Midwel Core: A Week Of ****


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CHAPTER 1: The History Of Peterdea

I knew living in Midwel as just being an easy life, no one really interfered with your business, nothing standing between you and your dreams and the people you were friends with were never far away. It was the way life was meant to be, it was perfect.

My name is Peterdea, no sir name, just Peterdea. I was born into a family with a brother and a twin sister. At the time of my birth my brother was ten. My mother, Lorna, was a great lady. She was always willing to help me, or anyone else in need for that matter. She always had a smile on her face, and no matter what would happen the smile would always be present. She died of cancer almost a year before the tragedy that befell Midwel occurred.

My father, was a very loud but funny kind of man. When he talked, everybody listened, and everybody laughed. He was interesting and was the kind of person you always wanted to hear stories from. When my mother died he quietened down a lot but still maintained his humour, he was a strong man.

My brother Sam was pretty much a gangster who didn’t know how to fight. He tried but always got hurt. He had a stutter that was often irritating but after so many years of it, I was used to it.

My twin sister Keira was very playful, and was often the one all the guys would talk about. A lot of the time her boyfriends would be hunted by Sam, when they hurt her he hurt them. He only ever managed to leave a mark on them.

As for me, I was pretty much a freak. I had a lot of friends but I was so weird that nobody really wanted to be around me very often. But that was how I liked it. I always make sure my hair is blue, I love that ****.

My main friends we’re all from different areas and subcultures. Trent, the aboriginal kid who relocated from Darwin to Midwel was a sports freak. He was great at footy, soccer, rugby and hockey.

Stephen was the smartass kind of guy who hung around with whoever he wanted at school. He was pretty much my best friend, the only one who would actuala loly want to hang out with me. In fact, he thought I was pretty cool. He dyed his hair blue and green as what he called a tribute to the freak that is Peterdea.

Shane was a metal head. He’d always have the latest albums of any local or popular international bands which was handy for whenever I needed some music. He was a good kid, and when I say was, I mean, not anymore.

As I said, life was great. I was happy, my friend were happy and even my enemies were happy.

It all started back when my mother became ill. None of us could believe it at that point. It was the worst thing that could happen (or so we thought). I remember seeing my dad try to keep hold of hope. He would always say “when you get better” and “good people don’t die of cancer” which was something he almost managed to get us to believe. I remember his face when my mum made the announcement. He was trying to hold back tears. Everyone hugged my mother and we just cried. All of us just stood there for a long time, not believing what was happening.

I had just turned 16 at the time of my mother death. I remember so little about the day up until the point when she passed away in her sleep. My sister and I heard the news and instantly we began to cry. My dad and brother were at the hospital with her leaving just me and my sister at home. She got the news before I did, I was watching TV.

Keira walked in and she broke down. Before she could talk and was crying, so I stood up and walked towards her. She fell into me and that’s when the reality hit me. I knew why she was crying all of a sudden. She’d never hugged me before, ever. I started to cry to and we just hugged for a long time. No words were said.

A few days after my dad was talking to all of us. He said it was important that we listened to what he was about to say.

“Before your mother was put to sleep, she said some things. Almost a prediction. It’s possible that it’s not true but I want you to hear it…” He started. He wiped away a tear and continued. “She told me about an event that is apparently going to occur. Only in Midwel, where no one can get out, and all who are in are doomed. It seems highly impossible but… I can’t help but to believe her…”

Sam laughed and walked out calling my dad an idiot. Keira and I were sure he knew what he was saying. But we chose to not make him speak anymore.

I became increasingly close to Keira over the next few moths. Our seventeenth birthday was, for the first time in our lives, spent with each other rather then anyone else. We were pretty much each others medicine to fix the pain of our mothers death. It was a good birthday but without our mum, it seemed hollow. We pretty much went to eat something together and then just went home.

School became a drag, Trent and Shane we’re off on a sort of work experience kind of thing on the other side of Midwel and all I had was Keira and Stephen. Sam was always working, sleeping or drinking so I never talked to him, and my dad was always killing time by walking, sleeping and all that sort of thing. He never truly recovered.

At school me and Stephen would hang out for fifteen minutes, then Keira would join us. It was pretty good. I was passing all my subjects at school and other then the lack of a mother my life was great.

