Obama, two colleagues
they generally admire. Republicans, meanwhile, are split between those who
embrace McCain's independent, gung-ho style, and those who feel he has gone
out of his way to dismiss evangelical leaders, deep tax cuts, expanded oil
and gas exploration, and other touchstones of conservative orthodoxy.

"These are issues that are constantly brought up by conservatives, that give
them some angst," said Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, another Romney supporter.

"McCain is going to have to reach out," said Sen. David Vitter, R-La., who
supported Rudy Giuliani but has not yet followed the former New York mayor
into the McCain camp.

In an interview, Hatch said he admired McCain's political skills and his
stands on foreign policy and national security. But he spent the next eight
minutes cataloging his disagreements on a half-dozen domestic issues.

"One of the worst bills in my 31 years here is McCain-Feingold," he said,
referring to a campaign finance bill that restricted the political parties'
ability to pour money into targeted races.

McCain voted against President Bush's first major tax cuts, which were "the
hallmark of not just conservative Republicans but everybody else," Hatch
said. McCain's support for a broad-based immigration bill, and his
opposition to drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge were
wrong-headed, he said.

And when McCain helped a bipartisan band of senators block a showdown over
Democrats' efforts to filibuster some of Bush's judicial nominations, "in
the eyes of conservatives, he undermined the whole party," Hatch said.

Even McCain's sharpest critics in the GOP said they will support him if he
is the nominee.

"Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean you don't have some
respect for his ability," said Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, who has often
clashed with McCain on spending earmarks.

Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., said McCain can succeed as a candidate and as
president because he can discipline himself to show a side that fellow
lawmakers don't always see.

"When you become president, you take on a whole different persona," said
Gregg, another Romney backer. "He's not going to be the John McCain who's
out here on the floor just cutting the place up if people didn't agree with

Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., who had endorsed Fred Thompson, tried to put the
best face on things.

"You can argue that, with his very moderate positions on a lot of issues
that have angered some Republicans, that could make him a better contender
against Hillary Clinton," Inhofe said.
I love the salt of conservative tears.

Need a hanky??

"Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> McCain Skips Vote
> Wednesday, February 6, 2008
> WASHINGTON -- One might expect Republican senators to cheer the prospect

> a colleague becoming the party's presidential nominee.
> In the small and clubby Senate environment, however, John McCain's

> as the undisputed GOP front-runner Wednesday caused a good bit of

> downcast looks and strained attempts at diplomatic comments by associates
> who have felt the brunt of his sarcasm or clashed with him on policies.
> "A lot of people around here are going to have to recalibrate their
> attitudes toward John McCain," said Sen. Robert Bennett of Utah, one of
> several Republican senators who have clashed with McCain.
> "John needs to reach out" to conservatives who feel he has derided or
> ignored them on key issues, said Bennett, who has endorsed former
> Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. "If he does, I think he can bring the

> together. If he gloats and says 'In your face' to all his opponents, then

> could create some problems. But I don't think John is that foolish."
> Asked if senators have seen both sides of the Arizonan, Bennett smiled and
> slipped into the Senate chamber, out of reporters' range.
> Senators in both parties prepared to greet the presidential race's
> front-runners Wednesday, as McCain, Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., and
> Barack Obama, D-Ill., left the campaign trail to vote for a proposed $205
> billion economic stimulus package. McCain returned to the Capitol but made
> an eleventh-hour decision to skip the vote, aides to his campaign said.
> Obama arrived in the chamber first for a mid-afternoon vote on an

> Later, Obama and Clinton who noticeably didn't shake hands during the

> of the Union address, shared a few laughs with Sen. Edward M. Kennedy,
> D-Mass.
> Kennedy, who has endorsed and campaigned for Obama, shook Clinton's hand

> congratulated her on winning his home state _ without his support.

> Clinton teased that perhaps Kennedy's lack of support is the reason she

> Massachusetts.
> "I had a big sigh of relief when he endorsed you!" she kidded Obama, who
> laughed.
> Both Democrats were surrounded by Democratic colleagues and looked happy

> catch up with their peers, far from the straining ears of reporters in the
> gallery overhead. Clinton, chewing gum, looked relaxed while chatting with
> Sens. Patty Murray of Washington and Dianne Feinstein of California.
> Obama, meanwhile, was immediately surrounded by eight Democratic

> _ not all of whom have endorsed him _ who alternately slapped his back,
> patted his shoulder and leaned in to hear more about the night before.
> Obama's attention focused especially on Sens. Barbara Boxer of California
> and Chuck Schumer of New York, neither of whom have endorsed him and both

> whom are from states that Clinton won on Tuesday.
> Many Democratic senators are torn between Clinton and Obama, two

> they generally admire. Republicans, meanwhile, are split between those who
> embrace McCain's independent, gung-ho style, and those who feel he has

> out of his way to dismiss evangelical leaders, deep tax cuts, expanded oil
> and gas exploration, and other touchstones of conservative orthodoxy.
> "These are issues that are constantly brought up by conservatives, that

> them some angst," said Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, another Romney supporter.
> "McCain is going to have to reach out," said Sen. David Vitter, R-La., who
> supported Rudy Giuliani but has not yet followed the former New York mayor
> into the McCain camp.
> In an interview, Hatch said he admired McCain's political skills and his
> stands on foreign policy and national security. But he spent the next

> minutes cataloging his disagreements on a half-dozen domestic issues.
> "One of the worst bills in my 31 years here is McCain-Feingold," he said,
> referring to a campaign finance bill that restricted the political

> ability to pour money into targeted races.
> McCain voted against President Bush's first major tax cuts, which were

> hallmark of not just conservative Republicans but everybody else," Hatch
> said. McCain's support for a broad-based immigration bill, and his
> opposition to drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge were
> wrong-headed, he said.
> And when McCain helped a bipartisan band of senators block a showdown over
> Democrats' efforts to filibuster some of Bush's judicial nominations, "in
> the eyes of conservatives, he undermined the whole party," Hatch said.
> Even McCain's sharpest critics in the GOP said they will support him if he
> is the nominee.
> "Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean you don't have some
> respect for his ability," said Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, who has often
> clashed with McCain on spending earmarks.
> Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., said McCain can succeed as a candidate and as
> president because he can discipline himself to show a side that fellow
> lawmakers don't always see.
> "When you become president, you take on a whole different persona," said
> Gregg, another Romney backer. "He's not going to be the John McCain who's
> out here on the floor just cutting the place up if people didn't agree

> him."
> Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., who had endorsed Fred Thompson, tried to put

> best face on things.
> "You can argue that, with his very moderate positions on a lot of issues
> that have angered some Republicans, that could make him a better contender
> against Hillary Clinton," Inhofe said.