Meet [Collapsed] Mine Owner, Robert E. Murray


C -- S

"....In the meeting, Murray shouted that "Mitch McConnell calls
me one of the five finest men in America, and last I checked, he
was sleeping with your boss."

Meet Robert E. Murray, Chairman, Murray Energy Corporation

By Robert Gehrke and Paul Beebe
The Salt Lake Tribune

Robert Murray scoured the skies for the helicopters above Crandall
refusing to continue his disjointed, rambling Tuesday morning media
until the county sheriff chased them off.

It was a public relations meltdown that prompted the chairman of the
U.S. House labor committee to demand that federal officials take the
helm of all future briefings on the cave-in that trapped six men in
Crandall Canyon coal mine.

But in many ways it appears to have been Murray being Murray - an
eccentric, passionate, politically connected coal executive who has
never shied from speaking his mind.

In his briefing, an update of the Crandall Canyon mine collapse
that was carried live on national television, Murray defended the
coal industry,attacked the media and railed against what he called
a foolhardy crusade against global warming that jeopardized his
industry and America's economy.

Murray insisted there was no way the collapse was not caused
by an earthquake - "It was a natural disaster and I'll prove it to
you" - even though a federal geologist said Tuesday evening the
collapse was absolutely not caused by an earthquake.

Crisis management and public relations authorities criticized
Murray's performance as "callous," "damaging" and "not very
helpful" to the families of the six miners trapped underground.

"His behavior is the beginning of blame-shifting, which causes people
to dislike business leaders and to distrust those who blame others for
their problems," said James Lukaszewski, president of The Lukaszewski
Group, a White Plains, N.Y., crisis management consulting firm.

Murray is a man who wears his emotions publicly, whether it's clashing
with Congress, scolding regulators or briefing reporters.

Upon leaving North American Coal Corp. after 31 years with the
company, he bought his first mine, the Powhatan No. 6 mine in
Alledonia, Ohio.

Over the years his company grew to include mines in Ohio,
Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Illinois, West Virginia.

Last year, he completed the purchase of the former Andalex
Resources mines in Utah.

One of his first moves was to shut down the Tower Mine, idling
114 workers less than two weeks before Christmas.

Murray blamed environmentalists and state regulators who had
been slow to approve production at the Lila mine, forcing him to
cut jobs, he told the Price-based Sun Advocate. John Baza, head
of the state's Divisionof Oil and Gas, disagreed, writing the paper
to say the layoffs were a business decision unrelated to the Lila
mine, which was delayed because Murray's company hadn't
provided necessary information.

Murray is strident in his belief that global warming is a fraud.

In June, he told a Senate committee that Congressional Democrats
and former Vice President Al Gore are bent on "the destruction of
American lives and more death as a result of his hysterical global
goofiness with no environmental benefit."

He called Sen. Hillary Clinton "anti-American" in an interview with
Fox News' Neil Cavuto after the senator said America needs a
president who will defend workers' rights.

And he bashed politicians who, after mine disasters in West Virginia
last year, called for new safety measures.

"I resent these politicians playing politics with my employees'
safety,"he said in an article in the Columbus Dispatch.

"I resent them because I take the safety of my miners to bed with me
every night."

But safety at some of his mines was suspect.
Only a few months' data is available for the Crandall Canyon
mine under his ownership, but at several other mines owned by
Murray, the accident rate was well above the national average, in
some years several times the rate for comparable mines.

And in 2003, KenAmerican Resources, a company owned
by Murray, was convicted of violating mine safety laws at a
Kentucky mine and the company was fined $306,000.

Murray backs his political beliefs with his pocketbook.

He contributed more than $213,000 to Republican candidates
over the last decade.

Three political action committees tied to Murray's businesses
have given $724,500 to Republican candidates and causes,
including $4,000 to Rep. Chris Cannon.

He made use of his political ties to Kentucky Sen. Mitch
McConnell, who is married to Labor Secretary Elaine Chao
and oversees MSHA, to get back at a safety regulator who had
crossed him, according to the Lexington Herald-Journal.

In the meeting, Murray shouted that "Mitch McConnell calls me
one of the five finest men in America, and last I checked, he was
sleeping with your boss."


And the beat goes on.......

Is there ANYONE connected [however slightly] to the
Bush-Cheney-GOP manure wagon with even a shred
of so-called "honor and dignity" ?



" Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.