That leads up to the tragedy. A fate seemingly worse then death. My mothers last words came true. Over one week, life in Midwel went to ****. The power went out late one evening. People had no idea what was going on. There was reports of beasts attacking people but that seemed too untrue. I was hanging out with Keira and Stephen at the time of the barriers drop. It was like a magic barrier, which was so unreal in my mind, and it kept everything in. Just like my mother said…



New member
Sounds intriguing. Reports of beasts attacking... Promising. I liked the way you set the scene, character development very good. Good foundation. You gave us just enough for character empathy. Well done. I take it Midwel is in Australia? 'Footy' is sort of why I guessed. But so far so good. Be interested to see what you do with it :D


New member
CHAPTER 2: Enter Elias Izzago

I ran as fast as I could. I had no idea what was going on. There was a large barrier around the city of Midwel preventing anything from getting out, and there were monsters running around killing people. My heart was racing and I knew to stop would be to die, and to die was the scariest thing in my opinion.

Let me take you back an hour before. It was just after the barrier went down and of course, me being me didn’t know about the attacks just yet. I was on my way to football training and I was in my footy gear. I was ready to train at a sport I never did any good at. You could imagine how that would feel, to be blamed for every loss your team suffers. It hurts. It tears at you and leaves you in a mess. But I carried on.

When I got to where training was supposed to be I saw nobody. There was nothing and no one anywhere. It was pretty odd since there’s always some dumb ******* old ladies waiting for the footy matches to come on no matter what the night.

I walked around the dead sporting club and looked around everywhere. Nothing. All the doors to the buildings were locked and as far as I could see in there, nobody was inside. I began to walk past the canteen.

“Elias!” I heard a whisper. I looked around.

“Hello?” I asked out loud.

“Shh! Elias come her, into the canteen!” The voice responded. I did as the voice commanded. Someone opened the canteen door and closed it as I came in. It was extremely dark and I couldn’t see faces.

“What’s going on?” I asked. I saw many pairs of eyes staring at me.

“Quiet down a lot Elias, we just saved your life, so at least do as we say…” Someone commanded.

“What the **** are you talking about? How’d you save my life?”

“They are out there genius. Now shut up and sit tight.” I finally realised who I was talking to. My football coach Jim. The pairs of eyes were probably my footy team.

We heard a knock at the door and everybody jumped. We had been silent for probably ten minutes or so. The coach motioned us to keep quiet and he picked up a cricket bat. He slowly made his way to the door, and he prepared to swing.

The door flew open and what looked like a person jumped as fast as he could at Jim. Jim swung the bat and hit the attacker hard in the head. The attacker fell to the floor and stopped moving.

“See that’s why we need to shut up!” Jim told me. Suddenly the attacker jumped up and began to tear at Jim, ripping off limbs and sending blood flying everywhere. Of course our first reaction was to run, we ran right past the attacker and left Jim screaming in pain for help, but of course he was dead after not too long.

We stayed in a group and that proved to be a bad move, more attackers began to chase us, and they were a lot faster then we were. One by one they started picking us off. They seemed to be like vampires, they feasted on blood.

I won’t lie, I cried like a little ***** as I ran away from those vampires. From what was once twenty people in a canteen, now was only ten. We continued to run as a group. Although I can’t play footy I can run pretty fast, but those things just didn’t have speed limits.

The ten of us jumped a fence with vampires still chasing us. Nine of us were over and just as the last person was making his way up the fence, he was pulled down by a vampire.

“Elias help me…” I heard from over the fence. I couldn’t help, I’m a weak fool, so I ran. The others followed but for most of them, they started running too late. The vampires were already over the fence and were tearing into my football team. No way we would win the premiership this year…

From twenty, down to ten, then down to three. Our situation obviously wasn’t improving.

I ran into the back door of a house and locked it, the other two were still running and they ran right past the house. The last thing I remember hearing was the screams of my last two fellow runners, as they died at the hands of vampires.

I was the only one left. I just sat at that door and cried, for a very long time.



New member
Thanks everyone, means a lot to me. I've never really gone this far into my imagination before so it's good o know it's a useful place to be.

If you like this, read some of my cousins stuff, he's a great writer: Midwel Forums

I'll explain the back story in a different thread some other time. It's a pretty good one.

Basically the whole idea of Midwel is my cousins, the story is the only thing thats mine. There are 2 kinds of Midwel stories, Core (with vampires, ghouls, blackwings, necromancers etc.) and Outbreak which is only zombies.

Morew will be posted later



New member
CHAPTER 3: ****!?

