Michelle Obama Desperately Seeking To Be 'First,' But Certainly No 'Lady'

  • Thread starter Dr. Jai Maharaj
  • Start date

Dr. Jai Maharaj

Michelle Obama Desperately Seeking To Be "First," But
Certainly No "Lady"

By Doug Wrenn
Radiofree West Hartford
Monday, September 10, 2007

She's at it again. Where is that long cane when you need
it, that one used from behind the curtain to snag and yank
really bad acts off the stage? In her obsessively,
narcissistic and never-ending attempt to redirect the
spotlight from her husband onto herself, Michelle Obama's
endless diatribe of seething stupid remarks, while
dubiously trying to support her target of those remarks,
her husband, is creating a black stain on the race to the
White House.

First of all, I have a real big problem with all the pomp
and power granted to First Ladies, and if it turns out that
way, ditto with a "First Husband." These spouses are
nothing more than tag-alongs on the coattails of the
President, and we, the American people, have to pay for
their daily needs and expenses. That's a pretty audacious
burden for the people to assume for the benefit of someone
whose name never even appeared on the ballot.

First Ladies are not elected to anything, nor does the
Constitution give them any power to do anything. They are
nothing, zip, zilch, zero, nada. We puff them up perhaps
because we love royalty and never quite cut our ties from
Mother England. Or maybe it's just because we're star
crazy, numb-brained idolaters, incessantly exemplified by
all the attention we so often give to the dysfunctional
tart of the week, be it Paris, Lindsey, Britney, Nicole, or
any of the degenerate Hollywood whores and bimbi with
glitzy smiles, blond hair from a bottle, and stick figure
shapes created by a combination of anorexia and/or
substance abuse. Let's face it; we just love obsessing over
the absolutely insignificant. The producers of the sitcom,
"Seinfeld," made a mint by capitalizing on that

The lemmings of the left praise Madam Obama for being an
outspoken, strong black woman. Outspoken means crossing
lines, and she has. That's no virtue. Continually ripping
her husband apart on the public stage is the abuse of
strength, and being black is something no more or less to
be proud of than being white. None of us has the choice of
our skin color. So let's cut through all the euphemistic,
trendy residue that is usually deposited from the south
side of a common barn animal.

Michelle Obama does nothing for blacks or for women, and
anyone with a brain can see that, if anything, she hurts
both groups. For that matter, she does nothing for family
values. She's like many women I have known, bragging about
the little trophies of their ego that they gave birth to,
while constantly badmouthing the male half of that family
and biological equation. Michelle Obama is a bitter, pushy
radical feminist. Like it or not, families include the
dreaded husband/father. The now-happening but shallow trend
of man-bashing is not a virtue, either; it's very much a
flaw, magnified greatly in a presidential race, where all
warts are seen.

So far, Mistress Obama has publicly ridiculed her husband
for leaving his dirty socks around the house, not putting
the butter back in the refrigerator after breakfast, making
his bed worse than their kindergarten-age daughter, having
big ears, which like his skin color, he had no control
over, and a funny name, which she married into, an endeavor
that she very much had control over.

In her latest gem, The Mistress of Mouth gave this
statement about her kids in an interview to Glamour
Magazine: "My hope and my gut is that I am just Mommy. We
have this ritual in the morning. They come in my bed
(emphasis added), and if Daddy isn't there-because he's too
snore-y and stinky, they don't want to ever get into bed
with him. But we cuddle up and we talk about everything
from what is a period to the big topic of when we get a
dog: what kind?"

Some people have commented on how intelligent and well
educated Michelle Obama is. I don't care. The woman (not
lady) has no class. With regard to intelligence or lack
thereof, it bears repeating, she has no official position
if her husband gets elected. I don't care if she's a genius
or a clinical idiot. But how she carries herself, if she
ever does become "First Woman," will very much influence
how the US is viewed around the globe. As one of the
taxpayers paying for this unelected freeloader to
potentially live off my dime in the White House, I'm just a
little disturbed about that, given her conspicuously errant
behavior in this world of instant global 24/7
communications. .

