Meh Gallery~~


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2005
Up yours.
Hmm, I decide to make a gallery since I have like a **** load of stuff. >.>

Here's some of my sigys that I've made. ^_^

Favorite one:







That one's retarded^ I hate how it turned out.



I'll upload some more later since...that's like a lot already. XD
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I find my brushes by...hmm, just by searching the web and stuff like that. ^_^

hah Yeah , Practically all my sigs I make are..anime. XD

Here's an avy thing I did.

More sigys:







I'll upload some avys later. ^_^
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Like I can find them!

haha I have this many pictures on my comp. XP
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See, in my pictures folder, I have subfolders for things like, sigs, avys, random pictures, FM pics, MSI, & things like that. Lol.
I'll upload & edit.






That's all I have, I might be missing some, lol. I'll do avys later. ^_^
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hehe, Smart one. XD

Here's some avy's I did for fun. I haven't used some of them on here though. >.>




And a Saucekay (Sasuke) avy!

I STILL have a lot more stuff.

I've definitely gotten much better. lol
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Your GFX have mesmerized me.... lol. :p

I really like your avatars... you may (or may not) notice that I never have one, only because I can never make them look good. I commend you for accomplishing that, lol. ;)

The sexyness of that piece cannot be described in this sentence.

Anyway, I'm a big fan of your work. Keep the awesomeness coming!
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Cyro said:

Your GFX have mesmerized me.... lol. :p

I really like your avatars... you may (or may not) notice that I never have one, only because I can never make them look good. I commend you for accomplishing that, lol. ;)

Awww, Thanks.
Haha I'll make you anything as long as you tell what to put in it or whatever. lol

Sui said:
The sexyness of that piece cannot be described in this sentence.

Anyway, I'm a big fan of your work. Keep the awesomeness coming!

LOL,You really like that one???
XD It didn't take me that long to make it because I never really planned on using it. >.> And Thankx a lot btw. ^_^

Azem said:
dude you should join like

your purdy damn good.

And Thankx Azem. =)
I might join.^_^

And Here's more stuff.

The font was crappy on it^

Some crappy avy:

Luv this avy^



Loooove this sig...Lasted for quite sometime on my old account. Might use it again. =)
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O_O That Naruto one is beautiful! I love it. The pic is blending perfectly with the bg. The font is completely working too. Thats honestly one of my favorates I've seen in quite some time.