Howdy, the name’s Renae, my friends call me Rain. I don’t know why, it’s just something that I grew up with. Rain… What a silly name. I quite enjoy having such a name though, it’s interesting to see people’s reactions to such a strange name.

I’m always being compared to my… Well I’d call her my nemeses but as far as she cares, I’m more of some dirt that she can walk on… Who’s name is Bianca… Even now, after the **** that happened in Midwel, I’m still walked on by her, and compared to her unfairly.

No I never lived in Midwel, but I did go there on a trip, at the wrong freaking time. Imagine it, it’s supposed to be the best experience of your teenage life, that’s what it said on the brochure, and that’s what my parents told me.

As a nerd it never makes you happy to know you have to go somewhere. When my mum threw the brochure at me while I was playing World of Warcraft I thought she was crazy.

“Mum what the **** is this?” I asked sarcastically. I seriously thought she was joking.

“Your going on a trip to Midwel, that’s in Australia!” She smiled

There was no use in arguing. So I took it the best I could.

I packed my Dungeons and Dragons set, my Magic The Gathering cards and of course my Star Trek DVDs.

“Those won’t work in the AU love.” My mum said to me. Instead of responding with words I walked over to my TV and crammed it in my bag. She was so rolled.

“The TV won’t work either…” She laughed.

“Oh great…” I took the TV and DVDs out of my bag which gave me about 95% of the total bag capacity back. How I fit a freaking TV in there beats me.

On the plane I was pretty frustrated. I had never been on a plane before so it was new for me. And we nerds, we hate new. Unless it’s a new Star Trek show, Star Wars movie, set of Magic Cards or expansion pack to World of Warcraft… Then we’re fine with it. But this kind of new, I hate it.

Look on the bright side I thought, no Bianca for five weeks.

Before I could finish the thought she caught my eye. What the **** was she doing on the same plane as me? Why was she going to Midwel as well? This sucks. This trip just officially became as bad as Day of the Dead…

Upon our arrival at Midwel the hotel in which we would be staying, the trip became worse then Day of the Dead. I was to share a hotel room with guess who… Oh how much I hate her. First thing we noticed… There was one freaking bed.

I AM NOT SHARING A *** DAMNED BED WITH HER! I thought. I jumped on the bed to try and get some of my nerd smell onto it, hoping to get her away from it. First thing she does, get in the ******* bed and goes to sleep. *****.

Although it was midday we slept until about 11PM. When I woke up, she was gong through my stuff.

“What’s this game?” She asked holding my Dungeons and Dragons game in her hand.

“Dungeons and Dragons…” I said not wanting any conflict. I may as well try and be civilized.

“Is it fun? Teach me how to play!” She pretty much demanded it. So I did. As expected, she didn’t get into it and ended up pulling out my magic cards and making me teach her about them. Dumb ***** couldn’t even understand the rules.

By the time we were done, it was 12:00. There was a lot of noise outside but when I asked her about it, she said it was normal for such a place. Gosh she was wrong. What was going on was completely unrelated to ANYTHING that’s normal. It was like Fox Mulder’s wet dream…

I looked out the window and I saw a group of people running away from another group of people.

Gang violence… I thought. I was about to look away but then something caught my eye. Across the street, in a window, I saw a lady looking out at me. She looked terrified. She began waving her arms around insanely and she was crying.

I saw behind her a person walk up. It bit into her neck and began to… Well it seemed like it was drinking her blood like a vampire. But it didn’t stop there, no. It was the scariest thing I ever saw. It was pretty far away, but somehow I could easily tell what was going on…

“What’s the big deal?” Bianca asked when she saw me staring out the window.

“T… T…” I couldn’t get a word out.

“Don’t play games, we’re over tha…” She saw what I had been seeing. But now we were both looking in horror as this vampire ripped the woman to shreds. I found myself wondering if it was truly necessary to cause that much chaos onto one person. What had she done? This try hard vampire must be some kind of freak.

It kind of reminded me of a Battlestar Galactica episode I saw once. You know the one where… Oh what’s the point? Nobody watches that show anymore…



New member
CHAPTER 4: 12:00 – 2:00

It was midnight and everything was still messed up. I was hanging out with Stephen and Keira, we were out on the street randomly, just taking it easy. It had become so common for me and Keira to do that, we would just spend hours and hours hanging our at random places, only because our dad no longer gave a ****. As I previously said, he maintained his funny but became a lot quieter. He also seemed to care less and less every day.

