Meanwhile, back in Iraq


John B.

As the Republicans have their circle-jerk in Washington today about
how well the surge is working, here's what's been going on in Iraq.

Monday: 2 US Soldiers, 18 Iraqis Killed; 86 Iraqis Wounded
Sunday: 5 GIs, 81 Iraqis Killed; 31 GIs, 126 Iraqis Wounded
Iraq risks chaos if U.S. military pulls out: report

MNF-Iraq is reporting the death of a Multi-National Division - Baghdad
soldier in a roadside bombing and small-arms fire in an eastern
neighborhood of Baghdad on Monday, April 7th. No other details were

MNF-Iraq is reporting the deaths of two Multi-National Division -
Baghdad soldier in a rocket-propelled grenade attack (in Baghdad?) on
Tuesday, April 7th. No other details or location were given.

MNF-Iraq is reporting the death of a Multi-National Division - Baghdad
soldier in a roadside bombing (in Baghdad?) on Tuesday, April 7th. No
other details or location were given.

NATO is reporting the death of an ISAF soldier in an explosion in
Ghazni province, Afghanistan on Tuesday, April 8th. One additional
soldier was wounded in the blast. No other details were released and
we assume this to be an American soldier.

Security incidents:

#1: Iraqi government forces and the Mahdi Army clashed anew Tuesday in
Baghdad. Fighting broke out again early Tuesday morning after Iraqi
units tried to enter the cleric's stronghold, a police officer said.
The boom of explosions could be heard across much of Baghdad,
apparently coming from the neighborhood in eastern Baghdad. Low-flying
jets circled the center of the capital several hours before sunrise.
The two sides were using small arms, rocket-propelled grenades and
mortars in the ongoing combat, said the police officer, who spoke on
condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the
information to the media. Fifteen civilians have been injured in the
clashes, he said.

Eight people were wounded in clashes in Sadr City on Tuesday and
another seven people were wounded in other districts of eastern
Baghdad, police said.

Hospital sources in the eastern Baghdad slum of Sadr City said
fighting on Tuesday had killed three and wounded 52.

#2: The two main hospitals in Sadr City, eastern Baghdad, received 12
wounded on Tuesday, hospital officials said. On Monday the hospitals
received seven dead people and 143 wounded.

#3: Meanwhile, security forces were reported to be blocking al-Sadr's
supporters from traveling to Baghdad from outlying areas to attend an
anti-U.S. rally scheduled for Wednesday. Al-Sadr called for the
protest to mark the fifth anniversary of the capture of Baghdad by
U.S. troops nearly a month after the war started, but many observers
see it as a show of force in his confrontation with the government.

Aides to Muqtada al-Sadr say the anti-American Shiite cleric is
calling off a mass rally in Baghdad Wednesday. Two aides in al-Sadr's
office in the holy city of Najaf told The Associated Press that the
rally had been canceled. They spoke on condition of anonymity pending
an official announcement.

#4: Hundreds of civilians have already fled Sadr City, where
gunbattles have raged since last week. The sprawling district of some
2.5 million people, the nerve center of al-Sadr's Mahdi Army, has been
under siege by about 1,000 U.S. and Iraqi troops.

#5: A roadside bomb wounded three policemen, two traffic policemen and
four civilians on Tuesday in the Zayouna district, in eastern Baghdad,
police said.

#6: Six people, including two bomb squad personnel, were wounded while
defusing an improvised explosive device (IED) in eastern Baghdad on
Tuesday, an Iraqi police source said."The blast, which occurred near
the al-Shaab playground, eastern Baghdad, wounded six people,
including two explosives experts," the source, who refused to be
named, told Aswat al-Iraq - Voices of Iraq. The same source earlier
said that four people, including two bomb squad personnel, were
wounded while defusing the explosive charge.

#7: Iraqi Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr threatened on Tuesday to end
a ceasefire he imposed on his militia last August, raising the
prospect of further violence just as top U.S. officials get set to
testify on Iraq's progress.

#8: Four mortar shells hit the Green Zone in downtown Baghdad around
9:00 A.m.

#9: Three mortar shells hit the building of Jawiyah club (air force
club) in Palestine Street in east Baghdad around 12:00 p.m. No
casualties reported.

#10: Five New Hampshire National Guard soldiers police have been
wounded during an attack on their base in Baghdad. The National Guard
says four of the military police officers from the 237th
Military Police Company were treated and are back on duty. Guard
spokesman Sgt. Michael Daigle says the fifth is in the hospital in
Iraq and doing well. The attack on Sunday killed a North Carolina
National Guard soldier and wounded nine others. The National Guard
says the soldiers were hit during mortar or rocket attacks on their

Diyala Prv:
#1: Unidentified gunmen attacked early Tuesday the home of a Sunni
tribal leader working with the U.S.-sponsored Awakening Council
killing him and his three sons, Iraqi police said. Police said the
man, whose name was not given, was active in the Awakening Council in
the Sunni-dominated area around the town of Baqouba, 80 kilometers (50
miles) north of Baghdad.

