...McCain least popular of presidential candidates in Gallup poll. Should be no surprise to anyone


Harry Hope


Thursday April 3, 2008

McCain least popular of presidential candidates in Gallup poll

By Eric Mayes

McCain has soft support among business donors, too

Obama rakes in donations from real estate, financial services

Afraid that Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) too closely resembles President
George Bush, voters named him the most unpopular of the three
presidential candidates, according to Gallup's latest poll released

The finding was bolstered by campaign finance reports that showed
McCain raking in far less than his Democratic counterparts.

Clinton was the runner-up in the Gallup poll -- foes worrying that
electing her would just put her husband back in the Oval Office.

Obama ended up being the candidate with the fewest critics, perhaps
because he's seen less of the political limelight.

Those who did pan him cited his lack of experience.

Potential voters weren't the only ones turning away from McCain.

According to the Wall Street Journal, business donors have ignored
him, instead pouring their funds into the coffers of the Democrats.

The Republican nominee raised $13.1 million through February, while
Clinton raised $27.1 million and Obama collected $22.5 million.

"The Republican standard-bearer's attempt to claw back financial
support from the GOP's business base could be a pivotal factor in
determining the outcome of the presidential race," the Journal's Brody
Mullins wrote.

Financial-services, insurance and real-estate companies so far have
donated to Obama over McCain by almost 2:1 -- and favored Clinton by
even more.

Health-care and pharmaceutical firms have given three times as much to
each of the two Democrats as to McCain.

Defense firms put McCain ahead of Obama, but behind Clinton.

Energy, construction and agribusiness firms have given more to both

Only the transportation industry gave more to McCain than the

Campaign donations were similar to Gallup's findings.

Respondents who took part in Gallup's poll choose McCain as the least
desirable candidate for three reasons.

They listed his associations with the Iraq war, President George W.
Bush and the Republican Party.

Clinton foes said they found her untrustworthy and Obama critics cited
his lack of experience.

McCain led in the overall tally with 40 percent of those polled saying
he was their least favorable candidate.

Clinton garnered a 36 percent unfavorable rating.

Obama trailed with just 20 percent of voters saying he was their least
favorite candidate.

Among Democrats, 76 percent named McCain as their least favorite

Clinton followed with 16 percent and Obama had 9 percent.

Republicans divided their answers among the two Democrats but Clinton
outstriped Obama by a 60 to 34 percent margin.

Only 3 percent of Republicans said they found McCain the least
desirable candidate.

A look at individual results showed four out of 10 of those polled who
disliked Obama said his lack of experience concerned them.

Another 8 percent said it they disliked his "religious affiliation."

The poll did not clarify whether that meant his long relationship with
the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. or that fact that he has family members
who are Islamic.

The majority of Clinton critics said she was untrustworthy.

Nearly one quarter of her foes said she could not be trusted.

Another 18 percent said they didn't want Bill Clinton back in the
White House.

McCain came out last because of his connections to the war in Iraq
combined with what voters perceive as a similarity to Bush and simply
the fact that he is a Republican.

Twenty-seven percent named the war, 25 percent his similarities to
Bush and 23 percent his party.


Not pleasant news for Johnny McBush and his fellow Repugs.