Stephen would only join us on rare occasions. Only when his parents were out of town would he actually stay with us until very late hours. Lucky or unlucky for him, I don’t know what you’d call it since the whole Midwel thing was ultimately a negative no matter where in the **** hole you were, he was with us that night that started it all.

We were at a park, just taking it easy, talking about life itself and whatnot. We relived memories, shared secrets, you know, all the typical **** teenagers with no lives would do.

“You know I haven’t had a boyfriend in ages!” Keira bragged. I don’t know why she would do that, she just tended to brag about stupid things. Though, it was often very amusing to listen to her, it was also very annoying at times.

“Congrats!” Stephen said sarcastically. “I’ll be the figures still stand at one boyfriend for every week of your life.

“Shut up *******!” She laughed. She slapped him on the chest and we ended up having a small fight. Play fight of course, nothing serious.

Keira would slap Stephen so I would grab her and hold her still so Stephen could do some fake Undertake punches on her. It was so amusing while it lasted.

It was broken up by my phone. Sam was calling me.

“Hey?” I said into the phone still half laughing from the play fighting.

“Where are you Pete?” Sam asked sounding serious.

“At the park… Why?” I asked.

“Dad was… Dad was…” He was struggling.

“Sam what’s up?” The humour was gone. Stephen and Keira were just looking at me.

“I’ll be there in a tic… DON’T MOVE AWAY FROM THERE!” Same hung up the phone.

“We have to wait here…” I told Keira and Stephen. “Something’s happened to dad Keira, I don’t know what though…”

We spent the next few minutes thinking of what could be wrong. Truth is I never did find out what happened to my dad. It is a mystery that bugs me, but I am fairly certain he is dead. Due to the circumstances, his survival chances were incredibly low. It’s a hard thing to bring yourself to terms with, knowing that your dad’s fate is unknown by anyone as far as you know. I’m sure it was once known by a lot of people, but all of those people probably didn’t last much longer then he did.

Sam’s car pulled up an hour later and he got out and raced towards us. He was looking terrible, really stressed and hurt. I knew the news about my dad was bad but I didn’t know the proportions of the negativity. Since Sam always looked pretty bad I couldn’t tell whether it was horrible or just average. He always seemed to over react. So I had no idea what to expect.

“Guy’s, I’m sorry…” He said as he got closer to us. He stood at a distance.

“What wrong?” I asked him.

“I’m so sorry…” He started to cry.

“Talk to us bro, what happened to dad?” Keira screamed at him.

“I’m sorry… Dad… Dad was… Well…”

“JUST SAY IT!” I yelled.

Before Sam could reply a random strange man attacked him. The problem with this man was… He has black wings… It was so scary to see him attack my brother. He was so ruthless with his attack. He beat the **** out of my brother, continuously punched him in the face. My brothers blood was everywhere. It was a sickening sight. We were all too afraid to move.

I struggled to get over my mothers death so how was I supposed to deal with seeing my brother murdered by a man with wings? The whole man with wings thing is unreal enough but my brother dead? It can’t happen. Not to me… Not to Keira…

We stood and watched as the winged man stood up and looked over my dead brothers corpse. Suddenly his face turned to a confused and guilty look.

“Holy ****…” The man said. “Holy ****! It’s not him! What have I done?”

I stood in shock. I was holding my sisters hand tightly, she was taking this the same as I was. Stephen on the other hand was all the way over the other side of the part by the time the man had talked.

I never thought of Stephen as a wimp before. He always stood up to things, be it for himself or others…

“I’m sorry… What have I become?” The man cried. He looked over at us. “You…”

He began to approach us, looking guilty still. He slowly approached us, step, by step, by step he got closer.

Keira tried to run but I was holding her hand too tightly, and I was a lot stronger then she was at that point. Not mentally or emotionally, but physically. She could go nowhere as I wasn’t thinking.

“You know this man?” The winged man asked us. I nodded hoping not to anger the beast.

“He… He’s my brother…” I managed to get out.

“I… I thought he was someone else… I… I’m terribly sorry. I must repay my debts to you. Through the darkest period in Midwel history, I will protect you.”

I couldn’t believe it. First he kills my brother, now he seems to be begging for my forgiveness.

“There are much more dangerous beasts out then myself. I’m going to try and protect you both. I have to… I have to…”



New member
CHAPTER 5: New Friends? Hopefully!