Balad Ruz:
#1: Iraqi police say a roadside bomb has struck a minibus northeast of
Baghdad, killing at least six civilians and wounding 10. Officials in
the Diyala provincial police center say the blast struck morning
commuters in the Dahalkah area on the outskirts of the religiously
mixed city of Balad Ruz. The officials say the six killed in Tuesday's
blast included four children and two women. They spoke on condition of
anonymity because they weren't authorized to release the information.
Five others were also wounded in the blast, including four children
and a woman, Major Karkhi added.

#1: update Two senior army officers were wounded when a roadside bomb
went off near an Iraqi army convoy in northern Basra, an Iraqi army
source said on Monday. "Brigadier Wessam Mahdi, commander of the 2nd
brigade of the 14th division, and Colonel Fadel Ouda, an intelligence
officer, were wounded in a bomb explosion on al-Kazeeza bridge in
northern Basra," the source, who requested anonymity, told Aswat al-
Iraq - Voices of Iraq. "Colonel Fadel's injuries were serious and he
was rushed to Baghdad for treatment," he added.

Tuz Khurmato:
#1: A roadside bomb wounded 16 people in a commercial area in Tuz
Khurmato, 180 km (110 miles) north of Baghdad, police said.

#1: An improvised explosive device (IED) went off inside a shop in al-
Hai al-Sinaie neighborhood, Rubaiaa district, (120 km) west of Mosul,
killing one civilian and wounding two others," Brig. Khaled Abdul-
Sattar told Aswat al-Iraq - Voices of Iraq.

#2: South of Mosul, Abdul-Sattar said, clashes with light and medium
weapons broke out on Monday evening between unidentified gunmen and
the bodyguards of the al-Hadar mayor, Ali Saleh Mady, near his home.
Mady's wife was killed in the clashes.
Let me suggest you are not addressing the critical question. The critical
question is, is success in Iraq important or is it not important. It is NOT
the lieves lost, or how difficult the task may be, but whether success is
important or not important.

On that point, what has Hillary or Obama said about the question. Have they
said that success is not important?