They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country
and our people, ...and neither do we. "

-- George W. Bush
Thursday, August 5, 2004
2005 Defense Spending Bill Signing
Washington, D.C.
Murray is the Bill O'Reilly of the coal industry. He just calls everyone
liars and liberals while his negligence murdered these coal miners and his
product slowly destroys the planet. Congratulations Mr. Murray you're an
asshole desearving of the republican party you suck up to so dearly.
rob sez:

"Murray is the Bill O'Reilly of the coal industry. He just calls everyone
liars and liberals while his negligence murdered these coal miners and his
product slowly destroys the planet. Congratulations Mr. Murray you're an
asshole desearving of the republican party you suck up to so dearly..."
Of course, we all know that comrade Rob is pecking out his combo
Luddite-Commie hate message on his pedal-powered laptop and wearing his CO2
absorbing face mask while he worries and tells us all about those evil coal
mine owners and their nasty planet destroying product.

The only thing that we have to find out is which one is the biggest
"C -- S" <> wrote in message
> .
> "....In the meeting, Murray shouted that "Mitch McConnell calls
> me one of the five finest men in America, and last I checked, he
> was sleeping with your boss."
> Meet Robert E. Murray, Chairman, Murray Energy Corporation
> By Robert Gehrke and Paul Beebe
> The Salt Lake Tribune
> 8/8/07
> Robert Murray scoured the skies for the helicopters above Crandall
> Canyon,
> refusing to continue his disjointed, rambling Tuesday morning media
> briefing
> until the county sheriff chased them off.
> It was a public relations meltdown that prompted the chairman of the
> U.S. House labor committee to demand that federal officials take the
> helm of all future briefings on the cave-in that trapped six men in
> the
> Crandall Canyon coal mine.
> But in many ways it appears to have been Murray being Murray - an
> eccentric, passionate, politically connected coal executive who has
> never shied from speaking his mind.
> In his briefing, an update of the Crandall Canyon mine collapse
> that was carried live on national television, Murray defended the
> coal industry,attacked the media and railed against what he called
> a foolhardy crusade against global warming that jeopardized his
> industry and America's economy.
> Murray insisted there was no way the collapse was not caused
> by an earthquake - "It was a natural disaster and I'll prove it to
> you" - even though a federal geologist said Tuesday evening the
> collapse was absolutely not caused by an earthquake.
> Crisis management and public relations authorities criticized
> Murray's performance as "callous," "damaging" and "not very
> helpful" to the families of the six miners trapped underground.
> "His behavior is the beginning of blame-shifting, which causes people
> to dislike business leaders and to distrust those who blame others for
> their problems," said James Lukaszewski, president of The Lukaszewski
> Group, a White Plains, N.Y., crisis management consulting firm.
> Murray is a man who wears his emotions publicly, whether it's clashing
> with Congress, scolding regulators or briefing reporters.
> Upon leaving North American Coal Corp. after 31 years with the
> company, he bought his first mine, the Powhatan No. 6 mine in
> Alledonia, Ohio.
> Over the years his company grew to include mines in Ohio,
> Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Illinois, West Virginia.
> Last year, he completed the purchase of the former Andalex
> Resources mines in Utah.
> One of his first moves was to shut down the Tower Mine, idling
> 114 workers less than two weeks before Christmas.
> Murray blamed environmentalists and state regulators who had
> been slow to approve production at the Lila mine, forcing him to
> cut jobs, he told the Price-based Sun Advocate. John Baza, head
> of the state's Divisionof Oil and Gas, disagreed, writing the paper
> to say the layoffs were a business decision unrelated to the Lila
> mine, which was delayed because Murray's company hadn't
> provided necessary information.
> Murray is strident in his belief that global warming is a fraud.
> In June, he told a Senate committee that Congressional Democrats
> and former Vice President Al Gore are bent on "the destruction of
> American lives and more death as a result of his hysterical global
> goofiness with no environmental benefit."
> He called Sen. Hillary Clinton "anti-American" in an interview with
> Fox News' Neil Cavuto after the senator said America needs a
> president who will defend workers' rights.
> And he bashed politicians who, after mine disasters in West Virginia
> last year, called for new safety measures.
> "I resent these politicians playing politics with my employees'
> safety,"he said in an article in the Columbus Dispatch.
> "I resent them because I take the safety of my miners to bed with me
> every night."
> But safety at some of his mines was suspect.
> Only a few months' data is available for the Crandall Canyon
> mine under his ownership, but at several other mines owned by
> Murray, the accident rate was well above the national average, in
> some years several times the rate for comparable mines.
> And in 2003, KenAmerican Resources, a company owned
> by Murray, was convicted of violating mine safety laws at a
> Kentucky mine and the company was fined $306,000.
> Murray backs his political beliefs with his pocketbook.
> He contributed more than $213,000 to Republican candidates
> over the last decade.
> Three political action committees tied to Murray's businesses
> have given $724,500 to Republican candidates and causes,
> including $4,000 to Rep. Chris Cannon.
> He made use of his political ties to Kentucky Sen. Mitch
> McConnell, who is married to Labor Secretary Elaine Chao
> and oversees MSHA, to get back at a safety regulator who had
> crossed him, according to the Lexington Herald-Journal.
> In the meeting, Murray shouted that "Mitch McConnell calls me
> one of the five finest men in America, and last I checked, he was
> sleeping with your boss."
> ______________________________________________________
> And the beat goes on.......
> Is there ANYONE connected [however slightly] to the
> Bush-Cheney-GOP manure wagon with even a shred
> of so-called "honor and dignity" ?
> C_S
> =============================================================
> " Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.
> They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country
> and our people, ...and neither do we. "
> -- George W. Bush
> Thursday, August 5, 2004
> 2005 Defense Spending Bill Signing
> Washington, D.C.
> =============================================================

