Mike Shinoda's Artwork


New member
Hey, Im doing a art assignment and I was wondering if anyone had any pictures, new articles, websites, interviews etc, about Mike Shinoda and his artwork.

Im especially after images and articles.




New member
look around ur LP gear and FM gear, more or not likely shinoda desgined it ^^

or u can take a look at the website of the art skool shinoda went to? that might help

or jus google it i spose....

good luk wif da assignment!



New member
yeh, I know mikes stuff is on all the albums and stuff, but im talking bout any other stuff, like the bit where Joe and Mike show off their stuff in frat party.

EDIT: Also, any info, pics etc on Joes art would be cool. :thumbsup:



New member
ok hmm maybe we can take screenshots of Frat Party and such.

I do have 1 pic of a huge drawing Mike did in a foreign country when they toured there. Not sure what country. Anyways, the huge mural thing is still hanging there and it says "Will be finished later. -MShinoda" lol I could upload that.

Theres the Xero artwork....theres the Frat Party stuff...album stuff...Making of TRT has some good artwork by Mike. Only other thing I can think of is the 2nd Xero art piece shown in the Papercut video.



New member
^ Well then Hahn why don't you upload it? Talking about it won't do him any good. Also could you PM the stuff about Mike's drawing in another country? I know I've heard that somewhere but like you, can't seem to remember where.


New member
mister han rocks, did u see his drawings of the monster on the meteor album? man that was so wicked, it was all done on the day!

haha typical shinoda, hes prolly jus leaving it there jus for the sake of it

roflmao! joe hahns IMASBITCH is a good laff xD

its a pretty good paintin



New member
then spell his name right :p and capitalise proper nouns

-this grammar service brought to you by DJ T-Rey.... ... .. . er... yea



New member
sorry ^^, meesta hahn ^^

shood the meteora dvd hav the art on there? im not sure since i didng et a chance to buy it >:[

but maybe they wood have a lil more expansiveness on that art day for meteora? u can see wat mike did

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