After an hour or so of sitting and crying, I stood up and decided to look around the place for whatever I could find. Would I find some new friends? Hopefully! Food? That’s important! A TV? That’d be great!

I searched and searched for a long time, only thing I found in those few minutes were a few apples and some cereal. Those apples though, tasted so good after losing so much energy after having to run away form some vampires.

Would you believe me if I told you they really were vampires? Would you believe me if I told you there were more then just vampires running around killing people?

I find it hard to believe myself, and at that stage I was still struggling to come to terms with what had just occurred.

I walked around through more of the house, and found… Nothing. Just great, the one house I hide in turns out to be the most pov house in the entire country! Absolutely ****. Unfair, especially after what I’ve just been through.

What could I do? Well the options were open but you know… As the weak kid, I simply chose to sit tight and prey for help.

While I was thinking to myself, sitting in some poor *******’s chair, I started hearing noises from what seemed like it was in the house. I looked around slowly. Thinking that, if I move slowly, maybe the world will to. It’s the kind of random thing you think of in times of fear. To try and keep yourself sane.

I stood up and slowly made my way around the house, looking for whatever was making the noise. Personally I didn’t want to know, and I hoped it was my imagination. I crept into and out of rooms hoping to see who or what ever it was before it saw me so I could know whether to run and hide or to stay and chit chat.

I continued to search, not wanting to find, but the thought of someone else to talk to and tell about my recent run ins with vampires was one that I hoped would become reality.

I heard a noise from the other side of the only door I hadn’t opened in the entire house. I approached the door and stopped in front of it. I put my hand on the door ****, not wanting to open the door. I was unarmed and alone, and if it was a vampire I was as good as dead.

I turned the door **** and slowly pushed the door open. Instantly I heard a loud bang and a hole appeared in the door. I instantly knew it was a bullet and I ran away from the door.

“AH ****!” I yelled. I tried to find somewhere to hide. I looked around.

“You’re human?” I heard a voice yell out. “If so get your *** down here now!”

I slowly walked down the stairs into the basement of the house. I closed the door behind me and looked at everyone else in the room.

“****, Rick you almost shot a kid!” A woman yelled.

“I’m sorry, but you can’t be too careful!” The man who told me to get in the basement started. “And plus, you don’t want to be eaten by a vampire do you? You really want to run that risk?”

“So it’s real?” I asked. “There really are vampires?”

“Yeah, sorry to have to break the news to ya kid. Anyway my names Rick as you heard before, this is my wife over here is Sue. We lost our children to the vampires and are hiding out here pretending like it never happened.”

“I… I lost all my friends… We ran but, everyone got caught.” I explained. “It was horrible…”

We sat and talked about each others lives for a fairly long time after that. It wasn’t the best place but at least I felt safe there. Sue and Rick took me in with pleasure and treated me really well. I hope they aren’t pretending I’m their kids shoved into one being… I feel so sorry for them… To lose so much and all you gain is a strange teenager who just so happened to be intruding on your house after being chased by vampires.

The basement was all I needed. I knew I could survive there until the ordeal is over. But then the thought occurred to me. Will it ever end?



New member
CHAPTER 6: Lucky *****

I watched as Bianca walked over to the door of the hotel room. There was a constant knock going on at the door. She put her hand on the door handle but couldn’t open it. Such a weak being she is. Had I been up there first I wouldn’t have hesitated at all. I had to prove that to her.

I walked up to the door, she moved back. I smiled since I knew victory was mine. I opened the door and looked down when nobody was standing around. It was the trip guide, cut in half, with her intestines spilled all over the ground. It was freakier then when a giant monster spawns right at your location on WoW and you know you can’t kill it. I always thought of that as the scariest thing.

The guide held her hand out to me.

“Help… Me…” Tears we’re streaming down her face. I just stared at her. Bianca at this point was out of my visual radar. The guide’s hand hit the floor and she stopped moving. I walked out of my room, I looked down the hall. There was an open door. I began to approach it slowly and cautiously, no knowing what kinds of things were waiting inside the room for me to come out and play.

I jumped when someone dived out of the door, I could only see down to their stomach. They reached their hand out and attempted to drag themselves out of the room. Suddenly, a strange humanoid beast jumped out of the room ripping it’s claws through the mans body. Bloods soaked into the floor. The beast turned it’s head and looked at me.

I turned and ran away, leaving the door to my hotel room open behind me. The beast didn’t notice Bianca and kept on after me. Lucky *****.

