Microsoft’s Metro-based Xbox 360 dashboard update to launch December 6th


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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Microsoft is poised to deploy its latest Xbox 360 dashboard update on December 6th, <em>The Verge</em> reported recently. The update will give the dashboard an entire overhaul and will use Microsoft’s Metro-based UI, currently found in Windows Phone and Windows 8. Reportedly, the software will also include new Kinect voice controls, the ability to save games using cloud-based storage and integrated Facebook sharing. The update <em>may</em> include live TV support as well, but that will largely depend on where you live, <em>The Verge</em> said. We’re pretty big fans of the current user interface but are still excited to see any improvements that Microsoft has in store… when we take breaks from <em>absolutely crushing </em>our opponents in Battlefield 3, that is.<span id="more-113646"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report