Mike Huckleberry's running for president of Christian Americans


Harry Hope

From A Washington Post editorial, 12/21/07:

'Christian Leader'

Finding the true meaning of Mike Huckabee's Christmas ad

Friday, December 21, 2007; Page A34

IS MIKE HUCKABEE running to be president of all Americans, or just the
Christian ones?

The former Arkansas governor, who has catapulted into the front ranks
of GOP presidential contenders, is broadcasting a television ad this
week that raises the question.

As a technical matter, the ad is a beauty.

"Silent Night" plays softly in the background.

The camera focuses on Mr. Huckabee, clad in a red sweater.

Behind him is a bookcase, its intersecting shelves lighted up in the
form of a glowing white cross.

"Are you about worn out of all the television commercials you're
seeing, mostly about politics? I don't blame you," Mr. Huckabee, a
Southern Baptist minister, says soothingly, as the camera pans to show
a Christmas tree.

"At this time of year, sometimes it's nice to pull aside from all of
that and just remember that what really matters is the celebration of
the birth of Christ and being with our family and our friends. I hope
that you and your family will have a magnificent Christmas season."

"My faith is my life -- it defines me," Mr. Huckabee likes to say, and
we respect that conviction.

What gives us pause is a continuing theme in Mr. Huckabee's rhetoric
that does not seem to give equal respect to -- or, at times, even
acknowledge the existence of -- those of other faiths, or of no faith
at all.

As much as Mr. Huckabee would like to dismiss them as such, these
concerns have nothing to do with a politically correct "war on

We don't have any problem with candidates taking time to wish voters
"Merry Christmas," as several other candidates are doing in ads this

But unlike Mr. Huckabee's, their ads do not send an explicitly and
exclusively Christian message -- and while Mr. Huckabee says people
who imagine a gleaming white cross are suffering from overactive
imaginations, we invite you to look at the ad and judge for yourself.

Telling voters -- in a political commercial -- that "what really
matters is the celebration of the birth of Christ" may speak to the
evangelical Christians Mr. Huckabee is counting on in Iowa;

it sends a different and exclusionary message to non-Christian

In 1998, Mr. Huckabee spoke of the need to "take this nation back for
Christ," though he told Tim Russert this year, "I'd probably phrase it
a little differently today."

Would he?

An earlier Huckabee ad in Iowa opened with the words "Christian
leader" emblazoned on the screen.

It's disappointing that Mr. Huckabee has responded so dismissively to
the criticism the ad has generated.

"I mean, it's just beyond ridiculous," he told NBC's "Today" on

"You can't even say 'Merry Christmas' without people getting all
sensitive about it."

And, "I totally am amazed that people are so sensitive these days."


Huckleberry's kinda insensitive, ain't he

Harry Hope <rivrvu@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> From A Washington Post editorial, 12/21/07:
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dy...7/12/20/AR2007122001941.html?nav=rss_opinions
> 'Christian Leader'
> Finding the true meaning of Mike Huckabee's Christmas ad
> Friday, December 21, 2007; Page A34
> IS MIKE HUCKABEE running to be president of all Americans, or just the
> Christian ones?

I am a Canadian, I possess a degree in political science, plus an MBA.

I'm friends with CBC's Judy Madrin's husband, who is now in his 30th year as an
Anglican Canon. Canon Tim Elliot is a good guy for sure.

I still don't dig this religious stuff.

In fact, Canadians regard religious people as being odd. It's ok to be a
religious person, but the folks in our elections beliefs have little to do with
our regard for the person elected.

Evidently, it's not so in the USA.

I am essentially an Atheist. If someone in the USA claimed to be like me, he
would be set under the torch as a Hertic!

And you people have problems with fundamentalist Islamic retards!
On Sat, 22 Dec 2007 11:50:38 -0500, Dwayne Hoobler
<dwaynehoobler@yahoo.com> wrote:

>I am a Canadian, I possess a degree in political science, plus an MBA.

Someone call the CARE POLICE>!!!!
Pedro Sanchez, Professional Mexican <Dr.PedroSanchez@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 22 Dec 2007 11:50:38 -0500, Dwayne Hoobler
> <dwaynehoobler@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >I am a Canadian, I possess a degree in political science, plus an MBA.