While putting aside her trusty whip momentarily, this
debasing Democrat Dominatrix attempted to clarify, if not
excuse, her litany of inane and cutting remarks about her
husband by saying that no one should deify him. I don't buy
it. Let Barrack try to humanize himself. When he does it,
it's self-deprecating humor, a welcome virtue when not
overdone. When his supposedly trusted lifetime soul mate
does it, and does it over and over again, and each time,
with more vigor and vitriol, it's defiling, and it's
betraying. If Bill Clinton was to do that to Hillary, he'd
be expeditiously buried next to Vince Foster, and who
knows, maybe even Norman Hsu in the not too distant future.
For all her theatrical bravado, a shrinking violet Hillary
didn't know what to do when a subtly more aggressive and
apparently far more genuinely confident Congressman Rick
Lazio stepped off his podium and physically got up into her
face during their famous senatorial debate. That little
move cost Lazio the debate for daring to invade the
personal space of what suddenly became poor, demur and
defenseless little Hillary. There is a double standard
between the sexes so foul in this country that it makes New
Haven Harbor at low tide smell like roses, and not the ones
from the Little Rock law firm, either.

And Michelle Obama's flagrantly gratuitous remark about a
period, and presumably, not the kind used for punctuation,
was also over the top, and typical, pushy, in-your-face,
feminist shock talk, said in a way veiled to be mainstream.
Her statement of many conversations with her children was
succinct enough without elaboration. There was a time in my
life when such topics were graciously taboo from polite and
public conversation. Somehow, everybody got by OK. We need
aspiring First Ladies, or in the case of Obama, "First
Women" cavalierly discussing such intimate details like we
needed political pundits graphically trying to define "sex"
for young and impressionable ears and eyes viewing the 6:00
news during the Clinton/Lewinsky trysts.

I don't know if Michelle and Barrack Obama sleep together
or not, and I don't care. Yes, even in 2007, that really is
their personal business. With our deteriorating culture,
shame and modesty are apparently as existent now as the
dinosaurs. But even if they don't sleep together, as a
married couple, the Obamas both own the same house, each
room, and each stick of furniture. There is no "his" or
"hers," and there is no "my bed" or "your bed." It's still
"our bed," regardless of which room it is located, or how
many occupants it nightly accommodates. I find it hard to
believe that "slip" was any accident. Obviously always
having to maintain the upper hand in a marriage meant to be
about equals, this B-52 Obama had to drop another subtly
veiled, passive/aggressive bomb. Personally, I seriously
wonder if this woman, besides just being plain cold, mean
and nasty, but with a conniving smile, might also have
"issues," to use the current, trendy psychobabble parlance.
Make no mistake about it; this was another attack on her
husband, for whatever reason.

"Snore-y, stinky" stands on its own. I doubt any of us are
particularly appealing in a variety of ways at 6 am. This
domineering primma donna, who better seems to fit the role
of an African Queen rather than a First Lady, is showing
her tendency to create a division, between her children and
her husband, and again, the graphic was as gratuitous as it
was ludicrous and wanton, and again way too much
information. Michelle Obama, despite her education and
alleged intelligence, is nevertheless the poster child of
the adage, "Better to close one's mouth and be thought of
as ignorant, than to open one's mouth and remove all
doubt." Real intelligence extends farther than any

