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HOUSTON (AP) - Experts blame declining Medicare reimbursement for hundreds of Texas doctors dropping out of the federal health care program for senior citizens.
The Houston Chronicle reported Tuesday that more than 300 Texas doctors have dropped the program in the last two years, including 50 in the first three months of 2010. The Texas Medical Association, which did the survey, said the numbers far exceeded their assumptions.
Dr. Susan Bailey, president of the Texas Medical Association, says if Congress doesn't fix Medicare soon, there will be more and more doctors dropping out. She says the congressional promise to provide medical care to seniors "will be broken."
The opt-outs follow years of declining Medicare reimbursement that led to a looming 21 percent cut this year.
More and more doctors and hospitals are refusing to accept medicare, being as medicare is offered as the example of how well the Government can operate medical care, this should tell us all that we need to get as far away from the Government controlling medical care as possible. Severely low reimbursement rates combined with an extremely slow payment speed (can take 6 months to get paid for a qualifying visit) is making it very difficult for doctors to stay in business providing care for these patients.
While Obama wasted a year forcing his idea of Government controlled medical care onto the American people, they could have worked on fixing the free care we already provide. Where do people get their "free care" if there are no doctors who accept it?