Murray is a typical Republican sack of ****. Everything he has claimed and
said would happen regarding the mine rescue has been WRONG! It reminds one
of the bull **** comming from Bush, Cheney and other repugs regarding the
progress of the Iraq war. WMD anybody?

He has come up with endless pronouncements about how long it would take to
get into the mine, to drill, about breathable air, about taking only a week
to muck out the collapse, about having cameras standing by, about being
exactly on target, about an earthquake and mountain bumbs and on and on. The
guy is a BS artist supreme. Mine rescue experts should have taken control of
the operation long ago. It's too late now, those guys are DEAD!
"C -- S" <> wrote in message
> .
> "....In the meeting, Murray shouted that "Mitch McConnell calls
> me one of the five finest men in America, and last I checked, he
> was sleeping with your boss."
> Meet Robert E. Murray, Chairman, Murray Energy Corporation
> By Robert Gehrke and Paul Beebe
> The Salt Lake Tribune
> 8/8/07
> Robert Murray scoured the skies for the helicopters above Crandall
> Canyon,
> refusing to continue his disjointed, rambling Tuesday morning media
> briefing
> until the county sheriff chased them off.
> It was a public relations meltdown that prompted the chairman of the
> U.S. House labor committee to demand that federal officials take the
> helm of all future briefings on the cave-in that trapped six men in
> the
> Crandall Canyon coal mine.
> But in many ways it appears to have been Murray being Murray - an
> eccentric, passionate, politically connected coal executive who has
> never shied from speaking his mind.
> In his briefing, an update of the Crandall Canyon mine collapse
> that was carried live on national television, Murray defended the
> coal industry,attacked the media and railed against what he called
> a foolhardy crusade against global warming that jeopardized his
> industry and America's economy.

It takes one hell of a lot of ignorancem, arrogance and balls to be (partly,
at least) the cause of a disaster - and then to ignore your actions, your
responsibilities, and your failures to blame somthing not even related to
the event .
But, then again, I'd bet everything that Murray's a conservative republican.

> Murray insisted there was no way the collapse was not caused
> by an earthquake - "It was a natural disaster and I'll prove it to
> you" - even though a federal geologist said Tuesday evening the
> collapse was absolutely not caused by an earthquake.

Oh ... you mean like Bush proving his economical crap actually helps
or perhaps Bush's foreign policies actually lifted our standing in the
global community?
and then, there's the illegal, corrupt, insanity of the invasion and
attempted ovccupation of Iraq - which Bush STILL blindly claims will work.

then again, like Bush, ignoring reality and real science in favor of
mentally corrupt, psychological delusions is common amongst conservative

> Crisis management and public relations authorities criticized
> Murray's performance as "callous," "damaging" and "not very
> helpful" to the families of the six miners trapped underground.

Ahhh.... do you really think Murray gives a damn about the men and their
families any more than he did a month ago?

> "His behavior is the beginning of blame-shifting, which causes people
> to dislike business leaders and to distrust those who blame others for
> their problems," said James Lukaszewski, president of The Lukaszewski
> Group, a White Plains, N.Y., crisis management consulting firm.

Gee..... I wonder which conservative president he learned THAT trick from
Tricky Dick? Reagan? Bush/Bush?
or, more likely, all the above.