Life is about lines. Some are bold, and some are faint, but
we try not to cross them. I don't buy Michelle Obama's
rhetoric that she is trying to make her husband look human.
She crossed that line long ago, too often, and increasingly
too aggressively. She is trying to raise herself up by
putting him down, which is a pretty pathetic bio of her.
Yes, presidential candidates need to appear human, but they
also need to appear presidential as well. Michelle Obama
does her husband more harm than good, and gives self-
defeating but valid reason for voters to question the
strength and leadership skills of this man who wants to
lead the free world, and has already been compromised by
accurate criticisms of being inexperienced and possibly
entering a presidential race too early in his career. If
Michelle Obama wants to loudly bang her drum about being a
strong, outspoken black woman, then fine, she has that
right, too. She can also throw her hat into the ring, and
put her overblown ego and her super-sized yap where her
money is, otherwise, she needs to step back, shut up and
smile a lot. That, and maybe later taking on a do-gooder
charity, is what First Ladies, and in Michelle Obama's
case, First Women, are supposed to do, like it or not. She
can officially run for President, or, much to my chagrin,
she can unofficially run for First Lady/Woman, but a First
Heckler we don't need, not in the Oval Office, and
certainly not on the world stage. And to the extent that
such shenanigans should even occur, Barrack is also doing
himself damage by not reining his maverick wife in, and
being publicly submissive to her. Leaders aren't wimps. If
Barrack Obama cannot handle Michelle Obama, what inspires
any confidence in the electorate that he will have what it
takes to stand up to and deal with the likes of real
tyrants like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Osama bin Laden, or Kim
Jong Il, just to name a few, or for that matter, Hillary
Clinton on the campaign trail?

It's beginning to appear that dignity and grace among
aspiring First Ladies has gone the way of white gloves and
hats. I can't help but think that Michelle Obama watched
Teresa Heinz Kerry four years ago and actually liked what
she saw. Their mutual compulsive paths toward the spotlight
however, are slightly different. While both women have
created self-made trademarks of publicly demonstrating that
they are consummate big-mouthed jack asses, oblivious to
boundaries, and bereft of any class, at least Teresa Heinz
Kerry possessed enough self-confidence to hog the spotlight
without feeling it necessary to put her husband down to
elevate herself.

The Democrats and their minions never cease to amaze and
entertain me. Hillary, despite her trademark, strident,
glass-breaking, vulture-like screeches and shrieks, cowered
from Rick Lazio, and failed to keep Bill either contained,
or apparently satisfied. Barrack Obama so passively accepts
his wife's constant abuse that she should be renamed
"Berate Obama." For that matter, if conservative pundit Ann
Coulter said of John Edwards what Michelle Obama says of
her husband, the Democrats would be screaming as much
bloody murder as Elizabeth Edwards when she has to defend
her husband, poor little Johnny Edwards, when that big mean
bully, Ann Coulter picks on him. Thank radical feminism,
now prominent in the Democrat Party, for the societal
emasculation of (some) men, as well as the decay of our
families and the weakening of our nation. And some of you
people honestly and actually want these pathetic wusses and
losers, some of whom California Governor Arnold
Schwarzenegger would rightly call, "girlie-men," to run our
country during wartime?

Ideally, our leaders, both those we elect, and those with
whom we are stuck in the unwritten but sadly socially
accepted package deal, lead by example. If Michelle Obama,
a mortal human being, as flawed as her husband or anyone
else, so wishes to feign family values, than she can start
by not just harping about her kids and how much of a
stellar mother she supposedly is, but also by sharing
mutual love, reverence and basic respect for her husband,
and the father of her children, just like he is also duty
bound to extend to her by their sacred marriage vows.
"What's good for the goose is good for the gander," as the
old saying goes.

By the way Michelle, speaking of all things being equal,
you are as gawky as you are crass.

"I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober
and you will still be ugly."
(Winston Churchill)

Doug Wrenn


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1 posted on 9/9/2007 1:49:02 PM by CTposterBoy

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To - CTposterBoy

Who cares about her. We have to worry about her socialista

posted on 9/9/2007 1:52:00 PM by shankbear
(Al-Qaeda grew while Monica blew)

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To - shankbear

Obama is an empty suit. Even the wife knows that.

He's dead in the water

3 posted on 9/9/2007 1:53:46 PM by mylife
(The Roar Of The Masses Could Be Farts)

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To - CTposterBoy

Does American really want a President named Barack Hussein

4 posted on 9/9/2007 1:54:47 PM by Guenevere
(Duncan Hunter...President '08)

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To - shankbear

Both of them to have their stupidity blasted all over so
the American people realize what total schmucks they are.
Exposure is what these political hacks fear the most.

5 posted on 9/9/2007 1:58:23 PM by ExTexasRedhead

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To - CTposterBoy

I liked her comment on hillary when she asked "if she can't
run her own house, how can she run the White House?"

