message for SCOTLAND YARD -> international castration agent trade



NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 04:59:20 -0500
From: dale <>
Subject: message for SCOTLAND YARD -> international castration agent trade
Newsgroups: soc.culture.scottish,,soc.culture.italian,,soc.culture.african.american
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READ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY, expose on everyone that popped out of
the woodwork

NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 04:21:13 -0500
From: dale <>
Subject: the big deal?
Newsgroups: alt.drugs.psychedelics,alt.society.labor-unions,alt.politics.economics,alt.politics.communism,
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Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 04:21:13 -0500
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Xref: alt.drugs.psychedelics:523186 alt.society.labor-unions:135388 alt.politics.economics:650390 alt.politics.communism:44861

They tried castration agent on me, on ROSEWOOD in Rochester
I did not drink the whole soda, so my sex organs are fine

money -> Cosimo Delsignore, McKeesport PA, son of Yolanda Delsignore and a
JEW in Squirrel Hill, while Sylvestor Del Signore was in WWII

source of money, George Del Signore, formely of White Oak, PA,
now living in Florida, construction boss, son married a JEW

delivery (alone) - Kevin Thomas, Rochester NY

source of castration agent, see Ulrike, my Dad's (Dale Lemoine
Kelly) second wife, Trafford PA, connection via her mother to Jewish doctor
in Germany


NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 02:20:10 -0500
From: dale <>
Subject: now for the "dirt/goods"
Newsgroups: alt.drugs.psychedelics,alt.society.labor-unions,alt.politics.economics,alt.politics.communism,
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Xref: alt.drugs.psychedelics:523183 alt.society.labor-unions:135385 alt.politics.economics:650386 alt.politics.communism:44858

Hi Kathy, Rosewood was a crazy time for both of us ... I remember when I
met Art, nice guy, and you know Kevin was infected ... told me about the
Dominicians he was friends with , compas and compadres are always

The Italian/Sicilian community in Rochester might want to know my view.

Remember "Joe" whose parents owned a construction company. He apparently
left some instructions with his mother to call my house in Rochester if
he seemed to be "missing". His mom called me one day ...

Remember he used to hang around Chopper whose family owned the Northside
Inn (good cheese gnochhi's there)? Then he stopped hanging around

Well, my Uncle had some money, he got a job with my Great Uncle George
Del Signore, who was a construction boss, I think you got the idea
now ... that's where the certain "chemicals" were coming from ... that's
who infected Joe and his family ... George's son married a JEW

Betty Beard, Brian Welch, Joe Corbell, that girl with two teeth missing,
Pinky Dawn, are others who popped out of the woodwork on the Eastside of
Rochester, knowing and acting with certain connections to Pittsburgh ...
the list goes on

On the West side, after I left you guys, I got to meet Chuck (owner Las
Vegas Escorts. Jimmy was there, and some nice compas that got my car
back when "skillet", stole it

I met Antonuccis who owned a "reputable" construction company in Greece,
they worked on English village, etc. through Tarantellos (real estate)
who also introduced me to "Louie" of Louie's cordial and his lawyer

There are some Volpes in Rochester I met. Volpes are "cousins" of my
family in McKeesport

also met Joe Columbo in Rochester, nice guy, had a real estate empire

NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 04:41:05 -0500
From: dale <>
Subject: police will not be your pawns
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Xref: alt.drugs.psychedelics:523187 alt.society.labor-unions:135389 alt.politics.economics:650391 alt.politics.communism:44862


NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 02:50:16 -0500
From: dale <>
Subject: dear JEWS and American peasants
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Xref: alt.drugs.psychedelics:523185 alt.society.labor-unions:135387 alt.politics.economics:650388 alt.politics.communism:44860

blue balls "use them or lose them"?

I used them ...

sorry peasants, royals have fought/earned what is theirs

me -> Dale Kelly, descendant of Scottish Royalty
you -> non-descript petty bourgeois American

O'KELLY is a genuine 'O' surname which belongs to the oldest class of
native Irish surnames. It means 'Descendent of Ceallach' (war or
contention), and is the name of several distinct and illustrious
families in various parts of Ireland. O'KELLY was chief of the great U?
Maine clan and ruled over an extensive territory in the counties of
Galway and Roscommon.

The O'Kellys of U? Maine derive their name and descent from Ceallach, a
celebrated chief in AD. 874 who was a descendant of Ciolla-da-Chrioch, a
prince of the royal House of Heremon in the 4th century.