"John B." <> wrote in message
> As the Republicans have their circle-jerk in Washington today about
> how well the surge is working, here's what's been going on in Iraq.
> Monday: 2 US Soldiers, 18 Iraqis Killed; 86 Iraqis Wounded
> Sunday: 5 GIs, 81 Iraqis Killed; 31 GIs, 126 Iraqis Wounded
> Iraq risks chaos if U.S. military pulls out: report
> MNF-Iraq is reporting the death of a Multi-National Division - Baghdad
> soldier in a roadside bombing and small-arms fire in an eastern
> neighborhood of Baghdad on Monday, April 7th. No other details were
> released.
> MNF-Iraq is reporting the deaths of two Multi-National Division -
> Baghdad soldier in a rocket-propelled grenade attack (in Baghdad?) on
> Tuesday, April 7th. No other details or location were given.
> MNF-Iraq is reporting the death of a Multi-National Division - Baghdad
> soldier in a roadside bombing (in Baghdad?) on Tuesday, April 7th. No
> other details or location were given.
> NATO is reporting the death of an ISAF soldier in an explosion in
> Ghazni province, Afghanistan on Tuesday, April 8th. One additional
> soldier was wounded in the blast. No other details were released and
> we assume this to be an American soldier.
> Security incidents:
> Baghdad:
> #1: Iraqi government forces and the Mahdi Army clashed anew Tuesday in
> Baghdad. Fighting broke out again early Tuesday morning after Iraqi
> units tried to enter the cleric's stronghold, a police officer said.
> The boom of explosions could be heard across much of Baghdad,
> apparently coming from the neighborhood in eastern Baghdad. Low-flying
> jets circled the center of the capital several hours before sunrise.
> The two sides were using small arms, rocket-propelled grenades and
> mortars in the ongoing combat, said the police officer, who spoke on
> condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the
> information to the media. Fifteen civilians have been injured in the
> clashes, he said.
> Eight people were wounded in clashes in Sadr City on Tuesday and
> another seven people were wounded in other districts of eastern
> Baghdad, police said.
> Hospital sources in the eastern Baghdad slum of Sadr City said
> fighting on Tuesday had killed three and wounded 52.
> #2: The two main hospitals in Sadr City, eastern Baghdad, received 12
> wounded on Tuesday, hospital officials said. On Monday the hospitals
> received seven dead people and 143 wounded.
> #3: Meanwhile, security forces were reported to be blocking al-Sadr's
> supporters from traveling to Baghdad from outlying areas to attend an
> anti-U.S. rally scheduled for Wednesday. Al-Sadr called for the
> protest to mark the fifth anniversary of the capture of Baghdad by
> U.S. troops nearly a month after the war started, but many observers
> see it as a show of force in his confrontation with the government.
> Aides to Muqtada al-Sadr say the anti-American Shiite cleric is
> calling off a mass rally in Baghdad Wednesday. Two aides in al-Sadr's
> office in the holy city of Najaf told The Associated Press that the
> rally had been canceled. They spoke on condition of anonymity pending
> an official announcement.
> #4: Hundreds of civilians have already fled Sadr City, where
> gunbattles have raged since last week. The sprawling district of some
> 2.5 million people, the nerve center of al-Sadr's Mahdi Army, has been
> under siege by about 1,000 U.S. and Iraqi troops.
> #5: A roadside bomb wounded three policemen, two traffic policemen and
> four civilians on Tuesday in the Zayouna district, in eastern Baghdad,
> police said.
> #6: Six people, including two bomb squad personnel, were wounded while
> defusing an improvised explosive device (IED) in eastern Baghdad on
> Tuesday, an Iraqi police source said."The blast, which occurred near
> the al-Shaab playground, eastern Baghdad, wounded six people,
> including two explosives experts," the source, who refused to be
> named, told Aswat al-Iraq - Voices of Iraq. The same source earlier
> said that four people, including two bomb squad personnel, were
> wounded while defusing the explosive charge.
> #7: Iraqi Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr threatened on Tuesday to end
> a ceasefire he imposed on his militia last August, raising the
> prospect of further violence just as top U.S. officials get set to
> testify on Iraq's progress.
> #8: Four mortar shells hit the Green Zone in downtown Baghdad around
> 9:00 A.m.
> #9: Three mortar shells hit the building of Jawiyah club (air force
> club) in Palestine Street in east Baghdad around 12:00 p.m. No
> casualties reported.
> #10: Five New Hampshire National Guard soldiers police have been
> wounded during an attack on their base in Baghdad. The National Guard
> says four of the military police officers from the 237th
> Military Police Company were treated and are back on duty. Guard
> spokesman Sgt. Michael Daigle says the fifth is in the hospital in
> Iraq and doing well. The attack on Sunday killed a North Carolina
> National Guard soldier and wounded nine others. The National Guard
> says the soldiers were hit during mortar or rocket attacks on their
> base.
> Diyala Prv:
> Baquba:
> #1: Unidentified gunmen attacked early Tuesday the home of a Sunni
> tribal leader working with the U.S.-sponsored Awakening Council
> killing him and his three sons, Iraqi police said. Police said the
> man, whose name was not given, was active in the Awakening Council in
> the Sunni-dominated area around the town of Baqouba, 80 kilometers (50
> miles) north of Baghdad.
> Balad Ruz:
> #1: Iraqi police say a roadside bomb has struck a minibus northeast of
> Baghdad, killing at least six civilians and wounding 10. Officials in
> the Diyala provincial police center say the blast struck morning
> commuters in the Dahalkah area on the outskirts of the religiously
> mixed city of Balad Ruz. The officials say the six killed in Tuesday's
> blast included four children and two women. They spoke on condition of
> anonymity because they weren't authorized to release the information.
> Five others were also wounded in the blast, including four children
> and a woman, Major Karkhi added.
> Basra:
> #1: update Two senior army officers were wounded when a roadside bomb
> went off near an Iraqi army convoy in northern Basra, an Iraqi army
> source said on Monday. "Brigadier Wessam Mahdi, commander of the 2nd
> brigade of the 14th division, and Colonel Fadel Ouda, an intelligence
> officer, were wounded in a bomb explosion on al-Kazeeza bridge in
> northern Basra," the source, who requested anonymity, told Aswat al-
> Iraq - Voices of Iraq. "Colonel Fadel's injuries were serious and he
> was rushed to Baghdad for treatment," he added.
> Tuz Khurmato:
> #1: A roadside bomb wounded 16 people in a commercial area in Tuz
> Khurmato, 180 km (110 miles) north of Baghdad, police said.
> Mosul:
> #1: An improvised explosive device (IED) went off inside a shop in al-
> Hai al-Sinaie neighborhood, Rubaiaa district, (120 km) west of Mosul,
> killing one civilian and wounding two others," Brig. Khaled Abdul-
> Sattar told Aswat al-Iraq - Voices of Iraq.
> #2: South of Mosul, Abdul-Sattar said, clashes with light and medium
> weapons broke out on Monday evening between unidentified gunmen and
> the bodyguards of the al-Hadar mayor, Ali Saleh Mady, near his home.
> Mady's wife was killed in the clashes.
On Sat, 12 Apr 2008 09:31:50 -1000, "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote:

>Let me suggest you are not addressing the critical question. The critical
>question is, is success in Iraq important or is it not important. It is NOT
>the lieves [sic] lost, or how difficult the task may be, but whether success is
>important or not important.

'Success' is bankrupting the USA and killing off
a bunch of US military for nothing, isn't it.