meeting s online.

Nov 15, 2004
Yeah. I just need to know, what do you do when you haven't met a and yet you have her phone number and you know where she lives, and you know her high school?
I've met three boys from Net so far.
Arrange your meeting in public place. Maybe marketplace or open-air caffee, pretty square or park.
Time. I think it can be 6 p.m or earlier... I don't know how old are u, so I don't know...
I try to stay away from online relationship, cause i could be talking to some 500 pound bald hairy guy on the other side, saying there a girl....
meeting online relationships for me alwys turns out to be horrible....i just wan to stay friends and talk only not meet them in sister has dated alot of guys all year and they all turn out ot be creeps for she's sad because x-mas is so close and there not around to date her anymore....what a bummer. :confused:
1. ASk her if she wants to meet you | If yes go to 2 | If no go to 6

2. If yes meet her in a public place-like a cafe
3. If she is a hot she go and introduce yourself and a relationship blossoms
4. If she is an OK she, go and introduce yourself and a potential relationship spawns
5. If she is butt ugly go and introduce yourself, eventually say something like "Thisl never work out coz im moving to...antarctica so..."

6. If no then try and persuade her itl be a good idea
7. If she then agrees to meet you see 2
8. If she still wont meet you then continue to have a long distance relationship, stalking her in your spare time

Thats my advice :thumbsup:

10/10 ppl gave my advice 10/10