Colla-da-Chrioch was the first King of Ulster after its conquest by the
Three Collas in the 4th century. He had three sons ; Rochadh, the
ancestors of the O'Kellys of Ulster; Imchadh, the ancestor of the
O'Kellys of U? Maine, and Fiacha Cassan, the ancestor of the O'Mooneys
of Ulster.

Ceallach was chieftain of Ui Maine for eighteen years from 856AD to
874AD when he was slain and was the fourteenth chieftain in descent from
Maine Mor.

Colla-da-Chrioch himself was the son of Eochy Dubhlen and his mother was
Alechia, daughter of Updar, King of Alba (Scotland). Colla-da-Chrioch
was one of three sons known as the "three Collas" from whom descended
many noble families of Ireland, as the Mc Mahons of Monaghan, the
Maguires of Fermanagh, the O'Hanlons of Armagh, and many others of the
great Clann Colla of the Oirghialla of Ulster.

The Modern Kelly Surname is Born

The middle and late 16th centuries saw the English monarchy very much
preoccupied with war in central Europe. However by the end of the 16th
century peace had been achieved and the English turned their attention
to Ireland. Their aim was to break the influence of the gaelic Lords by
breaking Irish culture and re-introducing English nobles and laws in
place of the gaelic.

Vast amounts of resource were expended by the English subduing the Irish
chieftains. They commenced on a campaign of the Irish surrendering their
titles and land with the promise that it would be granted back to them
according to English law.

Queen Elizabeth wrote it to Colla O?Kelly, Seventh Lord of Screen near
Athleague. She requested him to drop the ?O? from the surname O?Kelly to
give up of his Irish language, and customs and adopt the customs,
language and laws of the English.

Colla O?Kelly was rewarded well for his allegiance to the English crown.
He gave up the Irish surname O?Kelly, gave up the customs and laws of
the Irish chieftains and adopted the English language and the customs
and laws of the English. In return he was granted the castles of Screen,
Lecharro in Roscommon, Knockcrogherty, Cloneoran, Fadane, Coolowe and is
a large tracts of land in Tiaquinn with the Wednesday market and the
yearly fair at Knockcrogherty. He also granted the right to run a ferry
over the River Suck from Ballyforan on the East to Muckloon in the West.

>From this date onward it was the custom of the family to be known

as ?Kelly?. Thus the modern Kelly family was born.

Colla died in 1615 and is buried in Kilconnell Abbey






NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 12:07:55 -0500
From: dale <>
Subject: you are dealing with "the police"
Newsgroups: alt.drugs.psychedelics,alt.society.labor-unions,alt.politics.economics,alt.politics.communism,
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Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 12:07:55 -0500
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Bytes: 1701
Xref: alt.drugs.psychedelics:523174 alt.society.labor-unions:135377 alt.politics.economics:650184 alt.politics.communism:44855

you have become adrenaline/endorphin sick

we find the driver always and tie them up psychologically, there is no
medicine for you yet, this is the only mental hygiene available

PEST CONTROL, ANIMAL CONTROL, that is our business

now, there are also the criminal acts you hooligans pull off, we could
talk to the other police about this certain shenanigans and you could go
to the stripey hole

we see who pops out of the woodwork and who does what, we are not blind



NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 06:58:50 -0500
From: dale <>
Subject: now tell your filthy mothers and kids
Newsgroups: alt.drugs.psychedelics,alt.society.labor-unions,alt.politics.economics,alt.politics.communism,
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Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 06:58:50 -0500
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Bytes: 4425
Xref: alt.drugs.psychedelics:523173 alt.society.labor-unions:135375 alt.politics.economics:650072 alt.politics.communism:44852

me -> Dale Kelly, descendant of Scottish Royalty
you -> non-descript petty bourgeois American

O'KELLY is a genuine 'O' surname which belongs to the oldest class of
native Irish surnames. It means 'Descendent of Ceallach' (war or
contention), and is the name of several distinct and illustrious
families in various parts of Ireland. O'KELLY was chief of the great U?
Maine clan and ruled over an extensive territory in the counties of
Galway and Roscommon.

The O'Kellys of U? Maine derive their name and descent from Ceallach, a
celebrated chief in AD. 874 who was a descendant of Ciolla-da-Chrioch, a
prince of the royal House of Heremon in the 4th century.