It reminded me of another episode of Battlestar Galactica, but as I said, no point explaining as nobody bothers to watch that show any more.

I pretty much jumped down all the stairs leading to the ground level as if I was wearing a GANTZ suit. Once again something people don’t know about… GANTZ suit? You know? Makes you powerf… Screw it…

The beast continued it chase. When I got into the main lobby a man jumped through the front door holding a gun. He motioned me to move outside, so I ran. He ran past me but the beast simply cut through him before he could fire off a single shot. A few more men ran in, at least they managed to get a shot off. The best didn’t stop though… He kept on moving. He started killing the men one by one. I saw all this through the clear door, so I jumped into the nearest car. Just so happened I chose the right one, just as lucky as winning the moonstone lottery on Last Chaos…

“Where are the others?” The driver asked.

“The thing…” I said. Se I’m very antisocial so this wasn’t ideal for me.

“Yes?” The man asked sounding angry.

“It got them…”

“****…” He started to drive the car away, when he saw one of the gun wielding men run out form the building. He slammed on the brakes and watched the man run towards the car. Suddenly the beast from before jumped out of the door, and using it’s claws ripped a hole into the gun wielding mans back.

The gun wielding man fell to the ground with a twisted, scared look on his face. The monster jumped on him and started ripping him to pieces.

Why all the madness? Why is this happening? Why did they stop making Star Trek: The Next Generation?

All questions with no fair answers. None of which I could answer…



New member
CHAPTER 7: Broken Bones

I could see the fear on Keira’s face more clearly then I could anything else. She was struggling to come to terms with what we were doing.

She had every right to be scared, I was also scared. The man who had just killed our brother, now wanted to help us. It was a strange kind of position to be put in, and we knew we should accept his help, for the sake of our lives. But it seemed unfair to Sam, who was lying dead, ripped to shreds somewhere at the park. It made me sick to think that this man simply jumped and killed my brother, then suddenly decided he wanted to help us pretending to feel guilty.

I was too scared to tell him what I thought though. It wasn’t what he did that scared me, it was his black wings that truly scared me. It was just so unrealistic to see someone with black wings and to have witnessed them doing their job with your own eyes.

He led us around for a while and to me, it totally seemed like he was leading us to nowhere. The walk just kept going, for what felt like hours. Keira was starting to get tired and she was struggling to keep up. She stopped in the middle of a road and looked down, she looked exhausted. Couldn’t blame her though, we had been running for an awfully long time. Since neither of us were extremely fit, we were both stuffed. Breathing became a lot harder, my feet seemed to weight me down and like my sister I also lost the will to carry on.

“We need a break…” I said quietly. The man kept walking. Maybe he didn’t hear me?

“We need a break!” I said louder. He turned and looked at me. He walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. It was only then I noticed that he was still covered in my brothers’ blood. It sent a pain deep inside me to know it was my brothers’ blood, it only backed up the reality of me never seeing him again. It was a hard thought, harder to me then losing my mother only because I didn’t see her death…

“Alright…” He said. He led us into a small building which smelled horrible. He led us into a small room where there was food and drinks for me and Keira to share. We were still pretty messed up emotionally, and I think that is what drained us physically as well. With our current events all will to proceed had been lost.

We feasted upon the various foods that were in the building over a long period of time.

“What are you?” Keira asked the man.

“I’m what they call a Black wing, for obvious reasons. Most black wings are subject to some form of mind control but for some reason the effects didn’t work on me. So I ran off, and searched for the ******* black wings who hunted me. I mistook your brother for one of them. I’m so sorry… It’s the worst mistake one can make…” He started. “We black wings started as a simple disease that’s still going around here in Midwel. I caught it before the incident and I’m only here as I said, to take out the other black wings.”

“I… I forgive you…” Keira stuttered.

“Thankyou… Thankyou so much…” The black wing said.

“What’s your name?” Keira continued to prod. I just sat there praying that her questions didn’t anger him somehow.

We suddenly heard some windows smash. Before the black wing could answer, he was alert and seemingly ready to fight. Bullets flew through the room and me and Keira ducked down.

“Run… Out there…” The black wing ordered us. He yelled at the attackers. “C’MON!!!”

We ran, Keira thanked him for his help and we just ran, refusing to look behind.

“Traitor…” We heard as we ran away.

“Your gonna pay traitor!” Was the last voice we heard, followed by more gunshots. Another one of those unknown fate’s I was writing about earlier. The black wing we n ever knew the name of who tried to help us was no longer with us.

