Mike want to get arrested?!!?


its been real
Mar 8, 2006
South Africa

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Movie & Entertainment News provided by World Entertainment News Network (www.wenn.com)
2007-04-06 13:56:10 -

LINKIN PARK frontman MIKE SHINODA harbours a bizarre secret urge - to get arrested by police.
The musician and record producer insists there's no faster way to earn respect from pals than an encounter with cops.
He says, "I think it would be cool to get arrested to a certain degree... I feel like you get high fives from your buddies for getting arrested.
"If you had a sword fight with your buddy that would be so cool, it's a very tough, manly thing to do. And I'm obviously equating getting arrested with swordplay in my sick mind."


*credit to hybridx from LPU*
i have read that some where too but cant remember where i htink it was in an interview posted on her a few days ago
Well... I guess... it could just make sense... a little. Not really. But arrested meaning taken to the police station or being jailed? Cuz jail food can't be good.

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