Colla-da-Chrioch was the first King of Ulster after its conquest by the
Three Collas in the 4th century. He had three sons ; Rochadh, the
ancestors of the O'Kellys of Ulster; Imchadh, the ancestor of the
O'Kellys of U? Maine, and Fiacha Cassan, the ancestor of the O'Mooneys
of Ulster.

Ceallach was chieftain of Ui Maine for eighteen years from 856AD to
874AD when he was slain and was the fourteenth chieftain in descent from
Maine Mor.

Colla-da-Chrioch himself was the son of Eochy Dubhlen and his mother was
Alechia, daughter of Updar, King of Alba (Scotland). Colla-da-Chrioch
was one of three sons known as the "three Collas" from whom descended
many noble families of Ireland, as the Mc Mahons of Monaghan, the
Maguires of Fermanagh, the O'Hanlons of Armagh, and many others of the
great Clann Colla of the Oirghialla of Ulster.

The Modern Kelly Surname is Born

The middle and late 16th centuries saw the English monarchy very much
preoccupied with war in central Europe. However by the end of the 16th
century peace had been achieved and the English turned their attention
to Ireland. Their aim was to break the influence of the gaelic Lords by
breaking Irish culture and re-introducing English nobles and laws in
place of the gaelic.

Vast amounts of resource were expended by the English subduing the Irish
chieftains. They commenced on a campaign of the Irish surrendering their
titles and land with the promise that it would be granted back to them
according to English law.

Queen Elizabeth wrote it to Colla O?Kelly, Seventh Lord of Screen near
Athleague. She requested him to drop the ?O? from the surname O?Kelly to
give up of his Irish language, and customs and adopt the customs,
language and laws of the English.

Colla O?Kelly was rewarded well for his allegiance to the English crown.
He gave up the Irish surname O?Kelly, gave up the customs and laws of
the Irish chieftains and adopted the English language and the customs
and laws of the English. In return he was granted the castles of Screen,
Lecharro in Roscommon, Knockcrogherty, Cloneoran, Fadane, Coolowe and is
a large tracts of land in Tiaquinn with the Wednesday market and the
yearly fair at Knockcrogherty. He also granted the right to run a ferry
over the River Suck from Ballyforan on the East to Muckloon in the West.

From this date onward it was the custom of the family to be known
as ?Kelly?. Thus the modern Kelly family was born.

Colla died in 1615 and is buried in Kilconnell Abbey


NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 02:47:15 -0500
From: dale <>
Subject: Il Duce, a man who really tried
Newsgroups: alt.drugs.psychedelics,alt.society.labor-unions,alt.politics.communism,alt.politics.economics,
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Bytes: 2348
Xref: alt.drugs.psychedelics:523171 alt.society.labor-unions:135374 alt.politics.communism:44851 alt.politics.economics:650065

old common ground between CELTS/GAULS (Northern Europeans) and Romans
against filthy KABBALAH animals during World War II

put in many positions, you know he did what he could, deserves a little
more modern attention, a better send off in history

what would Machine Gun Kelly, Floyd, Capone, Luciano, Malone, et. al.
have to say about filthy animals? Yes the filthy animals have gotten it
before ...

and yes, carnal filthy OGRES/TROLLS/GNOMES etc. got it really MEDIEVAL
style in the DARK AGES

having problems with your adrenaline/endorphin balance? depression? Yes el
stupidos it can happen ...

you can always tell an ohhh-grrr or a troll or a know-me, by the
biological response called giganticism, they CALL upon their adrenaline
system and get too many endorphins, and grow big extremities (ears, nose,
lips, toes, fingers), and woman start to look like hags when they do it

what is the mystery of the beast? 666-death is their threat, who can count
the numbers of the beast? Any wiseman ... pathetic


NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 04:08:57 -0500
From: dale <>
Subject: mystery of the beast? -> YOU LOSE -> capisce animals?
Newsgroups: alt.drugs.psychedelics,alt.society.labor-unions,alt.politics.communism,alt.politics.economics,
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Bytes: 2224
Xref: alt.drugs.psychedelics:523157 alt.society.labor-unions:135360 alt.politics.communism:44840 alt.politics.economics:649865

KJV Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count
the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is
Six hundred threescore and six.