I bet that's the one that pissed doug off.

6 posted on 9/9/2007 2:00:01 PM by Ceebass

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To - Guenevere

No, and this couple offers nothing to the American people.
For, that matter neither does anyone else from their

7 posted on 9/9/2007 2:01:06 PM by The Forgotten Man
(He works, he votes, generally he prays--but he always

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To - CTposterBoy

> So far, Mistress Obama has publicly ridiculed her husband
> for leaving his dirty socks around the house, not putting
> the butter back in the refrigerator after breakfast,
> making his bed worse than their kindergarten-age
> daughter, having big ears, which like his skin color, he
> had no control over, and a funny name, which she married
> into, an endeavor that she very much had control over.

On the bright side, Obama's not going to fall for butt
kissing "yes" types... If he can handle this wife, he's not
a weak man. Good for him. ( Too bad he's soooooooo

8 posted on 9/9/2007 2:02:45 PM by GOPJ
(It's not the spelling ---- groupthink's killing

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To - CTposterBoy

> First Ladies are not elected to anything, nor does the
> Constitution give them any power to do anything. They are
> nothing, zip, zilch, zero, nada.

Not exactly the Judeo/Christian culture's view of wives.

Sounds more like Islam.

9 posted on 9/9/2007 2:03:34 PM by donna
(Obama is a Moslem.)

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To - CTposterBoy

..on second thought...

Oprah has decided to 'adopt' him and she appeals to the
sheeple masses...

..could be scary critical.

10 posted on 9/9/2007 2:05:42 PM by Guenevere
(Duncan Hunter...President '08)

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To - CTposterBoy

Wow...I never knew she was such a zero and Osamabama was a
lame excuse for a 2 year do nothing Senator running for
President. This is a real shocker...I'm stunned...

11 posted on 9/9/2007 2:06:27 PM by oust the louse
George S. Patton,Jr.)

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To - CTposterBoy

There are many who believe that Barack Hussein Obama is
running to capture minority voters to stay in the Democrat
Party for Hillary.

They also believe that he is a straw-man who will at some
point endorse

Hillary and transfer his campaign money to Hillary.

This will allow Hillary to raise twice the money.

12 posted on 9/9/2007 2:07:14 PM by XeniaSt
(you shall know that I, YHvH, your Savior, and your
Redeemer, am the Elohim of Ya'aqob. Isaiah 60:16)

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To - CTposterBoy

Excellent!! He sure doesn't pull any punches.

13 posted on 9/9/2007 2:09:58 PM by peggybac
(Tolerance is the virtue of believing in nothing)

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To - Guenevere

What's in a name? It's his inexperience at executive
leadership that counts, who cares what his cognomen is?
Most Freepers would probably vote for someone who's middle
names were Genghis Adolf Hitler Stalin Mao if they won the
Republican primary, and seemed sincere (although they'd
probably change their name at that point).

I suspect Hillary is going to make the point moot however.

14 posted on 9/9/2007 2:10:15 PM by amchugh
(large and largely disgruntled)

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To - XeniaSt

I hope you are wrong. Hillary could manage to win that way.

15 posted on 9/9/2007 2:10:27 PM by tioga

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To - Guenevere

I really don't get what the big deal is with his name. I've
seen others showcasing his middle name as if it's some
grand secret just waiting to be let out.

It's his politics that should make him unappealing.

16 posted on 9/9/2007 2:13:11 PM by kenth

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To - CTposterBoy

Obama who??

17 posted on 9/9/2007 2:13:20 PM by stephenjohnbanker
(Hunter/Thompson/Thompson/Hunter in 08! "Read my
lips....No new RINO's" !!)