We still tired, we ran as fast as we possible could into an adjacent house. The door was unlocked, and the inside looked like it was thoroughly searched through with the use of force. There was only one door unopened in the entire house, and we were hearing noises from the other side of the door.

“Should we have a look?” I asked Keira. She looked up at me, she was about to answer but dropped her head, she had no will to continue.

“We’ll look later…” I told her. “For now we’ll go upstairs and we’ll sleep.”

We made our way into a bedroom as fast and quietly as possible. Keira was behind me, and she was breathing heavily. I could clearly hear her breathing which was a little scary for me. It could have been anything that was causing her, but of course I tried to convince myself it was just exhaustion.

It doesn’t seem like a massive deal, someone breathing heavily in such a situation, however think about it… With all the strange stuff that’s been going on, maybe it’s something bad happening… Maybe she had the mysterious black wing disease that our ex companion had mentioned… I was scared, but I had to be strong for her. If she lost it we were dead, especially if the black wings were chasing us. But then, if that was the case, they’d probably search everywhere nearby for us so we’d be dead anyway. So much was going through my mind.

“Pete…” Keira said as we lay down on a queen sized bed.

“Yeah?” I replied trying to sound calm.

“We need to do something tomorrow…” She said to me. “We have to do it.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“We can’t open the door…” Her eyes got sleepy. She was about to fall asleep… “We have to go find Stephen…”



New member
CHAPTER 8: Leave The Basement

“I can’t stay here…” I told the parents. I wanted to go find my family. I missed them… And I wanted to know how my brother was doing, since he fell ill not too long before I was chased by *** damned vampires.

“You have to…” Rick begged me. “You can’t leave.”

“We can’t afford to lose you to…” Sue was sounding insane.

“Then can we at least go for a walk?” I said, planing the whole time to run away, I felt safety wasn’t in numbers, unless those numbers are huge and heavily armed.

“Okay…” Sue agreed reluctantly. She made it too obvious she didn’t want to leave the safety of the basement, but she knew that I wasn’t going to be contained.

We walked up the stairs out of the basement, I led the way. They followed me, watching my every move. That was pretty creepy, I had only just met these people…

I led them out of the house, I prayed to be saved. I’d never been in a situation like this and it sucks, let me tell you.

We walked around the abandoned streets of Midwel, I was hoping to see more signs of life, I hated being the only one other then these two, freaks.

I made my way through more streets. I was unhappy, I needed to survive. I couldn’t do so with these people. That’s when the vampires came back. I saw one running at me and the ‘folks’. I turned and ran, the folks tried to follow me, but Sue was quickly attacked and torn apart by the vampire. I looked behind and saw both of the folks on the ground with vampires tearing their insides out. I nearly threw up. Intestines everywhere. So not the kind of thing a Winston like me should whitness.

Two things went through my mind…

First thing being get the **** out of here of course, secondly, thank *** she’s gone…

I ran as fast as I could back to the house, once again, I was the fastest of the group so I got away. Turns out it’s cooler to be faster then stronger.

I ran into the basement and closed the door. It was all I could do. Vampires running the streets… That’s pretty ****** up, not something you want to get in the way of.

I walked over to a set up bed and went to sleep, I was so tired. I was out like a light, which was funny because I never used to sleep good when I was scared.

Maybe it was confidence in my speed? I did feel pretty good… Ha ha ha.

I woke up to the sound of an alarm. A battery powered clock was the culprit.

“3:00” Was displayed on the screen.

“Holy ****…” I let out. I heard noises from upstairs. I ran up the stairs not thinking about what I was doing. I opened the door and looked around. I crept up the stairs of the house and walked towards the bedroom. The door was closed. I opened it a little and peeked inside. There were a couple of people in the bed, a boy and a girl, probably about my age. The boy looked up at me, I stared back.

I shat my pants and ran. I ran down stairs and into the basement. I closed the door and sat next to it. I could have sworn the dude was a vampire.

“I ******* hate vampires!” I exclaimed. I was crying by this stage, shows how tough I am.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I was ******** bricks. The footsteps stopped at the door and I heard a voice.

“Hello?” The voice asked.

I didn’t respond. I was far too scared. I didn’t know if vampires could talk English or not, so for all I knew, a vamp was about to kill me.

