McCain blames 'greedy' for recession

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Article published Apr 14, 2008

McCain blames 'greedy' for recession

April 14, 2008

By Stephen Dinan - Sen. John McCain this morning said "greedy" Wall
Street investors are partly to blame for what he said is probably an
economic recession the nation is now suffering.

"There has to be a modification of the greedy behavior of some of
these people," he said, using the word "greedy" repeatedly in remarks
to the Associated Press annual meeting at the Washington Convention
Center today.

end excerpt

This is one of the problems conservatives have with you, John: you
seem to believe in too many liberal conspiracy theories, like this one
about the "greedy" (or human-caused, global warming).

If you know the names of these greedy people who are causing a
recession in the U.S., I think you are obligated to name them so their
greed can be dealt with, and we can get the economy back on an even

If you don't have any names or evidence to back up these claims,
then your charges are without merit and you are doing the American
people a disservice by trying to give legitimacy to these conspiracy
theories. The facts, man, just the facts. We don't need opinions or
paranoid delusions.

The real reason for the economic slowdown is the price of oil, John.
When Americans have to spend 50 percent more for their gasoline, they
have less money to spend on other things. See how simple that is.

Oil is in high demand and there is not enough supply to fill this
demand so the prices, as with any commodity, skyrocket. I suppose you
could blame this on "greedy" people, but you would have to include all
those who consume gasoline in this conspiracy, about four billion
people at least, I would guess.

Senator McCain, you should be promoting drilling for oil in Alaska,
and off the coasts of the United States, and anywhere else there is
oil. This, not conspriacy theories, is the way to solve this problem.