> Someone call the CARE POLICE>!!!!

Americans and their Mexican problem.

Another case of guns not keeping the citizens of America free.

Why aren't you out there with YOUR GUNS! Why don't you use YOUR GUNS to tell
Bush that he's an asshole who lets those people in?

I thought that Americans were free BECAUSE OF THEIR GUNS!


You fat slobs.
On Sat, 22 Dec 2007 13:53:39 -0500, Johnny Rotten <jrotten@yahoo.com>

>Pedro Sanchez, Professional Mexican <Dr.PedroSanchez@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, 22 Dec 2007 11:50:38 -0500, Dwayne Hoobler
>> <dwaynehoobler@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> >I am a Canadian, I possess a degree in political science, plus an MBA.

>> Someone call the CARE POLICE>!!!!

>Americans and their Mexican problem.
>Another case of guns not keeping the citizens of America free.
>Why aren't you out there with YOUR GUNS! Why don't you use YOUR GUNS to tell
>Bush that he's an asshole who lets those people in?
>I thought that Americans were free BECAUSE OF THEIR GUNS!
>You fat slobs.

Harry Hope wrote:
> From A Washington Post editorial, 12/21/07:
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dy...7/12/20/AR2007122001941.html?nav=rss_opinions
> 'Christian Leader'
> Finding the true meaning of Mike Huckabee's Christmas ad
> Friday, December 21, 2007; Page A34
> IS MIKE HUCKABEE running to be president of all Americans, or just the
> Christian ones?
> The former Arkansas governor, who has catapulted into the front ranks
> of GOP presidential contenders, is broadcasting a television ad this
> week that raises the question.
> As a technical matter, the ad is a beauty.
> "Silent Night" plays softly in the background.
> The camera focuses on Mr. Huckabee, clad in a red sweater.
> Behind him is a bookcase, its intersecting shelves lighted up in the
> form of a glowing white cross.
> "Are you about worn out of all the television commercials you're
> seeing, mostly about politics? I don't blame you," Mr. Huckabee, a
> Southern Baptist minister, says soothingly, as the camera pans to show
> a Christmas tree.
> "At this time of year, sometimes it's nice to pull aside from all of
> that and just remember that what really matters is the celebration of
> the birth of Christ and being with our family and our friends. I hope
> that you and your family will have a magnificent Christmas season."
> "My faith is my life -- it defines me," Mr. Huckabee likes to say, and
> we respect that conviction.
> What gives us pause is a continuing theme in Mr. Huckabee's rhetoric
> that does not seem to give equal respect to -- or, at times, even
> acknowledge the existence of -- those of other faiths, or of no faith
> at all.
> As much as Mr. Huckabee would like to dismiss them as such, these
> concerns have nothing to do with a politically correct "war on
> Christmas."
> We don't have any problem with candidates taking time to wish voters
> "Merry Christmas," as several other candidates are doing in ads this
> week.
> But unlike Mr. Huckabee's, their ads do not send an explicitly and
> exclusively Christian message -- and while Mr. Huckabee says people
> who imagine a gleaming white cross are suffering from overactive
> imaginations, we invite you to look at the ad and judge for yourself.
> Telling voters -- in a political commercial -- that "what really
> matters is the celebration of the birth of Christ" may speak to the
> evangelical Christians Mr. Huckabee is counting on in Iowa;
> it sends a different and exclusionary message to non-Christian
> Americans.

Actually, even Catholic Americans are starting to have problems with
Huckabee. Huck is now campaigning with certain fundamentalist
Protestant activists who are famously anti-Catholic--calling Catholicism
the work of the Devil, etc.

> _____________________________________________
> Huckleberry's kinda insensitive, ain't he

I've been a political conservative since I was in high school. But I'm
really turned off by Huckabee. I'm not that kind of conservative. I
was a big fan of Milton Friedman. And Friedman was a Jew.

Huckabee is almost the exact opposite of me: An economic populist,
foreign-policy naif and a Bible-thumper. Just invert those to their
opposites and you have a good description of my views.

Steven L.
Email: sdlitvin@earthlinkNOSPAM.net
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