Mike singing in MOS


New member
hey i dint know that..i think theres something wrong with my ears or something..im gonna listen to it again. :eek:
Wow thats cool. I finanlly realized after the 3rd time listening that it was Mike cuz I didnt know what was the second verse.. lol :p It sounded like Mike was drunk or something cuz he kept saying "Yo Yo Yo!" and "You wanna help us with this ****?" and "what the **** is going on" I thought it was hilarous!

Unless thats how the song goes.. Cuz I dunno :D



New member
It's like this: Chaz sings the first part, and then comes an instrumental guitar part, and then Mike sings some lines, one of them is "...need, for shelter".

I think it's way cool. I mean I've heard a lot of back up vocals by Mike, but not so much singing, so I'm like listening to this 5 times each time I get on my computer right now.



New member
Hey, thanks Fribby. I haven't heard a lot of Mike singing, so I look forward to hearing this. *downloading it now*
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