[MikeScript] Code Generator Class


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There isnt a web development section so i posted it here

Hey, i made a simple Code Generator class for people who need a code to be generator

Script Options:

- Characters Used (Like only use a-z).

- Colums In Code

- Characters Per Colum.

So if you set Characters to:


Colums to:


And Characters Per Colum to:


The output should look something like this:


There is a sample.php file in the download. Also a How To Add.txt file.

Download Here



Active Members
Wait so this is for people who issue serials to people that buy products from them?

I'm slightly confused, explain more please?



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I made a site called LicenseGEN where developers could license their scripts and keep them protected - this would be the sort of thing that would generate the license keys.
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