Beasts learn to call themselves carnally. They build up an adrenaline
response, commit adrenaline acts, and get endorphin rewards. They
really have an appetite and a temper. This cycle allows them the sense
animals have. Long distance knowledge. Like a cat can track
a female cat from miles away. Cabal/Kabbalah, passed down since early man,
when they were closer to animals. Basically requires some

The assertion is carnal over mind. No one can figure out the beast, the
beast cannot be beaten, long distance knowledge cannot be beat. Long
distance knowledge does not equate to any wisdom or knowing what to do
with the knowledge. If they are called, their mind is distracted from the
hunt. You basically got to politically corner or "tie-up" the lot or
"number" of them.


NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 02:48:55 -0500
From: dale <>
Subject: quote from "A Clockwork Orange"
Newsgroups: alt.drugs.psychedelics,alt.society.labor-unions,alt.politics.communism,alt.politics.economics,
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Bytes: 1565
Xref: alt.drugs.psychedelics:523153 alt.society.labor-unions:135356 alt.politics.communism:44835 alt.politics.economics:649860

Now I am not in anyway a cult follower of violence. The book/movie is
reflection of society getting what it seeds.

Does God want good, or the choice of good?
Is the man who chooses bad, somehow better than the man who has good
forced upon him?

Clearly education is the answer. An educated man makes the right choice.
(I don't believe in God)


NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 01:34:56 -0500
From: dale <>
Subject: 1 little 2 little 3 little Kennedys
Newsgroups: alt.drugs.psychedelics,alt.society.labor-unions,alt.politics.communism,alt.politics.economics,
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Bytes: 1308
Xref: alt.drugs.psychedelics:523152 alt.society.labor-unions:135355 alt.politics.communism:44834 alt.politics.economics:649855

4 little 5 little 6 little Kennedys
7 little 8 little 9 little Kennedys
10 little KENNEDY BOYS


NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 00:24:45 -0500
From: dale <>
Newsgroups: alt.drugs.psychedelics,alt.politics.communism,alt.politics.economics,alt.society.labor-unions,
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Xref: alt.drugs.psychedelics:523150 alt.politics.communism:44833 alt.politics.economics:649819 alt.society.labor-unions:135354

Since Bush/Iraq, the market has gone WAY down, and the federal reserve
is exhausted and short term stimulus tax games won't work

there is no short term fix to financial situations, SHELL GAMES don't
work, it requires a long term discipline and belt tightening

the investment community thinks they have a free hand to deal with
your 401K's IRA's mutual funds, etc. THIS FREE HAND IS THE ONLY WAY

and its all been a lot of PROPAGANDA lately


NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 21:56:30 -0500
From: dale <>
Subject: KABBALAH/CABAL -> societal impact statement
Newsgroups: alt.drugs.psychedelics,alt.society.labor-unions,alt.politics.communism,alt.politics.economics,
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Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 21:56:30 -0500
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Xref: alt.drugs.psychedelics:523149 alt.society.labor-unions:135353 alt.politics.communism:44832 alt.politics.economics:649794

Kabbalah (Hebrew: ?????????), which literally means "receiving", is the
mystical aspect of Judaism. It refers to a set of esoteric teachings meant
to define the inner meaning of both the Hebrew Bible and traditional
Rabbinic literature, as well as to explain the significance of Jewish
religious observances.[1]


NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 18:01:46 -0500
From: dale <>
Newsgroups: alt.drugs.psychedelics,alt.society.labor-unions,alt.politics.communism,alt.politics.economics,
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Bytes: 3019
Xref: alt.drugs.psychedelics:523145 alt.society.labor-unions:135351 alt.politics.communism:44830 alt.politics.economics:649751

Yes, you'll come crawling on your knees.

American reputation abroad means NO TRADE PARTNERS, means long term
economic DISASTER, besides the wreck the economy is in now. So you think
you can be in charge? American military reserves are far too low to
respond. They won't draft their dainty sons.

Pathetic hooligan shenanigans. Gigolos and the like.

There are 4 groups of people in life:

1. haute (high) society

2. the proletariat (working people)

3. the bourgeois (people with no class, hooligans/gigolos)

4. revolutionaries (activists)

Haute society is the group that has already worked for what is theirs.
Proletarians are the working people who aspire to be haute society, and
are in the process of working and getting there. The bourgeois are the
hooligans/gigolos who come up with “robin hood” ideas and pit the
proletariat against the haute in “get rich” schemes. Revolutionaries are
people who have grown tired of hooligans/gigolos and their shenanigans.