“C’mon don’t be a jackass!” The voice was aggressive. “I heard your comment about the vampires, I need somewhere safe to stay. I’m not a vampire…”

“Go away…” I responded. “Go away…”

“Please! My sister is in a bad way! She needs a safe place to stay… Please!”

I had to think about it. Could I trust him?

“O… Okay… Only your sister.” There was a pause. It felt like a long time.

“Deal…” The voice sounded as if it had lost all hope.

I didn’t ask his name, I didn’t care. I let his sister in, she was stumbling around, she was in a bad way. She collapsed on my bed. MY bed…

“*** damnit” I thought selfishly. “Where the **** am I gonna sleep?”

Aggression was out. It was no longer about my family, now all I wanted was my bed back… But after so long of being a wuss… I didn’t have the ***** to tell her to move… or even to talk to her for that matter.

What the **** had I got myself into?



New member
CHAPTER 9: For The Next Generation? Nah!

The car was stuffed. No way we would get that going. I felt as defeated as Picard on Next Generation must have felt all the time. Only he had more courage then I.

The history of the crash is, the idiot driver didn’t want to run over one of the beast things that attacked us earlier, so he tried to dodge it. We hit it anyway, crushing it between a wall and the car. **** thing deserved to die.

“We’re pretty far from where we should be…” The driver said as if someone was going to respond. Everyone but me and him were dead. The crash messed us up bad. I was angry but not in the mood to start a fight. So I walked off.

“Where are you going?” The man asked me.

“Away from you…” I said.

“That’s dangerous!”

“So are car accidents…”


I moved into a nearby building and locked it up. I’m a pretty smart person, I study the layouts of typical buildings before I go places. Something I have access to that is really handy. I was hiding all through the building, changing my position at any possible times.

There were tonnes of people in one room. No they weren’t alive. All we’re hanging off of the roof. That made me sick. I vomited on the floor right in the doorway.

My character on WoW was a similar sight once… And that’s how I kept my mind off the bad ****. Using WoW. Very handy skill to have. It reduces stress to, but for stress I compare to Star Trek.

I stayed in the building for a long time, not a lot was supposed to happen. But a lot did happen. I found the building full of sort of… Soldiers very soon. They boarded up the doors and everything else. I was hiding in the room, feeling safe because there was people with guns to protect me, and they would have no idea they would be. Or so I though.

“What the ****?” A soldier guy yelled at me. “You scared me!”

“I…” I had nothing to say. What did I do wrong?

“Get out from under there…” He laughed at me.

I moved out of my hiding place and stood up. All the soldiers looked pretty happy. They had supplies of the insane kind.

“We were forced back here…” The nice soldier explained. “The black wings have weapons to, it’s a war out there.”

“Are they coming lad?” Another solider asked who was much older.

“Yeah. They’ll be here soon, that why we are on high alert.”

He wasn’t wrong. About half an hour later, windows and doors began to fall down and get smashed in.

“FIRE AT WILL!” The nice soldier ordered. The soldiers fired at the enemy. The enemy had black wings, probably why they were called black wings. The soldiers took cover in any way they could, but they were surrounded. I was in the middle of this, unarmed.

Soldiers and black wings were dying all around me, it was hard to take.

Bang Bang! Was all I could hear, which isn’t a good thing, anyone knows that. The black wings just kept coming, I knew we were in for a long siege.

The nice soldier ran over to me and yelled at me.

“You need to keep your head down and go over to that man, and tell him that we need to hurry this up. Tell him word it, vampires are planning to crash our little party.” He yelled. “Go now!”

I could tell he wasn’t a real soldier, probably a rebellion leader like from Star Wars only against demons and or whatever is killing everyone. Bullets whizzed passed me. I was constantly witnessing bullets fly into flesh and kill men.

“What did he say?” The soldier the nice man told me to talk to yelled.

“Vampires, on their way.” I said.

“WHAT?” He yelled, he couldn’t hear me.

“HE SAID, HURRY UP. VAMPIRES ARE COMING!” I yelled. His eyes widened.

“DON’T WORRY ABOUT ACCURACY, JUST SHOOT! WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!” He yelled. Bullets were now flying more commonly, inducing a lot more death. Too much for me to handle, just like Dragonball Z… Like 200 Episodes too many!



New member
I know it's going dry right now but there will be improvements as soon as I get some sugar in my system


New member
just wanna announce to those who actualy read this, I have fallen a bit behind with school so that's taking slight priority for now, will write more as soon as possible
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