> Murray is a man who wears his emotions publicly, whether it's clashing
> with Congress, scolding regulators or briefing reporters.

Obviosuly he does the same with his callousness and ignorance.
but, then again, even Bush is finding it impossible to hide those core

> Upon leaving North American Coal Corp. after 31 years with the
> company, he bought his first mine, the Powhatan No. 6 mine in
> Alledonia, Ohio.
> Over the years his company grew to include mines in Ohio,
> Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Illinois, West Virginia.
> Last year, he completed the purchase of the former Andalex
> Resources mines in Utah.
> One of his first moves was to shut down the Tower Mine, idling
> 114 workers less than two weeks before Christmas.

A real "compassionate conservative".

> Murray blamed environmentalists and state regulators who had
> been slow to approve production at the Lila mine, forcing him to
> cut jobs,

an dHitler blamed the Jews - so what else is new!?!?!?!

he told the Price-based Sun Advocate. John Baza, head
> of the state's Divisionof Oil and Gas, disagreed, writing the paper
> to say the layoffs were a business decision unrelated to the Lila
> mine, which was delayed because Murray's company hadn't
> provided necessary information.
> Murray is strident in his belief that global warming is a fraud.

He has already proven the point that not only is he scientifically ignorant,
he has all the trademards of a totally selfish, self serving, **** everyone
else, I want PROFIT conservative republican.

> In June, he told a Senate committee that Congressional Democrats
> and former Vice President Al Gore are bent on "the destruction of
> American lives and more death as a result of his hysterical global
> goofiness with no environmental benefit."

Gee ..... and, I suppose, black lung is a lie too........... I imagine,
that is just an excuse used by shirkers.

> He called Sen. Hillary Clinton "anti-American" in an interview with
> Fox News' Neil Cavuto after the senator said America needs a
> president who will defend workers' rights.

WOW ... BIG surprise - he's a special guest on FOX News - or did he just use
this disaster (very personal, for may) to bellow his own rigyht wing,
insane, fanaticism.

> And he bashed politicians who, after mine disasters in West Virginia
> last year, called for new safety measures.

How DARE those S.O.B.'s actually CARE about the lives and well being of

> "I resent these politicians playing politics with my employees'
> safety,"he said in an article in the Columbus Dispatch.

while it's still ok to think of them as mnothing more than expendable fodder
used to create profits in your wallet......

> "I resent them because I take the safety of my miners to bed with me
> every night."

and, obviously, **** it over.

> But safety at some of his mines was suspect.
> Only a few months' data is available for the Crandall Canyon
> mine under his ownership, but at several other mines owned by
> Murray, the accident rate was well above the national average, in
> some years several times the rate for comparable mines.

Hey! Don't bother Murray with reality, he has money to make!!!

> And in 2003, KenAmerican Resources, a company owned
> by Murray, was convicted of violating mine safety laws at a
> Kentucky mine and the company was fined $306,000.

Yea, yea ... but we all know it was the fault of those LIBERAL judges, who
legislate from the bench!

But ya gottas admit .... rather than standing, teary eyed, and blaming
alcohlism for all the wrongs - Murray has the balls to stand up and bellow
"I'm a greedy, corrupt, sleezy (conservative republican) mother ****er who
would **** the Statue of Liberty if it meant a profit".

> Murray backs his political beliefs with his pocketbook.
> He contributed more than $213,000 to Republican candidates
> over the last decade.


> Three political action committees tied to Murray's businesses
> have given $724,500 to Republican candidates and causes,
> including $4,000 to Rep. Chris Cannon.
> He made use of his political ties to Kentucky Sen. Mitch
> McConnell, who is married to Labor Secretary Elaine Chao
> and oversees MSHA, to get back at a safety regulator who had
> crossed him, according to the Lexington Herald-Journal.

I'm Stunned!

> In the meeting, Murray shouted that "Mitch McConnell calls me
> one of the five finest men in America, and last I checked, he was
> sleeping with your boss."

Gee ...... and here I actually thought America had shunned off the
outrageous, corrupt, insane and fanatical greed of these people back in the
early 1900's
On Sun, 12 Aug 2007 17:26:32 GMT, Rob <> wrote:

>Murray is the Bill O'Reilly of the coal industry. He just calls everyone
>liars and liberals while his negligence murdered these coal miners and his
>product slowly destroys the planet. Congratulations Mr. Murray you're an
>asshole desearving of the republican party you suck up to so dearly.

He's a mass murderer.

The Bush regime has damaged mine safety programs, too.