The earnings/rewards of work must be as respected equal to the work
itself. Haute society has already worked for what is theirs. They
deserve the dominion and pleasure of their earnings. No working man
would like his earnings taken from him, neither should the haute have
what is theirs taken from them. And the truly haute are most often very
considerate and charitable. They have class. Hooligans/gigolos on the
other hand, have no class. With what they can gather from their schemes
they “parade” and “pose” in front of working people. It is the pomp and
circumstance of this “parading” and “posing” that is the life's light of
every hooligan. Revolutionaries are put in the position to take this


NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 14:56:29 -0500
From: dale <>
Subject: OGRES? TROLLS? -> societal impact statement
Newsgroups: alt.drugs.psychedelics,alt.society.labor-unions,alt.politics.economics,alt.politics.communism,
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Bytes: 2064
Xref: alt.drugs.psychedelics:523120 alt.society.labor-unions:135327 alt.politics.economics:649237 alt.politics.communism:44824

OGRES and TROLLS are not mystical creatures. These are people who have
taken on too many adrenaline rushes, and got to many endorphin rewards.
Endorphins are like an opium response the body gives itself for reward.
They look like animals, because they have become animals. The biological
term for the is gigantism. Big ears, grow, big fingers grow, big feet
grow, big noses grow, big features. The dark ages, medieval times, etc.
were all about England getting rid of these chaps. America is now rife
with the same types. Ain't a joke my friends. OGRES and TROLLS tend to
learn how to call themselves, they tend to learn to call upon their
adrenaline response, and can rally up a fight. They aren't that smart
because they are carnal. These types have been dealt with before. Ever
watch American television? Ever seen Bush's mother?


NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 12:02:10 -0500
From: dale <>
Subject: dainty CHOSEN PEOPLE finally blow it ....
Newsgroups: alt.drugs.psychedelics,alt.society.labor-unions,alt.politics.economics,alt.politics.communism,
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Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 12:02:10 -0500
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Bytes: 14197
Xref: alt.drugs.psychedelics:523142 alt.society.labor-unions:135348 alt.politics.economics:649655 alt.politics.communism:44828

These people just didn't learn in World War II. Here is a story about a
man who thought he was doing the right thing by going to war and helping
the Jews, all the while a Jew was having sex with his wife on the
homefront. The problem, chaps, is that this man and I are from some of the
biggest Roman Italian and Celtic Inglish/Irish families. Same basic players
as World War II. And we know that families are the building blocks of
tribes/clans and tribes/clans are the building blocks of nations. I'm a
small fish compared to where I come from. You chaps might be in for it
again. The English traitors who came to the lands called America and
formed a CABAL instead of a nation, think the CHOSEN PEOPLE propaganda
machine will solve all their problems. Read on chaps ... Now that the
Jewish problem in our families is aired, the marriage/deal is on. And
ofcourse you are down, the dollar and your economy are weak, way weaker
than last time ...

The situation is out of my hands already. McKeesport is NO smug town
like Rochester NY. My Grandfather Kelly told me a lot about Rochester
before I went there. Officials in the local government HERE and the
medical community HERE have gotten the idea, people like Thomas
Berletic, and let me know. Here's the laundry good friends.

Certain members of my family are not satisfied with JUST the idea of me
taking my medicine and going to my appointments. They feel a need to be
something like my off duty probation officers, see if I am going to
tweak, or try to make me tweak. Not very healthy for my therapy,
although I can handle myself, I've done so for years. The issue is
coming to a head since my Grandmother, the only one capable of paying
the bills around here, except me, is over 90 years old

They don't take on this behavior for no reason lately. They are afraid
of people coming to know certain things. They are afraid when I make
friends and live on my own. This could mean "connections" for me, in
their mind. They are especially afraid of me using my money. They go to
extreme efforts to keep their eyes on my spending. This could mean
"associates" for me in their mind. You know like all the money I spilled
on the east side of Rochester. Well after I left you guys, I moved on to
the west side, and made a lot more connections/associates, as usual in
the Italian community. After moving home to McKeesport I have spread my
influence around here and made a big name too. I have traveled to
Vienna, Innsbruck, Brixen, Bressanone, Bolzano. Munich, Cologne,
Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Scotland, London, England, LA, NYC, San
Francisco, Vegas, Reno, Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, lots of places in
the US.

I don't come from a small marriage. Regardless of whether the marriage
is over, I am still here and will always be a symbol of that marriage.
See my previous messages. And as much as some people in this family have
decided to be seperate, and some even antagonistic, there are others who
are not necessarily enemies. The marriage was no "deal" as much as the
paranoid may think. Nor no "deal" to dominate the weak, etc. Both sides
are good people. There are some bad apples.

