Microsoft Security Essentiials shuts down and disappears within 1 minute of starting a scan....



Original Title: microsoft security essentiials not working suspect a trojan
Earlier today I had a popup from MSE to saythere was a Trojan in the system followed shortly by a message to say it was removed. So far so good. Within a minute thereafter explorer shut down and the shortcut buttons disappeared including MSE
I rebooted and managed to get into MSE and start a scan but again within a minute MSE shut down and disappeared again.
I tried running the setup file for MSE and I get the Message that it is already installed
I tried redownloading it again and got a similar message
I tried to uninstall MSE but the control panel will not populate the list of programs
Mcafee stinger has failed to find anything and AVG would not run after downloading
Its as if something is blocking both MSE and AVG
Anybody got any ideas



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