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To - tioga

Ok,maybe Michelle IS a little nutty. But way less a
fruitcake than Teresa Kerry and she almost did become First

I don't want either Obama or Hillary in the White House.But
I'd rather see First Lady Michelle than First Bitch Hillary
occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

18 posted on 9/9/2007 2:14:49 PM by Riverman94610

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To - The Forgotten Man

It's the Oprahma jama. She's had yet another epiphany, a
life altering happening, and once again, she MUST change
the world. This is what, the 9th or 10th time Oprah has
epiphanated all over the place. It's getting old. And more
dangerous. I would be even more pi ed off about how easily
she fools American women, except for the effect this must
be having on hillary. I laugh, I cry. But mostly, I just
have another glass of wine. It's too much I tell ya, too

19 posted on 9/9/2007 2:16:32 PM by small voice in the
(Bumper sticker idea: Hillary/Obama Nation '08. Let the
desolation begin)

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To - Riverman94610

I keep laughing.......Michelle better treat Obamarama right
or some two bit fluzzy will be bedding down with her
man.......LOL - I had enough of that with the bill and hill
show for eight years +.

20 posted on 9/9/2007 2:17:12 PM by tioga

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To - CTposterBoy

Wow -- the author called her "a black stain" on the
race -- where's Al Sharpton?

Obvious mean spirited and arrogant hit piece by a liberal
butt kisser of Her Heinous.

Called her everything but a 'ho.

21 posted on 9/9/2007 2:17:39 PM by exit82
(Major General, Armchair Warriors USA)

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To - kenth

> It's his politics that should make him unappealing.

And his executive level experience that wouldn't fill a
small thimble.

22 posted on 9/9/2007 2:18:15 PM by AmericaUnited

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To - Guenevere

Oprah? I LOL everytime I think of the million pieces
scandal she brought on herself in all her arrogance. I
don't listen to her when I pick out a book to read, why
would I listen to her about picking a president? People are
just foolish to even watch her.

23 posted on 9/9/2007 2:19:22 PM by tioga

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To - tioga

You & I don't watch her....but the sheeple masses do.
...there are a lot of them.

24 posted on 9/9/2007 2:28:55 PM by Guenevere
(Duncan Hunter...President '08)

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To - CTposterBoy

> I bet that's the one that pissed doug off.

Yep, somebody whizzed in his cornflakes, provoking this
diatribe against first ladies, women, halitosis, dirty
socks and talkative wives. Michelle may be a loose cannon
in a traditional sense, but she evidently is more
courageous than her husband who denied Michelle's comments
on Hillary's family control were (gasp!) actually aimed at

25 posted on 9/9/2007 2:30:12 PM by DeFault User

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To - XeniaSt


26 posted on 9/9/2007 2:36:24 PM by OldEagle

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To - tioga

A little over the top, but he's right, nonetheless. Self
deprecating is one thing, but putting others down is

27 posted on 9/9/2007 2:38:06 PM by ClaireSolt
(Have you have gotten mixed up in a mish-masher?)

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To - CTposterBoy

Who has a kid old enough to have a "period" and has yet to
get the poor little thing
Jay Stevens, aka "Dr. Jai Maharaj" wrote:
> Michelle Obama Desperately Seeking To Be "First," But
> Certainly No "Lady"

Being as YOU have never had sex with a human female, who are you to
complain, or agree?
<usenet@mantra.com and/or www.mantra.com/jai (Dr. Jai Maharaj)> wrote in
message news:20070909M1Q9SNt0685Hl6JDqJlPQ2H@KT4t1...
> Michelle Obama Desperately Seeking To Be "First," But
> Certainly No "Lady"
> By Doug Wrenn

From http://www.alainsnewsletter.com/s/spip.php?article69

My point is again proven that amoral liberals side with evil, and then have
the audacity to exude an elitist, superior demeanor about it.
The Danish cartoons depicting Muhammad, while containing some truth, were
also debasing to the Muslim faith, in much the same way that the exhibits of
a crucifix immersed in a jar of urine and a portrait of the Blessed Mother
covered with elephant dung were outrageously dubbed
<usenet@mantra.com and/or www.mantra.com/jai (Dr. Jai Maharaj)> wrote in
message news:20070909M1Q9SNt0685Hl6JDqJlPQ2H@KT4t1...
> Michelle Obama Desperately Seeking To Be "First," But
> Certainly No "Lady"

michelle is giving sen. hussein a reason to put a burqua on her.