I started to notice things early in my life. Certain people would be so
DAINTY and sure of their schemes that they would actually imply things
to you, to your face, and act like it was nothing. Sort of like Betty
Beard, Joe Corbell, Brian Welch, a lot of the Hogan family, and the
like, you know the crowd. Corrupt limeys, traitors to England, who came
and established a CABAL on these lands instead of a nation.

The problem in my family started with my Grandmother Yolanda Del Signore
(maiden name Angelozzi, immigration name Ingle). My Grandmother had a
fling of sorts with a Jew while while my Grandfather was serving in
World War II. A child was born, my Uncle. My Grandfather died never
knowing. My Uncle's paternal ethnicity does show in his broad middle
eastern nose, and obviously Jewish beard. My Grandmother used to take
the bus into the Jewish neighborhood to work as an office girl. Not that
this is a show stopper or anything, lots of people have flings. But she
got involved in this more Pittsburgh vs McKeesport crowd and the
corruptive nature of such people that lived in Pittsburgh. McKeesport is
one of the towns along the river where the steel was ACTUALLY made. She
developed a very DAINTY and dramatic and soap opera attitude. The kind
of person enamored with pecking orders and the like.

I have no problem with Jews. And most likely Jesus is a guy people
either want to remember or remind others of. But in the use of THEIR
religion by certain peoples Jews have become pawns of the corrupt
limeys. Many of them drive pedophilia along with other corruptions. My
Uncle is always busy with certain online sex that borders on this in my

My Grandmother's father bought into the bar business after prohibition.
His son's, my Grandfather's brothers continued on with bar businesses
and to some extent their sons/daughters. Businessmen, not
hooligans/gigolos/dainties/gangsters. In the Pittsburgh area with
connections to Chicago/NYC etc. these businessmen had relationships.
Particularly for the purpose of fair labor treatment of minorities like
themselves, and non interruption with the pleasures, passtimes and
solaces they might want to pursue with their earnings. I was "made" into
this community by my Great Uncle James Angelozzi(Ingle), who I was
introduced to by my maternal Grandfather, Sylvestor Del Signore. James
is my Grandmother's brother. So it is not like the Angelozzi(Ingle)
family is corrupt or anything. Or that businessmen are the problem. We
know what a hooligan/gangster is, we are not hooligan/gangsters. We
might put an organization to some things some times, we might resolve
some problems some times, but we are not criminals in any way.

Needless to say. My Grandmother has infected my
Uncle/Aunt/Mother/Sister/Brother/nieces/nephews to some extent. It ain't
a pretty story. They have even started to grow to look like
ogres/trolls/gnomes etc.

My father long since gave up on Italians. And for the likes of what he
thinks is my Grandmother's fault, would like a good old fashion meal of
Italians. Older people on the Kelly side aren't quite as jaded. My Dad's
new marriage to a German family is no picnic either and they have had
their mouths in the pig bin.

I don't believe these are new issues, but I think I may have put some
words around them.

I come to think there are 4 groups of people in life:

1. haute (high) society

2. the proletariat (working people)

3. the bourgeois (people with no class, hooligans/gigolos)

4. revolutionaries (activists)

Haute society is the group that has already worked for what is theirs.
Proletarians are the working people who aspire to be haute society, and
are in the process of working and getting there. The bourgeois are the
hooligans/gigolos who come up with “robin hood” ideas and pit the
proletariat against the haute in “get rich” schemes. Revolutionaries are
people who have grown tired of hooligans/gigolos.

The earnings/rewards of work must be as respected equal to the work
itself. Haute society has already worked for what is theirs. They
deserve the dominion and pleasure of their earnings. No working man
would like his earnings taken from him, neither should the haute have
what is theirs taken from them. And the truly haute are most often very
considerate and charitable. They have class. Hooligans/gigolos on the
other hand, have no class. With what they can gather from their schemes
they “parade” and “pose” in front of working people. It is the pomp and
circumstance of this “parading” and “posing” that is the life's light of
every hooligan. Revolutionaries are put in the position to take this
light. Working people must suffer at their exploitation of skill.

I know my Italian history somewhat from my Grandfathers and Great
Uncles. The families are Del Signore (meaning: of seniority), Figarelli,
Angelozzi(Ingle), Ferri. I won't go into this side much. right now.

I have studied Irish/Scottish/Welch history somewhat. They are Gaelic.
Migrated from Gaulish Spain, to Gaelic Ireland/Scotland/Wales.

There is a certain history I found at

The issues go a lot further back than green/orange. And marriages like
the ones we come from, kind of bridge certain gaps.

Julius Caesar of the Roman Empire (Italy) in attempts to demonize
Northern Europe (and subdue them and take their lands) called the
northern people CELTS (and Gauls), meaning killers. One clan got angry
and actually started naming their children CELT. Guess whose clan? Here
is my oldest written paternal ethnic history

note: CELT=CELLAIGH=KELL=KELLY (language differences only ...)

O'KELLY is a genuine 'O' surname which belongs to the oldest class of
native Irish surnames. It means 'Descendent of Ceallach' (war or
contention), and is the name of several distinct and illustrious
families in various parts of Ireland. O'KELLY was chief of the great U?
Maine clan and ruled over an extensive territory in the counties of
Galway and Roscommon.

The O'Kellys of U? Maine derive their name and descent from Ceallach, a
celebrated chief in AD. 874 who was a descendant of Ciolla-da-Chrioch, a
prince of the royal House of Heremon in the 4th century.

Colla-da-Chrioch was the first King of Ulster after its conquest by the
Three Collas in the 4th century. He had three sons ; Rochadh, the
ancestors of the O'Kellys of Ulster; Imchadh, the ancestor of the
O'Kellys of U? Maine, and Fiacha Cassan, the ancestor of the O'Mooneys
of Ulster.

Ceallach was chieftain of Ui Maine for eighteen years from 856AD to
874AD when he was slain and was the fourteenth chieftain in descent from
Maine Mor.

Colla-da-Chrioch himself was the son of Eochy Dubhlen and his mother was
Alechia, daughter of Updar, King of Alba (Scotland). Colla-da-Chrioch
was one of three sons known as the "three Collas" from whom descended
many noble families of Ireland, as the Mc Mahons of Monaghan, the
Maguires of Fermanagh, the O'Hanlons of Armagh, and many others of the
great Clann Colla of the Oirghialla of Ulster.

The Modern Kelly Surname is Born

The middle and late 16th centuries saw the English monarchy very much
preoccupied with war in central Europe. However by the end of the 16th
century peace had been achieved and the English turned their attention
to Ireland. Their aim was to break the influence of the gaelic Lords by
breaking Irish culture and re-introducing English nobles and laws in
place of the gaelic.

Vast amounts of resource were expended by the English subduing the Irish
chieftains. They commenced on a campaign of the Irish surrendering their
titles and land with the promise that it would be granted back to them
according to English law.

Queen Elizabeth wrote it to Colla O?Kelly, Seventh Lord of Screen near
Athleague. She requested him to drop the ?O? from the surname O?Kelly to
give up of his Irish language, and customs and adopt the customs,
language and laws of the English.

Colla O?Kelly was rewarded well for his allegiance to the English crown.
He gave up the Irish surname O?Kelly, gave up the customs and laws of
the Irish chieftains and adopted the English language and the customs
and laws of the English. In return he was granted the castles of Screen,
Lecharro in Roscommon, Knockcrogherty, Cloneoran, Fadane, Coolowe and is
a large tracts of land in Tiaquinn with the Wednesday market and the
yearly fair at Knockcrogherty. He also granted the right to run a ferry
over the River Suck from Ballyforan on the East to Muckloon in the West.

>From this date onward it was the custom of the family to be known

as ?Kelly?. Thus the modern Kelly family was born.

Colla died in 1615 and is buried in Kilconnell Abbey

OGRES and TROLLS are not mystical creatures. These are people who have
taken on too many adrenaline rushes, and got to many endorphin rewards.
Endorphins are like an opium response the body gives itself for reward.
They look like animals, because they have become animals. The biological
term for the is gigantism. Big ears, grow, big fingers grow, big feet
grow, big noses grow, big features. The dark ages, medieval times, etc.
were all about England getting rid of these chaps. America is now rife
with the same types. Ain't a joke my friends. OGRES and TROLLS tend to
learn how to call themselves, they tend to learn to call upon their
adrenaline response, and can rally up a fight. They aren't that smart
because they are carnal. These types have been dealt with before. Ever
watch American television? Ever seen Bush's mother? quite a site in a
skirt and heels.



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